?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameQuirinus Bowl
Organizer NAF nameCoach_Dude (21781)
OrganizerMarcel Graics
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2022-07-10
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2022-07-10
NAF Fee Includedyes
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


arioso (18378)Amazon
Quirinus Trophy

Runner up

Most Touchdowns

Octochicken (32659)Vampire
Nüsser Grenadier

Most Casualties

Eldryr (25631)Old World Alliance
Der Fetzer

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Octochicken (32659)Vampire
Best Newcomer - Der Eierdieb
Upgradde (32701)Shambling Undead
Woodenspoon - Horst Schlusslichter
Tournament Location
AddressIm Dom
 Michaelstrasse 75-77

Ruleset Document

Quirinus Bowl I.

Datum: Sonntag, 10. Juli 2022
Ort: Im Dom (Michaelstrasse 75-77, 41460 Neuss, https://imdom.de)
Zeitraum: 10:00 - 20:00
Teilnehmergebühr: 15€
Kontakt: Coach_Dude@outlook.de

Willkommen zum ersten Quirinus Bowl!

Zusätzlich zu jeder Trophäe gibt es eine passende Miniatur zu gewinnen!!

Quirinus Trophy

Nüsser Grenadier
(Most TD)

Der Fetzer
(Most CAS)

Schluss Lichter

Der Eierdieb
(Best Stunty
bei min. 2 Stuntyteams
/ Tier 5)

Gespielt werden 3 Spiele im Schweizer System in Anlehnung an die Eurobowl Regeln.

Es ist ein offizielles NAF Turnier, eine NAF Mitgliedschaft ist erforderlich, damit die Spiele von andern NAF Mitgliedern offiziell gewertet werden können.
Bitte sprecht mich am Anfang der Anmeldung an, wenn ihr keine NAF Mitgliedschaft habt! (Bekommen wir schon geregelt ;D )
Neben originalen GW Teams sind auch Teams anderer Hersteller zugelassen.
Bei nicht klar zuzuordnenden Teams/Modellen bitte Rücksprache mit mir schon bei der Anmeldung halten! Ich nehme mir raus nicht eindeutig erkennbare und nicht mit mir abgeklärte Teams (Miniaturen) auszuschließen!

Alle Miniaturen müssen „Battleready“ bemalt sein und einen farbigen Baserand ihrer Position entsprechend haben! (s. Eurobowl)

Skillcodierung wird auch vom Eurobowl übernommen.

Abweichungen davon sind bei der Anmeldung, spätestens jedoch am Spieltag mit mir zu klären!!

Zu dem ist die Teilnahmegebühr bei Anmeldung zu entrichten!
Nur mit eingegangener (von mir bestätigt) Gebühr gilt die Anmeldung als abgeschlossen.


Was ich von euch brauche:

Name (bürgerlicher)
Coachname (NAF)
NAF Nummer
15€ per PayPal Familie&Freunde
Gute Laune

Gespielt wird nach den aktuellen Regeln 05/2022. Dies beinhaltet BB2020 Regeln inkl dem aktuellen FAQ!

Die Eurobowlregeln sind kopiert. Bei Fragen oder Unklarheiten bitte immer mich anschreiben!

Team Building
Each Team has a total of 1,150,000gp to spend on roster creation and must hire a minimum of 11 Players.

Any GP unspent at roster creation are lost and all Teams are considered to have the same Current Team Value (CTV) for the purpose of inducements and prayers to Nuffle.

This is a resurrection tournament, no SPP are gained, and injuries, casualties or deaths do not carry on from one game to the next.

Players added to a Team roster mid game as a result of the Masters of Undeath or Plague Ridden special rule are removed from the roster at the end of the game and do not carry on to the next.

Permitted inducements are:
• Halfling Master Chef 0-1
• Bloodweiser Kegs 0-2
• Bribes 0-3 (Bribes cannot be taken in a Team with a Player that starts with, or is given the Sneaky Git Skill. Bribes gained from the ‘Get The Ref’ kick-off result are still allowed.)
• Wandering Apothecaries 0-2
• Mortuary Assistant 0-1
• Plague Doctor 0-1

All other inducements including Star Players are not permitted unless indicated by the Tier Restrictions below.

Teams are separated into 1 of 5 Tiers and offered Tier specific skills packs (labelled A to D).

Each Team is permitted to stack 2 Primary Skills on a maximum of 1 Player at the cost of both 1 Primary Skill and 1 Secondary Skill. This can only be done once.
All skills must be chosen and cannot be random.


A Coach playing with a Human Team, chooses to use skill pack ‘B’. They stack Mighty Blow (+1) and Tackle onto one Blitzer. Doing so would cost the Coach 1 Primary and 1 Secondary Skill at Team creation.

A Player who is assigned a secondary skill may choose to take a primary skill instead.

For Skill packs which allow star Players, the following Star Players have an additional skill cost as specified below:

• Griff Oberwald, Morg’N’Thorg: 3 Primary Skills
• Deeproot Strongbranch, Hakflem Skuttlespike, Kreek Rustgouger, Wilhelm Chaney: 1 Primary Skill
If the Team does not have enough skills available in the chosen skill pack to pay the above skill cost, that star Player cannot be taken.
Each star Player may only be included once in a Squad.
Star Players can only be induced after 11 Players have already been rostered.


1. A Coach playing with a Halfling Team, chooses to use skill pack ‘D’. They want to add both Griff Oberwald and Deeproot Strongbranch to the Roster. These two Star Players cost an additional 4 skills in total, however skill pack ‘D’ only gives a total of 3 primary skills and therefore the Coach cannot induce this combination of star Players.

2. A Coach playing with a Wood Elf Team, chooses to use skill pack ‘C’. They want to add Morg’N’Thorg to the Roster. This costs them 3 skills and leaves the Team with 0 additional skills to assign to the rest of the roster. Once Morg’N’Thorg has been induced by this Coach no other Coach in the Squad may also induce Morg’N’Thorg.

Should two Players with the same Star Player face each other, the wizards of the Maltese islands will clone that star Player such that both Coaches can make use of the Star Player.

Tier 1
Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, Lizardmen, Orcs, Shambling Undead, Wood Elf:
A. 6 Primary Skills
B. 4 Primary Skills + 1 Secondary Skills
C. 3 Primary Skills + Access to 1 Star Player
D. 0 Primary Skill + Access to 2 Star Players

Tier 2
Amazon, Human, Necromantic Horror, Norse (2022), Skaven, Underworld Denizens:
A. 7 Primary Skills
B. 5 Primary Skills + 1 Secondary Skill
C. 4 Primary Skills + Access to 1 Star Player
D. 1 Primary Skills + Access to 2 Star Players

Tier 3
Black Orc, Chaos Chosen, Elven Union, Imperial Nobility, Khorne, Nurgle, Slaan, Tomb Kings:
A. 7 Primary Skills + 1 Secondary Skill
B. 5 Primary Skills + 2 Secondary Skills
C. 5 Primary Skills + Access to 1 Star Player
D. 2 Primary Skills + Access to 2 Star Players

Tier 4
Chaos Renegades, High Elf, Old World Alliance, Vampire:
A. 8 Primary Skills + 1 Secondary Skill
B. 6 Primary Skills + 2 Secondary Skill
C. 6 Primary Skills + Access to 1 Star Player
D. 3 Primary Skills + Access to 2 Star Players

Tier 5
Goblin, Halfling, Ogre, Snotling:
A. 8 Primary Skills + 2 Secondary Skills
B. 6 Primary Skills + 3 Secondary Skill
C. 6 Primary Skills + Access to 1 Star Player
D. 3 Primary Skills + Access to 2 Star Players

Miniatures representing Players are to be painted up to tabletop standard, defined as follows:
1. Each major element on a miniature is defined by an appropriate colour, e.g., flesh/skin versus armour/cloth
2. Bases are finished with paint or flocking material, e.g., sand/grass
3. No primer or bare metal/plastic shows anywhere on the miniature
Thematic proxy miniatures are allowed. For instance, using bats as vampires is fine but using an orc to represent a human is not.
Different Player types for the race being played by the Coach need to be identifiable. It is suggested that Players are additionally identified by use of colour coded bases, and the following colour coded bases are suggested:
• Grey/none: Lineman
• Red: Blitzer
• Green: Blocker
• White: Thrower
• Yellow: Catcher, Runner

Additional skills must be clearly identified on the respective miniature.
We encourage the following colour codes for skill markers
• Blue: Block
• Yellow: Dodge
• Green: Guard
• White: Wrestle
• Red/Orange: Mighty Blow (+1) / Tackle
Skills not in the above list must still be clearly identified with a different colour of your choice.
Win = 2 Coach points
Draw = 1 Coach points
Loss = 0 Coach points
Concession = -1 Coach points


1st – Head-to-Head
2nd – Opponent score
3rd – Net TDs
4th – Net CAS (only casualties which would award SPP will be counted)
5th – Random

Rules of Conduct


All games will have a 2hour 15minute time limit. On Time-up all Coaches are required to put down dice and submit the results.

If one of the two Coaches facing off requests that a chess clock is implemented this must be implemented immediately dividing the remaining minutes (rounding down) by 2.

We strongly recommend that a chess clock is implemented immediately if 60 minutes or less are left and at least one Coach is not in the 2nd turn of the 2nd half.
Once implemented chess clocks can only be paused by a referee.

Should a Coach’s time run out on the chess clock, during their turn, that Coach can only stand-up Players and turn stunned Players to the prone position.

If a Coach suspects that their opponent is wasting time, they are to call a referee immediately.

Should the above not be adhered to referees and organisers will implement the penalty system below immediately.
Personal Conduct

We understand that Blood Bowl is a particularly emotional game and that Nuffle is a fickle master, however at no point should this be an excuse to abuse your opponent (verbally or otherwise), or to interrupt or impact other games.

We must all understand that attendees all come from different backgrounds, cultures, and ways of seeing things. Words and actions need to be more measured in such an environment. While swearing and a flying dice cup is acceptable in certain areas, it isn’t in others. We will not expect abuse from or to anyone especially referees and organising team. There will be a zero-tolerance policy and penalties below will be enforced.

Dice cups, trays and towers are not only permitted but encouraged.
If one of the two Coaches facing off requests that one dice pool is used this must be done. The organisers reserve the right to change this rule as required by any COVID restrictions at the time.

At the start of game Coaches facing off are encouraged to define for their game how to handle cocked dice and dice which escape from dice cups.

If a Coach suspects their opponent of misconduct, they are to call a referee immediately.

Should the above not be adhered to referees and organisers will implement the penalty system below immediately.

Star Players

For ease of reference, the below star players are the ones allowed:

• Akhorne the Squirrel
• Crumbleberry & Grak
• Deeproot Strongbranch
• Eldril Sidewinder
• Frank ‘n’ Stein
• Glart Smashrip
• Gloriel Summerbloom
• Grak & Crumbleberry
• Gretchen Wachter
• Griff Oberwald
• Grim Ironjaw
• Grombrindal the White Dwarf
• Hakflem Skuttlespike
• Helmut Wulf
• Karla Von Kill
• Kreek ‘the Verminator’ Rustgouger
• Lord Borak the Despoiler
• Lucien Swift & Valen Swift
• Max Spleenripper
• Mighty Zug
• Morg ‘n’ Thorg
• Roxanna Darknail
• Rumbelow Sheepskin
• Scyla Anfigrimm
• Skrull Halfheight
• The Black Gobbo
• Valen Swift & Lucien Swift
• Varag Ghoul-Chewer
• Wilhelm Chaney
• Willow Rosebark
• Zolcath the Zoat

Es steht eine Regel über allen:

Die Orga (ich) hat immer Recht!

Wir dürfen alle nicht vergessen, neben den ganzen zusätzlichen Vorgaben und dem Wettbewerb:

Blood Bowl ist ein Spiel!

Spiele sollen Leute zusammenbringen und Spaß machen!
Nichts anderes soll beim Quirinus Bowl auch im Fokus stehen! Nette Leute treffen und Spaß haben!
Lasst uns zusammen lachen und weinen (hoffentlich vor lachen!)

Damit viel Spaß
euer Coach Dude


Quirinus - https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quirinus_von_Neuss
Der Fetzer - https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathias_Weber
Nüsser Jrenadeer - https://www.neusser-grenadierkorps.de
Horst (Schluss) Lichter - https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horst_Lichter
Der Eierdieb - http://www.karl-heinz-burghartz.de/unsere-stadt/wussten-sie-schon/der-eierdieb/index.html
FAQ 05/2022 - https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/MnBHGU164Kn1dSer.pdf
Eurobowl - http://www.eurobowl.eu/2022/
NAF - https://www.thenaf.net/members-area/join-the-naf/

(Approved - Twyllenimor 01.06.2022)

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