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Tournament NameBlood Bowl NE1? presents the Monster Bash
Organizer NAF nameTheCowDaddy (26282)
OrganizerDavid McMorine
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2022-11-20
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2022-11-20
StyleSwiss, resurrection
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Yudlugar (28903)Goblin

Runner up

Burtblahblahblah (26897)Underworld Denizens

Most Touchdowns

sn34kyb4c0n (29846)Khorne

Most Casualties

Summ3rs (32548)Black Orc

Stunty Cup

shipaz (28229)Ogre

Best Painted

Wynters_Dad (30943)Chaos Renegade

Other Awards

Breakmonker (27613)Khorne
Most Podcast Hosts Beaten
willj88 (30679)Lizardmen
Wooden Spoon
benbowbaggins (30987)Snotling
3rd Place
Tournament Location
AddressUnit G13,
 Morton Pk Wy,
StateCounty Durham
ZipDL1 4PQ,
NationUnited Kingdom

Ruleset Document

The Blood Bowl NE1? Podcast presents - Monster Bash 2022. - 20 November 2022

“It's close to kick off and something evil's lurking on the field. Under the flood lights you see a sight that almost stops your heart. You try to scream, but terror takes the sound before you make it, you start to freeze as horror looks you right between the eyes, you're paralyzed and no one's gonna save you from the beast about to Blitz!
Once a year monsters, beasts and supernatural creatures rise from their dark places. They are drawn to the mayhem, destruction and carnage of one very special event. Banners are raised for the teams courageous enough to make the trip. Witches pull out and dust off their crystal balls, tuning into cabal vision so they do not miss the action. As is tradition, the scariest looking monsters, judged worthy, get to join their favourite team as a good luck charm. Hopefully inspiring their heroes on to glory and the trophy they all seek.
For this is the Monster Bash”

Monster Bash 2022 is a one day, three-match resurrection style tournament. This means all players return to their starting status after each game regardless of any events which may have occurred in a preceding match. The first matchups between coaches will be drawn randomly with the remainder based on the Swiss tournament format.
• Points
o 30 per win
o 10 per draw
o 0 per loss
o Bonus points (Max 1 bp per game)
 1 bonus point for winning by 2+ TD
 1 point for gaining 3+ CAS
 1 Point for your Mascot Providing a reroll in both halves of the match.

Final standings will be ranked using a system of tiebreakers in the following order:
• Points
• Strength of schedule
• Net TD’s & CAS

Team building
Each coach is allocated 1,150,000 gold coins to spend on team building. Team building includes purchasing players, staff, rerolls, permitted inducements and dedicated fans. All normal rules for team building apply and you are required to have 11 players before adding a star player to any team. Although star players and their special rules are permitted, they are limited based on your races tier and the fact that only certain star players have shown an interest in competing in the tournament.
“Upon hearing of the Monster Bash, Ogre star player Morg N Thorg, who rather famously is not a fan of the undead, registered his dissatisfaction of the event with the NAF. When they went against his wishes and decided to allow the event to go ahead, Morg called together all the star players he could find. (and knew the name of) Then, after putting across his side of the story, presenting his argument against the event and debating the issues in a calm and sophisticated manner, Morg banned all of the star players present from attending the event on pain of death.”

All inducements including those from Spike Magazines and Death zone publications are allowed unless stated otherwise. Inducements and stars which are not permitted are as follows:
• Star Players - Morg N Thorg, Griff Oberwald, Hakflem Skuttlespike, Deeproot, The White Dwarf.
• Mercenaries. (This includes both the mercenaries from the 2020 rules and the Fabulous Freebooters in Death Zone)
• Wizards
• Stadiums
• Sponsors
If Riotous Rookies are hired they are rolled before each match, please ensure you have painted miniatures for the extra journeymen, which can be identified as the rookies.
As is tradition at Monster Bash each coach gets a free monster to join their squad, maybe scare the opposing coach and hopefully add some luck to the proceedings. This monster takes the form of a mascot (rules for a mascot are on page 39 of the Death zone rule book) for the entirety of the tournament. The monster mascot is free and does not count towards team value for the purpose of team building. You must provide a painted model to represent your mascot.

All skills are chosen and are not allowed to be random.
Only tier 4 teams have access to stat increases, however you can only choose to take a stat increase at the cost of a star player spot. For example a Halfling coach could take two star players or one star player and one stat increase or two stat increases only. They can’t take two stars and two increases.
Stacking is not allowed and all players can only have one skill increase regardless of tier. (including stat increases)
Any unspent cash from upgrades can be spent on team building however unspent cash from team building cannot be spent on upgrades.

The amount available for upgrades and the amount of stars you can hire depends on your races tier as shown below:
Tier Upgrade cash Star Players Skills
1. Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, Humans, Lizardmen, Orcs, Shambling Undead, Skaven, Amazon, 130,000 0 Primary/ secondary
2. Black Orcs, Elven Union, High Elf, Imperial Nobility, Necromantic, Tomb Kings, Underworld Denizens, Norse, Wood Elf, 150,000 1 Primary/ secondary

3. Chaos Renegades, Nurgle, Slann, Vampire, Chaos Chosen, Khorne, Old World Alliance, 180,000 1 Primary/ secondary

4. Goblins, Halflings, Ogres, Snotlings 220,000 2 Primary/ secondary/Stat increases

Each upgrade is priced as below:
Upgrade Cost
Primary skill 20,000
Secondary skill 30,000
+1 AV 10,000
+1 PA 20,000
+1 MA 30,000
+1 AG 50,000
+1 STR 70,000

Please note that if any Games Workshop releases happen before the event in November 2022, the TO will review the release before it is included in the event. However, you can assume that unless otherwise stated they will be included as long as they conform with the NAF tournament guidelines.

Prizes: Unless stated, all prizes are provided by Gathering Point Games.
First place: £20 Store Credit, Winners Trophy, Free entry to Monster Bash 2023, the Calaverd3d Undead Pharaohs Team provided by Cow Daddy Gaming.
Second place: £15 Store Credit, 2nd place trophy.
Third place: £10 Store Credit, 3rd place trophy
Best painted team: Your choice of Games Workshop Team box (Subject to stock at the venue)
Best painted monster Mascot: Citadel Painting Handle XL
Most TD: A Games Workshop Sevens Pitch
Most CAS: TBC (All casualties are included for the most CAS award, including fouls and surfs) 2021 Almanac Book
2x spot prizes per round: each spot prize = a choice of one Star player miniature out of six provided by Cow daddy gaming (Only one per coach)
Stunty Cup: Latest released Team Dice and Spike
The spoon: Receive the hand painted last place Trophy
Bounties – members of the Blood Bowl NE1? Podcast will be taking part in the event. If you are lucky enough to be paired against them, you have the chance to win a bounty prize. All you have to do is beat that coach. Prize £5 Store Credit for a win.
Air Horn – At random times during the day, our host will fire an air horn and set a challenge, the first coach to complete the challenge will win a copy of the latest White Dwarf Magazine.

Charity Raffle – Throughout the day we will be holding a charity raffle. You will be able to purchase tickets, with the winner called at the end of the day. The winner will receive any of the left over Bounties (Should our host actually win a game) and a 3d Printed Team Donated by Cow Daddy Gaming.

Gathering Point Games
Unit G13, Morton Pk Wy, Darlington DL1 4PQ

Schedule for the day.
10:00-10:15 - Registration
10:15-12:30 - Game One
12:30-13:30 - Break and best painted comp
13:30-15:45 - Game Two
16:00-18:15 - Game Three
18:15-18:30 – Awards and Thanks

Cost - £15 per coach if NAF registered if not registered you can do so via the NAF website. 40 coach capacity. Please note that the entrance fee is nonrefundable after October 31st should you drop out, due to Prize Purchasing.

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