?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameFoodbowl 2
Organizer NAF namethatasianguy (16068)
OrganizerMohammed S Javaid
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-11-18
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-11-19
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


orcster (26554)Vampire

Runner up

TheShepherd (16089)Wood Elf

Most Touchdowns

orcster (26554)Vampire

Most Casualties

nickson104 (31526)Ogre

Stunty Cup

nickson104 (31526)Ogre

Best Painted

DeeTee (13741)Chaos Renegade

Other Awards

Ceetee (9370)Chaos Dwarf
Glowworm Award
Tournament Location
AddressFirestorm Games
 Sloper Road
NationUnited Kingdom

Ruleset Document

Foodbowl is a charity tournament with the aim of raising funds to help to our local food bank.
In November 2019 we raised £600 from our 1 day event. Our aim is to beat that target, which with 2 days we should hopefully achieve that.

We will have a bake sale going through out both days (with a selection of homemade goodies). Along with a raffle, which will drawn prior to the awards.

Ticket Prices
Ticket Price is £30 for NAF members for the weekend, this cost includes lunch on Saturday and Sunday. (Preferable for new NAF members to sign-up prior to the event)

Please send payment via paypal to mohammed_javaid786@hotmail.co.uk

The Tournament
Tournament Officials: Thatasianguy, TheShepherd
Head Referee: Thatasianguy
When: 18th & 19th November 2023
Where: Firestorm Games Cardiff, Sloper Rd, Cardiff CF11 8AB

General Format
A Touplay link will be created closer to the event for roster submission.
Team Size: 1.2 Million
Rounds: 6
Foodbowl is being run using the latest Bloodbowl competition rules.
All teams may be used, which are sanctioned by the NAF
Coaches have a maximum of 1,200,000 to build their team and teams must consist of a minimum of 11 players. Each team will have the infamous lover od food Rumbelow Sheepskin added to their team for free. All teams may hire a Halfling Master Chef for 100k

The following inducements may not be taken:
Mercenaries, Star Players, Stadium Enhancements, Special Ball, Special Play Cards

Coaches can select one of the following skill packs
Tier 1: 7 Primary Skills, 1 Secondary Skill, Rumbelow Sheepskin
Tier 2: 7 Primary Skills, 2 Secondary Skill, Rumbelow Sheepskin
Tier 3: 7 Primary Skills, 3 Secondary Skill, Rumbelow Sheepskin

Stacking is permitted using a Secondary Skill, up to a max of 2 skills on any one player.
Rumbelow Sheepskin may not be given any additional skills.

Your team must be painted with a minimum of three colours and based. The all models must be numbered as per the roster.
All models must be WYSIWYG and proxies are not allowed.

There is a strict 2 hour 15 mins time limit for each game. If an official believes that a game will not be completed within the allotted time they may enforce a timed turn limit.
All players will be healed back to full starting strength before each match

Tournament Scoring
Points for the games will be awarded accordingly:
3 points for a win
1 points for a draw
0 point for a loss
-15 points for conceding

Head to Head result will be used in the event of a tiebreaker situation followed by the toughness of schedule and Touchdowns.

Trophies/prizes will be awarded for the following:
Foodbowl Winner
Foodbowl Runner Up
Most Touchdowns
Most Casualties
Stunty Cup Winner
Best Painted

Final Word
As we mentioned at the start we hope everybody has fun during our
tournament. If you have any further questions or queries, please don’t hesitate
to contact us

9-30 Breakfast & Registration
10-00 Game 1
12.00 to 13-00 Lunch
13-00 Game 2
15-15 Game 3
17-30 Day 1 close
18-00 Social at the venue

9-30 Breakfast & Registration
10-00 Game 1
12.00 to 13-00 Lunch
13-00 Game 2
15-15 Game 3
18.00 Day 2 close

The Players
All the players that attend the Tournament are expected to conduct themselves appropriately throughout the tournament. That includes playing the game in the right spirit, making sure they have everything they need (dice, templates, clear team rosters and their team!) and in general contributing to a friendly environment where everyone can enjoy both their games and the time spent in between rounds with their peers. The tournament organizers will do their best to ensure that the tournament runs smoothly and everything is provided to enable the players to get as much enjoyment as possible from the event, and likewise the players should do their utmost to hold up their end of the bargain. Most important of all, enjoy yourself!

The Officials
The officials for the tournament are 100% committed to ensuring that your experience is the best it can possibly be. Our job is to make sure everything runs smoothly and that you can concentrate solely on your task at hand and that is to play the best you can for 2 days against likeminded people that share your love of the Bloodbowl hobby. We would like to state we are looking forward to the event as much as the players and pledge to do our best to run the event as smoothly and professionally as possible.

Tournament Report
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