?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameStemFest '08
Organizer NAF namenyarlathotep (8611)
OrganizerBryan Leenheer (Nyarlathotep)
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2008-05-17
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2008-05-18
Style5 rounds Swiss ***110 TV!***
Scoring60 - 30 - 15 points WLT, bonus points for scoring, casualties, and painting
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Runner up

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

StemFest 2008 rules:

The Rules will be using the Living Rule Book (LRB) 5.0. See http://www.specialist-games.com/bloodbowl/rulebook.asp to download the LRB 5.0 if you do not have it.

1) Rule Changes to the LRB 5.0 for this tournament:
a) You may purchase any inducement as part of your team other than Journeymen, Mercenaries or Special Play Cards. This includes Star Players, although if you choose to induce a Star (or Stars!), you will have to use that Star for the entire tournament. A salary cap of 390,000 Gold for star players is in effect. You could induce Count Luthor, for example, but Morg is too pricey.
b) Apothecaries and Wandering Apothecaries will be modified for this tournament. Apothecaries automatically succeed, and the formerly injured player is to be placed ???prone??? on the field.
c) The kickoff table will be modified to speed game play. The modified Kickoff table is available for review here.
d) During round 3, the "Eclipse" card will play across all boards. The rounds which this card effects will be randomly determined by the tournament coordinator.

2) Tournament Rounds, Team Set-up, and Skills. The tournament will be 5 rounds of Swiss with strict 2 hour time limits. Starting team will be 1,100,000. You may choose 6 players on your team to give a single skill to before the tournament begins. One of these skills may be a ???doubles??? skill. A player may not be given more than one new skill/trait during the entire tournament. All casualties that have been inflicted on your team, including death, are wiped away at the end of the game. In other words the team resets after every game.

3) Dice: Before each game you and your opponent both agree to use ONLY ONE set of D6 dice and one set of 3 Block Dice from one of the players for the entire game ... the other player puts his dice away where they cannot be used. If you cannot agree on the dice to be used, a referee will decide by rolling for it. If you are superstitious about people touching your lucky dice ... the tournament would like to suggest that you bring a different set of dice to the tournament that you don't care if other people touch as this rule will be enforced.

4) Miniatures: You will be allowed to use any miniatures for this tournament. HOWEVER, the figures MUST be READILY identifiable as their positions as determined by the head referee or his assistants. Mutations and weapons must have a figure that clearly shows the mutation or weapon to take it. You cannot give Claw to a Skaven Storm Blitzer if you don't have a football geared rat-man with a Claw for a hand to replace the player without a Claw on your team.

Win: 60 points
Tie: 30 points
Loss: 15 points

Won by 3+ points = +10
Caused 2 or more casualties = +10
Caused one casualty more than opponent = +5
(Note: ONLY Casualties caused through blocking will count for the above bonuses and towards the Most Casualty award. Casualties saved by Regeneration and Apothecaries still count toward the casualty bonus.)

Painting bonus: up to 10 points total, given 1 time at beginning of tournament
+2 Based: All the bases in the team (including coaching staff) are painted in some manner.
+3 Painted: The team is painted; all models have at least 3 colors on them. Different colors should be used for different areas. Undercoats must not be visible.
+5 Detailed: All models have had the details of the model painted in a variety of colors or with noticeable effects. This can be shading or highlighting, or 'black-lining' etc. This discriminates between the merely painted team and the team that has had attention paid to it. Bases must have flock or sand and grassy texture.

Important: For all 3 of the above ... In order to get the full points for a category all the models in the team must fulfill the criteria. If even one fails, the points can't be scored.

You must have painted your own team to be eligible for the best painted voting (however, teams painted by another person can still earn the full 10 normal painting bonus points).

Tie breakers: to be determined.

6) Prizes: 6 prizes will be awarded at the tournament. Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd based on game points from the 5 matches. Prizes will also be given for Best Painted, Most Touchdowns, and Most Casualties. Winning any of the prizes other than Best Painted makes you ineligible to win any of the other prizes (the coach winning Best Painted can win one other trophy. So if you take 1st place and score the most touchdowns, the player with the 2nd most touchdowns would win that award.

7) Schedule for Events for StemFest 2008

SATURDAY, May 17, 2008
10 am - 11 am: Register
11 am - 1 pm: Game 1
1 pm - 2 pm: Lunch Break & Best Painted Voting
2 pm - 4 pm: Game 2
4 pm - 6 pm: Game 3

SUNDAY, May 18, 2008
10 am - Noon: Game 4
Noon - 1pm: Lunch Break
1 pm - 3 pm: Game 5
3 pm: Awards

All Teams must be rookie teams with a starting value of 1,100,000 gold pieces.

The tournament will try to have a couple spare boards available, but please bring a Blood Bowl board with you for the tournament.

All the official teams from the LRB 5.0 will be allowed. No other teams are allowed. Teams must be written out on the official Blood Bowl team roster pad or some source that creates easily readable sources such as the excel team roster available from the Player Aids section of the Specialist Games website at http://www.specialist-games.com/bloodbowl/playera.asp You MUST bring two copies of your roster, give one to the officials at registration and keep the other for your own reference. Make sure your team is correct as team rosters will be checked and any mistakes (even if not deliberate) will result in that player getting a yellow card if tournament play has begun.

The primary purpose of our Tournament is to get together for the weekend, so that we can play our favorite game and meet other players who share our interests. Finding 'champion players' of our games is a by-product of this, and we're really much more interested in creating a quality gaming experience for all the people that take part, where they get to play lots of games and meet a whole bunch of new players.

This being said we do understand that sometimes even the friendliest of players can lose their cool, especially if the dice have been going against them all day. The most common causes of friction in a game are questions about the rules of the game. Rules questions arise in most games of Blood Bowl, both because the huge number of variables involved in the game make it just about impossible for the rulebook to cover every situation that might occur, and because different people interpret the rules in different ways. In order to avoid arguments we recommend that you refer to the appropriate rulebook as soon as a question arises. If the rules do not cover the situation, then roll a dice to decide what happens. In other words, a friendly dice roll should decide any question that cannot be answered by referring to the rules. Please note that there is absolutely nothing wrong with asking an opponent if they can show you the appropriate rule or set of characteristics so that you can check for yourself that everything is being done correctly. All we require is that you ask nicely and politely, and that you do your best to sort out any problems yourselves!

If you really want a Referee to sort out a rules question, then you are free to call one over, and our Referees may intervene if they see an argument. Be warned, however, that our Referees are under strict instructions to give players one of two answers to any question they are asked:

1. They will show you the rule in its relevant place in the rulebook.

2. To roll a D6 to sort out any rules problems not solved by the above. You should also note that the prime duty of our Referees is to make sure that the majority of players in the tournament get a nice friendly game where winning is secondary to having a good time. Anyone who keeps on spoiling a game with picky rules questions or who consistently bends the rules in their favor will be asked to desist or suffer the consequences.


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