?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameThe Kraken's Cup II (CaptainCon)
Organizer NAF nameMelifaxis (248)
OrganizerRob Fossey
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-02-04
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-02-04
ScoringTournament Points
Cost$10+Convention badge for Non-NAF or or Free for NAF members with Convention Badge
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountyes
WebpageRules Packet - Google Doc

Tournament Statistics


matman (24876)Orc

Runner up

shiratokai (32539)Necromantic Horror

Most Touchdowns

titi33 (28562)Khorne
shiratokai (32539)Necromantic Horror
matman (24876)Orc

Most Casualties

matman (24876)Orc

Stunty Cup

g-bread (27866)Ogre

Best Painted

grimfoe (24873)Tomb Kings

Other Awards

gdaab123 (34314)Dwarf
Wooden Spoon
radius (34144)Skaven
First NAF Tournament
matman (24876)Orc
Best Defense
grimfoe (24873)Tomb Kings
Best Defense
pauladin (24875)Underworld Denizens
Best Defense
housatonic (33874)Chaos Dwarf
Best Defense
shiratokai (32539)Necromantic Horror
Best Defense
Tournament Location
AddressCrowne Plaza Providence-Warwick (Airport)
 801 Greenwich Ave
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

3 Rounds of Blood Bowl Mayhem!

Event Schedule:
9:00am Registration/Check-In
10:00am-12:30pm Round One
12:30-1:15pm Lunch Break
1:15-3:45pm Round Two
3:45-4:00pm Break
4:00-6:30pm Round Three
6:30-7:00pm Awards

Full Rules Pack at this link or in the tournament thread:

Team Creation:
* Teams will be created using the BB2020 Rules
* All 21 teams in the Blood Bowl 2020 Core Rulebook, the four Teams of Legend, the Khorne, Amazon, and Norse rosters from Spike, and the NAF recommended Slann team may be selected for tournament play. Bretonnians coaches should use the Imperial Nobility team in the Core Rulebook.
* Tier 1 Teams will be created utilizing 1.4M gold crowns and must contain 11 players before any inducements are purchased.
Amazons, Chaos Dwarves, Dark Elves, Dwarves, High Elves, Lizardmen, Norse, Shambling Undead, Skaven, Wood Elves
* Tier 2 Teams will be created utilizing 1.5M gold crowns and must contain 11 players before any inducements are purchased.
Black Orc, Chaos Chosen, Chaos Renegades, Elven Union, Humans, Imperial Nobility, Khorne, Necromantic Horror, Nurgle, Orcs, Slann, Tomb Kings, Underworld Denizens, Vampires
* Tier 3 Teams will be created utilizing 1.6M gold crowns and must contain 11 players before any inducements are purchased.
Goblins, Halflings, Ogres, Old World Alliance, Snotlings
* Prohibited Inducements: Star Players, Special Play Cards, (In)famous Coaching Staff, Wizard Inducements (as clarification this does not include the Weather Mage per the Core Rulebook), Biased Referees, Mercenaries, Giants & Side Bets are prohibited from purchase. Everything else in the Core Rulebook, Spike, and Death Zone is fair game.
* Custom Inducement: The following inducement, specific to the tournament is available for purchase by all teams.
(0-1) Grog Cache: 40,000 gp All good coaches have a trick or two up their sleeves. In this case, a cache of some legendarily potent pirate grog. At the start of a drive, after both teams have set up but before the kick-off (between Step 1 and Step 2), the coach selects a random player on his team whose STR is 4 or less and is currently set up on the pitch. For the remainder of this drive, that player gains Animal Savagery, Frenzy, Thick Skull, and Brawler if they do not already have those skills/trait and the addition of such skills are not prevented by other skills they possess such as Grab preventing the acquisition of Frenzy.
* Skills and Characteristic Improvements: These are to be purchased with your initial team treasury. A player may not be assigned more than 4 additional upgrades or more than 100,000 gp worth of upgrades. Furthermore, no player may increase more than two characteristics which must be separate (no double upgrades on the same stat). Costs are as follows:
* Primary Skill - 20,000 gp
* Secondary Skill - 40,000 gp
* Armor +1 - 15,000 gp
* Movement +1 - 20,000 gp
* Passing +1 - 40,000 gp
* Agility +1 - 60,000 gp
* Strength +1 - 80,000 gp
* ALL skills MUST be noted on the team roster which is submitted to the Tournament Organizer at registration. Pro tip: Putting the added skills is BOLD font or highlighting them on your roster will help them to stand out.
* Colored rubber bands or skill rings will keep the tournament moving along and are strongly encouraged. I will have some on hand if you need them.

Special Tricorn Cup Rules and Clarifications:
* Setting: Games in this tournament are played aboard massive ships sailing the Dread Seas. Each ship has its own Captain, crew, official, CabalVision crew, and Wizard. Spectators line the masts and rigging above the field of play, but with the Wizard’s aid the masts and other physical obstacles become spectral and do not directly impact play. Each ship does have two trapdoors to the hold and those can come into play. If your pitch does not have trap doors I can provide tokens to represent them.
* Miniatures: Any coach with 4 or more pirate themed miniatures (these can be support staff such as cheerleaders, assistant coaches, apothecary, head coach, mascot, etc as long as you have them on your roster or actual players) gains a +1 to the opening D3 roll for Fan Factor determination along with their normal Dedicated Fans. I mean we're trying to be thematic here folks. Break out those Pi’Rats, Broken Jaws, Goblin Corsairs, Storm Coast Vandals, Vampire Buccaneers, etc!!
* Crowd Surfing: Any player pushed into the crowd is actually pushed into the ocean. Nearby skiffs are prepared to fish them out of course, but injuries do happen... Any player with an AV of 9+ receives a +1 to the injury roll. They sink faster after all. Any UNMODIFIED injury roll of 12 can’t be saved by an apothecary, or regeneration - the blood drew a frenzy of nearby sharks. Zombies or rotters created by a shark kill eventually claw their way out, but not in time to join the match.
* Ball Overboard!: The ship’s wizard retrieves the ball magically and hurls it back into play in the standard manner a crowd would.
* Cannonball!: Fans of Blood Bowl on the Dread Seas are an especially vicious lot, and some of those buggers up in the rigging don’t like to play fair. To represent this each coach receives a Cannonball Token that can be used once per game. This functions like a thrown bomb from a Bombardier (PA 4+) as if they were standing in your choice of the center of the pitch (you choose the side of the line of scrimmage and it does not matter if that square is presently occupied) or the perfect kicking square on either side of the pitch (the one where 6 spaces wont put the ball in the ocean no matter what the d8 rolls without a bounce factored in). This can be fumbled, caught, impacted by disturbing presence, etc. just like a normal bomb with the exception that there are no tackle zones impacting the thrower as they are up in the rigging when they light the fuse.
Custom Weather & Kick-Off Tables: Don’t worry, copies of each will be at the tables.
* Dread Seas Custom Weather Table (2,3,11,12 are changes from standard table):
* 2 (Drinking Weather!): This is perfect drinking weather! But the grog of the Dread Seas is some pretty volatile stuff. D3 randomly determined players from each team are moved from the pitch to the reserves box at the end of the drive. They will miss the following drive. (Functions as Sweltering Heat - Fluff change only - No change to existing rule)
* 3 (Coastal Winds): If it wasn’t for the winds it would be a lovely day. The ball does not deviate normally. Instead, after placing the kick, the coach of the kicking team rolls a D8 to determine the direction in which the winds are blowing. (1-2 towards kicking team’s endzone, 3-4 towards receiving team’s endzone, 5-6 towards the sideline to the left of the kicking team, 7-8 towards the sideline to the right of the kicking team). Next, place the throw-in template over the square in which the kick was placed with the central arrow (3-4) pointing in the direction the wind is blowing. The kick then deviates in a direction determined by a D6 and referring to the throw-in template. Additionally, the number of squares the ball moves is determined by rolling a D8 rather than a D6. (Functions as Strong Winds on Death Zone Autumn Weather Table).
* 4-10 (Perfect Conditions): (No change to existing rule)
* 11 (Pouring Rain): A torrential downpour leaves the players soaked and the ball very slippery! Apply a -1 modifier every time a player makes an Agility test to catch or pick-up the ball, or to attempt to interfere with a pass. (Functions as Pouring Rain - No change to existing rule)
* 12 (Monsoon!): Sheets of rain pour down. Visibility is reduced and the decks are slippery. While the monsoon persists, only Quick or Short passes can be attempted and the number of squares a player can Rush is reduced by one (to a minimum of 1). (Functions as Tropical Monsoon on Death Zone Primordial Rainforest Table)

*Dread Seas Custom Kick-Off Table (2,3,11,12 are changes from standard table):
* 2 (What Ref?): The ref gets gutted by some rowdy sailors and is no longer factored into the remainder of the drive until a replacement can be found. The replacement ref will review CabalVision footage to address any Secret Weapons used during the drive.
* 3 (Walk the Plank!): The Captain has discovered one of your player’s pre-game shenanigans with his paramour! Both coaches roll a D6 and add their Fan Factor to the roll; after all the Captain can always find another lover but a mutiny is entirely unacceptable. The coach with the highest roll randomly determines one of the opposing team’s players to Walk the Plank! Just as if they had been Crowd Surfed. That player does not need to be present on the pitch but can’t be in the casualty box or a shark’s belly. After the show, the Captain returns to his seat and the drive begins as normal. Note, a KO’ed player that is shoved overboard and is only stunned will awaken in the icy waters and move to the reserve box.
* 4 (Solid Defense): D3+3 Open players on the kicking team may be removed and set up again in different locations, following all of the usual set-up rules. (No change to existing rule)
* 5 (High Kick): One Open player on the receiving team may be moved any number of squares, regardless of their MA, and placed in the same square that the ball will land in. (No change to existing rule)
* 6 (Cheering Fans): Both coaches roll a D6 and add the number of cheerleaders on their Team Draft list. The coach with the highest total may immediately roll once on the (Exhibition) Prayers to Nuffle table. In the case of a tie, neither coach rolls on the Prayers to Nuffle table. Note that if you roll a result that is currently in effect, you must re-roll it. However, if you roll a result that has been rolled previously but has since expired, there is no need to re-roll it. (Only change is to use Exhibition Prayers to Nuffle table on Core Rulebook p103 as advised by NAF)
* 7 (Brilliant Coaching): Both coaches roll a D6 and add the number of assistant coaches on their Team Draft list. The coach with the highest total gains one extra team re-roll for the drive ahead. If this team re-roll is not used before the end of this drive, it is lost. In the case of a tie, neither team gets an extra team re-roll. (No change to existing rule)
* 8 (Changing Weather): Make a new roll on the Weather table and apply that result. If the weather conditions are ‘Perfect Conditions’ as a result of this roll, the ball will scatter, as described on page 25, before landing. (No change to existing rule)
* 9 (Quick Snap): D3+3 Open players on the receiving team may immediately move one square in any direction. (No change to existing rule)
* 10 (Blitz!): D3+3 Open players on the kicking team may immediately activate to perform a Move action. One may perform a Blitz action and one may perform a Throw Team-mate action. If a player Falls Over or is Knocked Down, no further players may be activated and the Blitz! ends immediately. (No change to existing rule but added back the missing ‘!’ because it’s awesome!)
* 11 (Colossal Wave): A massive wave crashes into the ship. The kicking coach rolls a D6. On a 1-3 the wave hits from the left of their endzone and on a 4-6 from the right side. It hits the entire pitch. Any player with Stand Firm may choose to be unmoved. All players are shifted an equal D3 square(s) by the wave towards the opposite end of the ship using a single D6 Throw-in template roll. Any player in a wide zone that would be pushed overboard may roll a D6 to grab onto the ship rails and throw themselves prone. A 3+ succeeds. There is no armor or injury roll made if they do so.
* 12 (Kraken!): All of this commotion has disturbed a massive creature of the depths. Tentacles lash about the deck of the ship. Players scramble for safety or lash out to defend themselves as the Captain and his crew attempt to drive off the beast with black powder and steel. When the beast emerges all players within two spaces of the sea are Placed Prone (no armor or injury rolls and this is before the start of the turn so they may act as normal). Next, tentacles burst forth from the hold through the two trap doors on the field (any player on such a square is shifted one square in the direction of their choosing but remains standing). For the remainder of the drive, all sideline, trap door, trap door adjacent, and end zone squares are treated as if the Mutation Tentacles was being applied by a STR 4 creature in the square just off the pitch or of the trapdoor itself. The ball may not come to rest in a trap door square, bouncing additional times if necessary, and players may not enter, or even attempt to enter (either voluntarily or involuntarily) those squares. The trapdoor squares may not be selected as the target of any action or skill during this drive.

Tournament Rules and Gameplay:
* THE GOLDEN RULE: Sportsmanship matters more than winning. We are gathering to enjoy our time together and share our love of Blood Bowl. The TO reserves the right to remove any coach from the tournament for poor sportsmanship. Also, remember that fouling, while a despicable act and worthy of distaste of the highest order, is a core part of the game we all love - this is NOT an act of bad sportsmanship; even if done 16 times.
* NAF 2021 Tournament Rules are in play (inducement and skill related items specific to the Tricorn Cup are clarified above under Team Creation)
* The Exhibition Prayers to Nuffle Table will be utilized (Core Rulebook p 103)
* Resurrection/Swiss Style Event
* Prior to each game, coaches should agree what constitutes a ‘cocked’ die and discuss any other issues relating to dice rolling mechanisms and reach consensus (ie dice towers). Should either coach request, dice must be shared between coaches.
* Player aids, such as probability Apps, and the like must not be used while in-game.
* External coaching of players in-game is not permitted.
* The Illegal Procedure rule will not be in use; just politely remind your opponent to move their turn marker.
* Turn timers will also not be in place. Please note that you may be given a certain amount of time to complete your game should you be running late at the discretion of the TO.
Casualties may be scored by Block, Blitz, Foul, Crowd-Push, Secret Weapon, Arm Bar, Diving Tackle, or TTM Collisions

Tournament Scoring:
Teams will be ranked after each match using a point scale (0-75 potential points):
* Winning the Match = 60 Points
* Tied the Match = 30 Point
* Losing the Match = 0 Points
* Blowout Bonus = 5 Points (win by 2 or more TD’s)
* Smackdown Bonus = 5 Points (inflict more casualties than your opponent)
* Kept It Close Bonus = 5 Points (lose by only 1 TD)
* Shoutout Bonus = 5 Points (give up 0 TD)
* The Tournament Champion will be determined by Total Points after three rounds of play and if needed, by Tie-Breakers in the following order:
* Head-to-Head Result (if they have played one another)
* Sum of TD Differential & CAS Differential
* TD’s Scored
* CAS Inflicted
* Coin Toss/Random Die Roll/Other Random Method Determined by TO

Tournament Report
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