?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameWinter Solstice Slaughter
Organizer NAF namebrosev123 (31832)
OrganizerBrock S.
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2022-12-04
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2022-12-04
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


offwhiteknight (27897)Dwarf
Winter Solstice Slaughter Champion

Runner up

shoshie (30472)Chaos Dwarf
Yuletide Runner Up

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

STONEART69 (27419)Dwarf
Naughty List Award

Stunty Cup

jrock (20508)Ogre
Nuffles Little Helpers

Best Painted

Macbeth9 (20290)Khorne
Best Decorated

Other Awards

CQ (33383)Necromantic Horror
Holiday Cheer - Best Sport
xderekaustinx (32705)Nurgle
Lump O Coal - Last Place Award
gitsome (32376)Human
Seasons Beatings - Most casualties taken
Tournament Location
Address450 Haupt
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

Where & When
Plum Creek Community Center: 450 Haupt, Kyle, TX 78640
December 4th, 2022

$25 per team (NAF registration is required for participation)
All Events can be signed up and paid for by emailing the Tournament Organizer at brosev123@gmail.com. Pay by Venmo @Brock-Severson-2 CashApp $BrockSeverson , PayPal brosev123@gmail.com and mention the tournament and NAF coach name in the description

All coaches who pre-register for WSS Bowl are required to send in their Roster by November 27, 2022. Players can email their roster to brosev123@gmail.com

Tournament Schedule
9:45 – Registration Starts
10:00 – Registration Ends
10:15 – Round 1 (Random)
12:15 – Lunch Break
1:30 – Round 2 (Swiss)
3:30 – Break
3:45 – Round 3 (Swiss)
5:45 – Break
6:00 – Results/Awards/Raffles
What to Bring
Your painted AND labeled Blood Bowl team (3 colors, positions clearly discernible, and identification for added skills on the model, IE skill rings, colored bands, or similar)
5 Copies of team roster (1 for Tournament Organizer, 1 for you, and 1 for each of your opponents)
Blood Bowl Field/Dugouts/Templates
GW or NAF Block Dice, two D6, D8, D16
Copy of Blood Bowl 2020 Official Rules

Things Provided
Match Sheet
Special Rules Reference card
Awards and door prizes

Winter Solstice Slaughter Specials Rules and Team Building

- It’s the holidays, and all the famous players are taking time to go home to visit family. Therefore, there are NO STAR PLAYERS allowed

-All teams and inducements that appear in the Blood Bowl 2020 Official Rules are permitted. EXCEPTIONS are Weather Mages, Wizards, Special Play cards, Giants, and Mercenaries
-Argue The Call: For this to be allowed, you MUST have a coach model that is thematically accurate for your team.
-The Low Cost Linemen special rule will have no effect (Ogre and Snotling teams).
-Players will roll to determine weather at the start of the game.
-All Injuries will reset as this is a Resurrection Tournament

- Team Building Rules:
You'll have 1,200k GP to build your team. You may purchase players, rerolls, fan factor, apothecary, coaches, cheerleaders and inducements as normal with this gold. You must have 11 or more players at this point.
-Stunty teams are defined as any team without a Strength 3 or 4 player at this point in team building (This allows teams that are not always considered Stunty).
-Any of the 1,200k that is not spent is LOST

-Then, you may spend up to 160kGP on skills.
-Any of the 160k not spent is LOST
Primary skills cost 20k.
Secondary skills cost 40k
Stat increases are not allowed.
You may assign no more than 2 purchased skills to a player.
You may not assign the same skill to more than four players.


The game round time limit WILL be strictly enforced. You will receive ‘Time Remaining’ updates from the Tournament Organizer to help you stay on pace.
The 3 Minute turn rule will not be used unless the Tournament organizer feels your game is in danger of not completing in the two hour time limit. He may insist on a timer being used and enforcing the 3 minute turn rule.
When time is called, you will play until each coach has completed the same number of turns.

Dice sharing is allowed only if both coaches agree. Only GW or NAF Block Dice may be used. You and your opponent should decide the definition for cocked dice and treatment for cocked dice before the match. If your opponent asks to share dice and you decline, then Tournament D6 provided must be used.

The scoring system has been set up to hopefully get the most accurate representation of how everyone has performed. If by chance there is a tie in Tournament points, the ties will be broken in this order:
· Winning Percentage
· Head to Head record
· Total Touchdowns
· Total Casualties
· Net Touchdowns
· Net Casualties

All teams are expected to meet the minimum painted guidelines. A team must have 3 colors and have some attempt at making it appear finished. Some discretion will be provided for new players.


We are here for the fun of the game. Sportsmanship is not encouraged from the coaches, it is required!
Fouling 16 turns in a row or running up the score is NOT poor sportsmanship, but gloating and ridiculing your opponent while doing so is.

The Fun Stuff

Christmas Gifts!

In the spirit of Christmas, Santa's little goblin helper’s are giving out pregame gifts. Before the start of each game, both players roll a d8 for each other. The number that YOU roll reflects the gift package that your OPPONENT gets. This gift MUST be given to a lineman (0-12/0-16 positions) with NO added skills. Players roll for gifts before the pregame sequence.

Santa's Claws – Claws, Mighty Blow, No Hands
The Rudolph Helm – Horns, Hypnotic Gaze
Jack Frost Ice Pick – Stab, Dirty Player
Candy Pain Cane - Hook (Prehensile Tail), Armbar
Gingerbread Loaf – Regenerate, Nerves of Steel
Holiday Stockings – Sure Feet, Sprint
MistleToe – Kiss Me!(Foul Appearance), Tackle
Frosty's Hat – Leader

Weather Table

2d6 Result
2 - Howling Winds: The fans are shivering in the stands as a ferocious gale blows steadily down the pitch. Any pass attempts have an additional -1 modifier. Before a kickoff, each player rolls a D6 (reroll ties) - the wind is blowing down the pitch towards the losing players End Zone. Whenever the ball scatters for a kick-off, inaccurate pass, or dropped from the ball carrier going prone, it will be blown down the pitch. Before making the Scatter roll, place the throw-in template over the ball so that the 3-4 result is pointing in the same direction as the wind, then roll a D6 and move the ball one space accordingly. Repeat this a second time, then scatter the ball as normal.

3 - Freezing: A sudden cold snap turns the ground as hard as granite. Whenever a player is knocked down, add 1 to the result of the armor roll (apply this before mighty blow).

4-10 - Brisk: It’s rather chilly, but as close to perfect as you can hope for this time of year! This counts as ‘Nice’ for purposes of Changing Weather on the kick-off table.

11 - Heavy Snow: Visibility is low, it’s slippery underfoot and near impossible to spot tripping hazards, making it very hard to block effectively. Whenever a player makes a Blitz action, their ST is reduced by 1 for the duration of the action.

12 - Blizzard: Between the snow, the wind, and the icy ground, its a miracle the game is still in progress! Both players have a -1 modifier on all Go For It attempts, and only a quick or short pass may be attempted.

Kick-Off Event - 2d6 roll

2 - Bribe the Ref
The ref has been brought a present! While he’s busy opening it, some players throw some dirty fouls.
Each Team gets a free bribe Inducement as described on page 91. This Inducement must be used before the end of the game or it is lost.

3 - No seconds?!?
The kitchen reports they are out of pumpkin pie, causing the fans to start a riot in the stands temporarily halting the game. By the time order is restored the timekeeper has been hospitalized and his sundial has been knocked over. The referee estimates the time left as best he can.
If the kicking team’s turn marker is on turn 6, 7 or 8 for the half, both coaches move their turn marker back one space. Otherwise, both coaches move their turn marker forward one space.

4 - The Defense Sees You When You’re Sleeping
D3+3 Open players on the kicking team may be removed and set up again in different locations, following all of the usual set-up rules.

5 - The Offense Knows When You’re Awake
One open player on the receiving team may be moved any number of squares, regardless of their MA, and placed in the same square the ball will land in.

Some fans get riled up and start throwing food and drink onto the field, creating obstacles on the pitch.
Both Coaches roll a D6 and add the number of cheerleaders on their Team Draft list. The coach with the lowest total (or in the case of a tie, both coaches) has -1 to their MA on all their players for the next turn, though they may make one one additional rush that turn.

7 - Gifts from Santa
Everyone loves gifts! Both coaches gain an extra reroll for the drive ahead.

8 - Changing Winter Weather
Make a new roll on the Weather table and apply the result. If the weather conditions are “Brisk” as a result of this roll, the ball will scatter, as described on page 25, before landing.

9 - Quick Snap
D3+3 Open players on the receiving team may immediately move one square in any direction.

10 - Squig Ball
A mischievous fan has swapped the ball out for a squig! The ball will scatter 2 extra times. For the remainder of the drive, follow the Squig Ball Rules*

11 - Meat Sweats
Some of the players have stuffed themselves too much!
Both coaches roll a D6 and add their Fan Factor to the result. The coach that rolls the lowest randomly selects one of their players from among those on the pitch, in the case of a tie, both coaches randomly select a player. Roll a D6 for the selected player(s), On a roll of 2+, the player is only slightly affected by eating too much food, is Placed Prone and becomes Stunned. On a roll of 1 however, the player is in a food coma and badly hurt. The coach may use an apothecary (if available) to revive the player and place him in the reserves box.

12 - Snowball Fight!
Some pesky goblins instigate a snowball fight! The whole crowd gets involved and some of the players get hit!
Both coaches roll a D6 and add their Assistant Coaches to the result. The coach that rolls the lowest randomly selects 3 of their players from among those on the pitch. The coach that rolls highest randomly selects 2 of their players from among those on the pitch. (In the case of a tie, both coaches randomly select 2 players from among those on the pitch.) All of the randomly selected players are placed prone and become stunned.

*Squig Ball Rules- If the Squig Ball is not held by a player at the start of any turn after kickoff, roll a d3 and scatter die. The ball will run in the indicated direction that number of spaces. If the ball runs off the pitch, it is thrown in by the crowd as per normal rules. If the ball contacts a player, they may attempt to pick it up with a -1 modifier in addition to any other modifiers (tackle zones, etc). If the player fails, they are placed prone and an unmodified armor roll is made as the squig attacks them. No modifiers for injury if armor breaks. If the player IS NOT removed, the ball will stop in the last space it occupied before contacting the player. If the player IS removed, the ball will stop in that players square.

Awards- In the spirit of Christmas and sportsmanship, participants are limited to one award each.

Winter Solstice Slaughter Champion - Most Tournament Points
Yuletide Runner up - Second Most Tournament Points
Nuffles Little Helpers - Best Stunty Team
Naughty List Award - Most Casualties Given
Seasons Beatings - Most Casualties Taken
Lump of Coal Award- Last Place
Holiday Cheer Award - Voted by participants
Best Decorated - Best Painted

Point Tracker
Win- 60 pts
Draw- 30 pts
Loss- 15 pts

Touchdowns- 5 pts each

Casualties- 2 pts each. ALL Casualties suffered by your opponent, regardless of how they are caused, count towards your points. Failed dodges, rushes, throw team-mate, crowd, kickbacks, etc.

Finish on time - 1pt

BONUS - Register by October 1 for +2 points, register by November 1 for +1. Final roster not required.

Overtime - No overtime will be played.

QUESTIONS? - Email brosev123@gmail.com

Tournament Report
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