?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Bloodweiser. The best an Orc can git. rightstar
Tournament NameKhornemas Bowl
Organizer NAF nameDrakenspear (28841)
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2022-12-11
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2022-12-11
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


runki_khrum (6780)Dark Elf

Runner up

mr-t027 (20030)Chaos Chosen

Most Touchdowns

Chewblocka (15257)Norse

Most Casualties

mr-t027 (20030)Chaos Chosen

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

magotitus (32249)Lizardmen

Other Awards

Tournament Location
Address6008 Voyageur Dr

Ruleset Document

Once a year we all gather together in a spirit of harmony as the sun reaches its lowest point on the horizon and the sky's are at their most red. Blood is boiling hot and it's time for the annual SLAUGHTER! Red meat is back on the menu and it's time for us all to worship at the altar of the God of Blood Sports! Merry Khornemas Everyone!!
To be held Sunday December 11, 2022 at Red Dragon in Orleans within the National Capital Region (Ottawa). This is a 3 game, 1 day tournament. Entry Fee is $20 dollars. Sign up on the red dragon website https://red-dragon.ca/products/khornemas-bowl-december-11th.
Address for the venue is: 6008 Voyageur Dr, Orléans, ON K1C 2K1.
8:45am to 9am – Registration
9am to 11:30am – Game 1
11:30am to Noon – Lunch
12pm – 2:30pm - Game 2
2:30pm to 2:40pm – Break
2:40pm to 4:55pm – Game 3
4:55pm to 5pm – Awards/Closing
Team Building
Coaches have 1,150,000 GP to create their starting team rosters.
Team rosters must consist of at least 11 players. Star Players do not count toward this total. If opposing teams have the same Star Player, both may be used.
The number of skills awarded will also be determined by team type. No Random Skills. One player may receive 2 added skills, otherwise no more than 1 added skill per player. Each added skill can only be duplicated twice (ie. Max 3 Guard for Dwarves, Max 3 Dodge for Elves).
Tier A - 5 skills (no secondaries) Dark Elf, Chaos Dwarf, Lizardman, Orc, Undead, Wood Elf
Tier B - 5 skills (up to 1 secondary) Amazon, Imperial Nobility, Dwarf, Elf Union, Necromantic, Norse, Skaven, Underworld, Human, Old World Alliance
Tier C - 7 skills (up to 2 secondary) Chaos, Chaos Pact, Khemri, Khorne, Nurgle, Slann, Vampire, High Elves, Black Orcs
Tier D - 8 skills (up to 4 secondary) Goblin, Halfling, Ogre, Snotlings
ALL TEAMS: Some extra devotion to Khorne at Khornemas has resulted in one of your lineman (0-12 or 0-16) players gaining one of the following "skills": Claw, Horns, or Monstrous Mouth (they cannot receive any other skills from the tournament)
Permitted Inducements are as follows:
Bribes 0-3
Bloodweiser Kegs 0-2
Wandering Apo 0-2
Mortuary Assistant 0-1
Plague Doctor 0-1
Riotous Rookies 0-1
Biased Referee 0-1
Halfling Master Chef 0-1
Star Players 0-2

Giants and Mercenaries are not allowed. (In)Famous Coaching staff and Wizards are not allowed.
All standard star players are ineligible. The following stars are the only stars which will play at Khornemas. Available to all teams (0-2):
Bob "Khornedog" Caturn. MA 6 STR 3 AGI 4+ PA - AV 8+. Block, Chainsaw, Secret Weapon, Disturbing Presence, Loner 5+. Cost 110k
Snek Pinefang. MA 5 STR 5 AGI 4+ PA - AV 9+. Horns, Claw, Animal Savagery, Frenzy, Mighty blow +1, Juggernaut, Loner 5+. Cost 240k.
Popkhorne McGee. MA 5 STR 2 AGI 3+ PA - AV 8+. Stunty, Dodge, Sneaky Git, Dirty Player+1, Prehensile Tail, Loner 5+. Cost 80k.
Bella Khornesmith. MA 4 STR 7 AGI 4+ PA - AV 8+. Ball and Chain, Secret Weapon, Brawler, Standfirm, Foul Appearance, Loner 5+. Cost 90k.
Projectile Pete. MA 7 STR 3 AGI3+ PA 6+ AV 8+. Projectile Vomit, Dodge, Monstrous mouth, Loner 5+. Cost 80k.
Stanley Stallworth. MA 4 STR 4 AGI 5+ PA 6+ AV 10+. Tentacles, Standfirm, Brawler, Iron hard skin, Arm bar, Loner 5+. Cost 140k.
Hela Stonemelter. MA 6 STR 3 AGI3+ PA 4+ AV 9+. Extra Arms, Two Heads, Foul Appearance, On the Ball, Loner 5+. Cost 110k.
Rosters to be emailed to stephenrossjarrett@gmail.com.
How does someone Win this?
Points will be awarded each game as follows:
50 Points Win
20 Points Draw
2 Points per TD
2 Point per CAS (no matter how it is caused)
Tiebreakers are in the following order: Strength of schedule, head to head, most cas, most TDs.
Prizes (trophy and choice of blood bowl item) for the following in this order:
2nd Place
Most TDs
Best Defense (least TDs allowed)
Best Painted Khornemas Player
Most CAS (no matter how they were caused, it is Khornemas after all)
Stunty Cup
Wooden Spoon

Best Painted Competition
The best painted competition will be for the best painted Khornemas player to be voted on by all the participants. Best Khornemas player is intended to be a star from the list above or a model for whom Khorne himself would approve.

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