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Tournament NamePissed Up Terry Testimonial
Organizer NAF nameeldritchfox (17319)
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-02-04
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-02-04
StyleSwiss, Resurrection
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


halfabrain (28386)Dwarf

Runner up

SaltySeaWench (24050)Human

Most Touchdowns

stowelly (23727)Skaven

Most Casualties

Stewbacca (24161)Shambling Undead

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

spartan18010 (32182)Vampire
Wooden Spoon
Dinlo (31336)Wood Elf
Terrys Award
Whitehot (23470)Orc
Best Silly Hat
Tournament Location
AddressLower Ballroom
 Grand Hotel Burstin
ZipCT20 1TX
NationUnited Kingdom

Ruleset Document

Google Drive Doc https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WStGiRUS0GCPaQG9WWPU9jrGqBrwXP5ErkbQI-ej0jM/edit

Pissed Up Terry Testimonial

Date: Saturday 4th February 2023
Location: Lower Function Room, Grand Hotel Burstin, The Harbour, Marine Parade, Folkestone CT20 1TX
Cost: £15 NAF members. Non NAF Members £25 inc membership.
NAF membership can be found here https://www.thenaf.net/members-area/join-the-naf/
Please buy tickets in advance by sending payment by PayPal to skabbleague@gmail.com.
Please select your payment as Family and Friends and include your NAF Name and number (if a member) as well as the code PUTT so we know which tournament you are booking for.
Talk Fantasy Football post : https://talkfantasyfootball.org/viewtopic.php?f=59&t=46738
Facebook Post: https://fb.me/e/1HIeQsHOG

Nearest rail: Folkestone Central (approx 20 mins walk or 5 minute taxi ride).
Recommended car parks: The hotel has a car park on site. If you use this, Hotel Guest should be the option you need for whole day parking. There are also 3 car parks a couple of minutes walk aware - Harbour Arm Car Park, Harbour St Parking and Tram Road Car Park.

Accommodation: We are waiting to hear if the hotel offer discounts to anyone staying overnight when they attend an event. At the moment, a twin room is showing as £49 per night.
Food options: The hotel offers on-site food and drink. The Harbour Arm opposite offers a wide range of small dining facilities and there is a chip shop 2 minutes walk away. You are also welcome to bring your own food.
Nearest rail: Folkestone Central (approx 20 mins walk).
Recommended car parks: TBC
There are BloodBowl players. There are BloodBowl legends. And then… there is Pissed Up Terry!
Terry has played his entire professional career for just one team, Proper Dinlo. In today’s game, where money makes the world go round, that is an achievement in itself. However, Terry has achieved immortality in such as short space of time, that it is only fitting that he has a special all-day testimonial upon his retirement* dedicated to playing the game in the way he loves - kicking any fallen opposition player at the earliest opportunity.
Terry has averaged over 5 fouls per game over his 20+ appearances with a total of 63 on record to date (although this would be much higher if records were kept during his debut season. We suspect he is much closer to the 150 fouls mark).
This testimonial series of matches is due to be played in the spirit of Terry (although he does prefer lager himself) and as such, the ruleset is designed to promote the use of the “floor blitz” as much as possible.

*or at least his hopeful retirement if anyone manages to get him to retire during the current SKABB league season. Multiple coaches have tried but none have yet succeeded.

Team Building
All teams get a starting treasury of 1,150,000 gp which can be used to buy players, staff, rerolls and inducements.
Your team MUST include at least 1 goblin player. This may be a goblin star player* as below or you may hire 0-16 goblins for 40k.
Normal Goblin stats apply with addition of Animosity 4+ (All Team Mates).
If you need to borrow goblin miniatures for this please let us know in advance.

0-2 Star Players may be hired after 11 rostered players are purchased.
ONLY Starplayers from the following list may be hired by ALL teams.

Barik Farblast
Bomber Dribblesnot*
Bryce 'the Slice' Cambuel
Fungus the Loon*
Helmut Wulf
Kreek Rustgouger
Lord Borak the Despoiler
Max Spleenripper
The Black Gobbo*
Nobbla Blackwart*
Scrappa Sorehead*
Cindy Piewhistle
Dribl and Drull

The Following Star Players have stepped out of retirement to pay their respect to Terry

Fezgitch 100000 GP
MA 4 ST 7 AG 3+ PA - AV 8+
Loner (4+), Ball & Chain, Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, No Hands, Secret Weapon
Flint Churnblade 130000 GP
MA 5 ST 3 AG 4+ PA - AV 9+
Loner (4+), Block, Chainsaw, Secret Weapon, Thick Skull
Hack Enslash 120000 GP
MA 6 ST 3 AG 4+ PA 4+ AV 8+
Loner (4+), Chainsaw, Regeneration, Secret Weapon, Side Step
Madcap Miggz* 170000 GP
MA 6 ST 4 AG 3+ PA - AV 9+
Pogo Stick, Break Tackle, Claw, Loner (4+), No Hands, Unchannelled Fury
Sinnedbad 80000
MA 6 ST 3 AG 4+ PA 5+ AV 8+
Loner (4+), Block, Jump Up,On The Ball, Regeneration, Secret Weapon, Side Step, Stab
Ugroth Bolgrot 100000
MA 5 ST 3 AG 3+ PA 4+ AV 10+
Loner (4+), Chainsaw, Secret Weapon
Throttlesnot ‘The Impaler’* 100000
MA 6 ST 2 AG 4+ PA 5+ AV 8+
Dirty Player, Dodge, Leap, Loner, Regeneration, Secret Weapon, Stab, Stunty
Zzharg Madeye 90000
MA 4 ST 4 AG 3+ PA 3+ AV 10+
Loner, Hail Mary Pass, Pass, Secret Weapon, Canoneer, Sure Hands, Tackle, Thick Skull

All GW Blood Bowl teams allowed plus teams of legend and Slann.
No Mercenaries apart from Sporting Giants may be induced.
No Wizards may be induced.
All other inducements from Main Rulebook, DeathZone and BB 2020 Spike Magazines are allowed

SPP Packages
Depending on team tier you get spp to spend on skills. You may only select primary or secondary skills. No random skills may be chosen.
You MAY stack additional skills onto a player as per the cost on page 71 of rulebook.
Tier 1 Teams
36 spp
Dark Elf, Dwarf, Shambling Undead, Skaven, Amazon, Chaos Dwarf, Lizardmen, Orcs, Norse,
Tier 2 Teams
42 spp
Elven Union, Human, Imperial Nobility, Necromantic Horror, Slann, Tomb Kings, Vampires,Wood Elves
Tier 3 Teams
48 spp
Black Orc, High Elf, Khorne, Nurgle, Old World Alliance, Chaos Chosen, Chaos Renegades,Underworld Denizens
Tier 4 Teams
54 spp
Goblins, Ogres, Snotlings, Halflings
Tier 4 teams MAY spend
18spp to boost a player's MA, PA or AV by 1 (-1 for PA);
20 spp to boost AG by 1;
24 spp to boost ST by 1.

Special Tournament Rules.
Silly Hats
As everyone knows, goblins love drinking, fighting, singing lewd songs and wearing silly hats. Each game that you are wearing a silly hat gives you a free team reroll. The TO’s discretion is final on what constitutes a silly hat.
Weather Table
As the match takes place in a dingy, dirty gobbo stadium the following weather table applies.
2 Bubbling up from Below: The players are aghast as viscous liquid begins to seep up from below. Whether this is a natural phenomenon, the result of sabotage or a dire warning that stadia have no place being built above sewage pipes, it’s definitely not pleasant. All players on the pitch subtract 1 from their MA.
3 Gloomy: The torches are in need of replacing, and the shadows are growing long. All Long pass and Long bomb Pass actions suffer an additional -1 modifier. Additionally, when a player attempts to Rush for a second or subsequent time during their activation, apply an additional -1 modifier.
4-10 Perfect Conditions (well, almost): The light of the sun might be missing, but the conditions are almost perfect for Blood Bowl.
11 Thermal Geysers: Vapour begins to whistle up from cracks in the ground, followed by forceful gouts of roiling steam. If a player on your team Falls Over or is Knocked Down, roll a D6. On a roll of 1, they crack open a thermal geyser. That player is immediately catapulted through the air. Immediately treat that player as being thrown (as if they had the Right Stuff trait) by another player (with the Throw Team-mate trait), and treat the quality of the throw as terrible. If they land successfully do not make an AV roll.
12 Seismic Activity: “Uh oh… was that a tremor?” Roll a D6 at the end of each team turn, adding 1 to the result for each player on the pitch with a Strength of 5 or more. On a roll of 6+, rocks tumble down from up above. Both coaches roll off. The coach that rolls the lowest randomly selects one of their players from among those on the pitch. That player is struck by a falling rock and Knocked Down. If the roll-off results in a tie, do not roll again. Instead, both coaches must randomly select a player to be struck by a falling rock.

Prayers To Terry Table (Replaces Prayers To Nuffle Table)
1 Trampoline Trap
Until the end of this half, every time any player or the ball enter a Trapdoor square, for any reason, they land on a concealed trampoline and are thrown d6 squares in a d8 direction. Players must make an unmodified AG roll to land. If they fail the landing roll for armour as normal. This does not cause a turnover unless they are the ball carrier.
2 Friends With The Ref
Until the end of this drive, you may add one to your d6 roll on the Argue the Call Table.
3 Knife Fight.
Both coaches randomly choose a player that is available to play this drive that does not have the Loner (x+) trait. Until the end of the game both players gain the Stab trait. If they Stab the opposing player who gained Stab and they are removed from the pitch the gain a team reroll
4 Iron Jock Strap
Choose one player on your team that is available to play this drive and does not have the Loner (x+) trait. Until the end of this drive they may not be fouled
5 Knuckle Dusters
Choose one player on your team that is available to play this drive and does not have the Loner (x+) trait. They gain the Mighty Blow (+1) skill until the end of the drive
6 Spiky Boots
Choose one player on your team. They gain Dirty Player (+1) until the end of the drive
7 Knobbled Water Bottles
Roll a d6. The coach with the lowest roll must subtract 1 from any KO rolls made at the end of the drive. If it is a tie then this applies to both teams.
8 Terrys Blessing
Randomly choose one player on your team that is available to play this drive and does not have the Loner (x+) trait. Terry has blessed them and sent a bottle of his trademark grog.
They gain Really Stupid, Dauntless, Dirty Player (+1) and Sneaky Git until the end of the drive. If they are still on the field at the end of the drive roll a d6 on a 4+ they have passed out and must be placed in the reserves box for the next drive whilst they have their stomach pumped and sleep it off.

As the Goblins get more and more into the spirit of the occasion their influence on the games increases.
The songs get louder and lewder, the hats sillier and the referees pockets get heavier.
For Game One the regulation balls have been interfered with and replaced.
After set up but before the first kick off the kicking coach must roll a d6 and consult the following table to determine which ball will be in play
See page 70 - 75 of Deathzone or the match programme for rules
1 Explodin’ Ball
2 Extra Spiky Ball
3 Shady Special Ball
4 Snotling Ball Suit
5 Limpin’ Squig Ball
6 Normal Ball

For Game Two the fans have lost what little self control they had and are now a seething mass of teeth, bogies and slimy things on sticks
Any player that is pushed into the crowd suffers +1 to the injury roll
If the ball enters the crowd roll a d6 on a 4+ the fans throw in something foul and sticky instead of the ball. Resolve in the same way as a ball throw in but when the final square is determined treat it as if a bomb has detonated there. Once resolved throw the ball in as normal.
Any foul committed against a player on the sideline gains an additional +1 to AV and Injury
If a pitch invasion result is rolled on the Kick Off table d3+3 players from BOTH teams are Placed Prone and Stunned
For Game Three the fans are rioting and the referees are running.
Each team gets a free bribe at the start of each half. This may take a team over the normal 3 bribes allowed.
If a player is ko’d roll a d6. On a 1 the apothecaries are too scared to take them off the pitch so leave them face down and Stunned, 2-5 Knocked out as normal, 6 The apothecaries get there too late. The player is Badly Hurt
For Game Four a strange hush descends over the arenas. The fans stand still, almost mesmerised as a eerie glow rises from the centre field.Can It Be? Is It Possible? The Spirit of Terry has entered the field (quad whiskey on rocks if you want to know)
A randomly selected goblin lineman is possessed by Terry and gains Sneaky Git and Dirty Player (+1). However as the Gobbo is not used to the massive amounts of alcohol coursing through it’s system it gains the Really Stupid trait.

Registration: 09:00 - 09:30
First game: 09:45 - 12:00 BALLS
Lunch: 12:00 - 12:45
Second game: 12:45 - 15:00 FANS
Third game: 15:00 - 17:25 BRIBES
Fourth game: 17:35 - 19:50 BOOZE
Finish and prizes: 20:00
Strictly 2:15 per round. If you need a clock please ask. At time it will be dice down game over.

Swiss style resurrection tournament.
No additional spp gains, team resets after each round. Raised Zombies or Rotters do not join your team for the next game.
20 points for a win
10 points for a draw
0 for a loss
Bonus points: 1 per TD per game (max 3 points), 1 per casualty per game (max 3points) All Cas Count
Tie breakers
Most Touchdowns
Most Casualties
Most Fouls
Head to Head Record
Bribes to TO
Dance Off
Runner Up
Most Fouls
Most touchdowns
Most casualties (ALL cas count)
Best Silly Hat
Wooden spoon
Please bring
Your Blood Bowl team (painted if you please) Positional and skills clearly marked.
Three Block dice, two D6,one D8 and 1 D16
Throw-in, Scatter and Pass templates
We will supply all pitches

Tournament Report
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