?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameRockford Foul Fest I
Organizer NAF nameDr.Kitties (17757)
OrganizerJoe Gruber
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-04-01
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-04-01
Cost$35 ($30 for NAF members)
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountyes

Tournament Statistics


Runner up

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressCataclysm Games and Collectables
 8289 Burden Road SE
CityMachesney Park
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

Rockford Foul Fest I
April 1st, 2023
Cataclysm Games and Collectables
8289 Burden Road SE
Machesney Park, IL 61115
$35 ($30 for NAF members)
This is a NAF US Tournament. NAF membership is required. We will hopefully have someone on site to sign you up. However you can sign up ahead of time at https://www.thenaf.net/members-area/join-the-naf/

You get
3 games of Blood Bowl
2 Foul Fest D6
You Bring
Painted team (Teams must have 3 colors and a finished base, numbered properly and skills visibly marked.)
Blood Bowl pitch, templates, dugouts, ball, dice, and markers (Turn, Score, Re-Rolls, etc)
Money for food/drinks (Vending on site takes cash for drinks, candy, and snacks. Lots of fast food and restaurants nearby for lunch.)
4 copies of your roster (1 for the organizer and 1 for each opponent)
NAF Rules for Tournaments
NAF 2022 Download
Grandma Wendy's FAQ

Blood Bowl Second Season (2020) Rule Set
All Races in the Rulebook, Teams of Legend Document, & NAF additional races
All injuries reset after each game
Apothecaries work as described in the Rulebook
Weather table isn’t in effect and doesn’t need to be rolled.
Illegal Procedure can be shouted but will not be penalized
Custom Kick Off Table will be utilized
Win = 60 Points
Tie = 30 Points
Loss = 10 Points
Bonus Points per Match
Cause 5 or more casualties from fouling +5 Points
Cause 3 or 4 casualties from fouling +3 Points
Cause 1 or 2 casualties from fouling +1 Point
You are given 1,150,000 gold pieces to build your team. You may purchase players, rerolls, fan factor, assistant coaches, and cheerleaders as normal with this money as well as certain inducements.
Inducements allowed: Halfling Master Chef, Riotous Rookies, Star Players (See Below), and Bribes.
You may purchase any allowed inducements for your team, including ONE STAR PLAYER unless you are a stunty team (Ogres, Snotlings, Goblins, or Halflings) then you can take TWO STAR PLAYERS.
Note: If you are including a Star Player, you must have 11 players on your team BEFORE hiring them. Having 10 players plus a Star is not allowed.
Remember: You cannot have the same Star Player as your opponent. If both of you attempt to field the same player, then that star player has swindled you both!! Neither of you can field them. Also, you cannot use Igors or Apothecaries on Star Players.
**All new star players from the Second Season Edition and subsequent Spike Journals will be allowed. Second Season Edition has given Star Players each their own "Special Rule". If you have a Star Player on your roster, you are expected to explain the "Special Rule" to your opponent. Please use some kind of coin or marker to represent when the Star Player has spent his special, once per game rule.**
After team is built, you are given +200,000 gold pieces to buy Normal and/or Doubles skills
Primary Skills cost 20,000 each
Secondary Skills cost 40,000 each
You may not purchase any stat upgrades
Your players may take up to Two additional skills
Your team may only take up to Four of each skill total
For instance, one Human Blitzer on your team may be given Mighty Blow and Dodge in addition to already having Block. Also for example, Four Dwarf Blockers may be given Guard, but you cannot give Guard to anyone else.

Foul Fest
The NAF referees union is on strike because they haven’t had a pay increase in decades and the fact that many of them die each year due to bad security. The owner of the local Blood Bowl stadiums decided that he didn’t care about the referees union’s strike and decided to hold a tournament anyway. The owner is maybe leaning into the fact that there aren’t going to be any official NAF referees a little too much and decided to call the tournament Foul Fest. They hired some scab referees but the owner told them to turn a blind eye on fouling unless it gets really bad out there.
Each match when a player gets caught fouling by rolling doubles on either the armor or injury roll while fouling, roll a D6 and on a 3+ the scab referees didn’t notice. On the result of a 1, or 2 the player was caught and is sent off as normal. Players sent off can still be saved by utilizing the Argue the Call rule and/or bribes which will be used as normal. In addition to that we will be using a special Kick Off Events Table instead of the one in the rule book. Also no weather results will need to be rolled at the beginning of the game because all of the games will be played in “State of the Art “domed stadiums.

Kick Off Events (Foul Fest) 1D8
1 – Scabs R Us – The scab referees are drunk on this drive and they want in on the action. Any player will be sent to the knock out box instantly if they get caught by a scab referee when fouling by rolling doubles on either result. No need to check to see if the Refs caught you this drive because they’re paying more attention. The referee hits the player over the head with a blunt object for breaking the rules. (You can’t argue the call or use a bribe because the player isn’t ejected) This lasts until the drive ends.
2 – Solid Defense – D3 + 3 open players on the kicking team may be removed and set up again in different locations, Since the scab referees don’t know the game very well you can place up to 3 players in each sideline area for this setup only.
3 – Loyal Fans – All the action has the fans overly excited, each coach rolls a D6 and adds the number of cheerleaders on their Roster. The coach with the highest result gets a free bribe for the game paid for by the fans of their team in attendance. If a tie then both teams get a bribe for the game.
4 – Don’t Quit Your Day Job – No self-respecting coach would bring their team to an event called Foul Fest, but here you are. Both coaches roll a D6 and add the number of assistant coaches on their Roster. The winner gets a free Special Team Re-Roll for the drive. This re-roll only works on a 3+. If a tie both of you get the Special Team Re-Roll.
5 – “State of the Art” Dome – There is no weather in this tournament because the owners have built makeshift domes over the stadiums. However the owners like to save money and cut some corners. One randomly selected player on each team that is currently set up is hit with some falling debris. That player is knocked down in their own square as if hit by a block action with Mighty Blow (+1) applied.
6 – Drunken Blitz – One open player on the kicking team (Their Choice) had a bit too much to drink. He’s been sent into a drunken rage by one of the opponents. That player must be able to reach and block an opponent player. If the player does not hit an opponent with a block by the end of this action they will be sent to the knock out box because they passed out drunk. If they fail a rush action to get to the opposing player to hit them they just fall there and the special blitz is over (failed Rush does not automatically send the player to the knockout box because they gave it their best try). The player has their skills changed to the following for just this special blitz turn: Dauntless, Brawler, Mighty Blow (+1), Dirty Player (+2), and Pile Driver. No other skills they have will be usable during this turn (including negative skills ie bonehead, really stupid, etc). Their stats will however remain the same. If the player successfully knocks down the opponent and it doesn’t result in that player being removed from the field they must use the Pile Driver skill after the block. No re-rolls other than the skills provided to the drunken player can be used in this special action.
7 – Rogue Wizard – A rogue wizard in the stands gets up and screams MAGIC MISSILE!!!! He then casts a Magic Missile on the Line of Scrimmage, each player touching the Line of Scrimmage must make a standard agility test with a +1 modifier. If they pass the test they manage to get out of the way of the missile and if they fail they get hit. Players that get hit are now prone and stunned.
8 – Drunken Fans – The fans have had too much to drink and are heckling the players. The players don’t appreciate the death threats they’re receiving from these lowly imbeciles and start taunting them to come out to the field and settle this. A rush of fans swarm the field trying to steal anything that isn’t nailed down, including the players protective gear. Roll for each player on the pitch. On a roll of a 6 that player had a piece of their gear stolen from them by a group of fans. They are -1 Armor for the rest of the drive.
09:00 am to 09:30 am Check in
09:30 am to 12:00 pm Round One
12:00 pm to 01:00 pm Lunch
01:00 pm to 03:30 pm Round Two
03:30 pm to 06:00 pm Round Three
06:00 pm to 06:30 pm Awards
You must use the Tournament D6’s you received in each of your games.
You may use your own block dice provided they are from GW or the NAF.
There will be no sharing dice.
The #1 - #4 ranked coaches after Round 2 will be playing for the title of Tournament Champion and Runner up. In case of a tie score in the Top Table game, the below bullet points will be used to determine the winner. 2nd Place will be awarded for whoever has the most points after the winner between the top 4 coaches.
Pairings will be determined by wins, then tiebreakers based on the following, in this order:
Total Points
Head to Head record
Injuries Commited from Fouling
Strength of Schedule
Tournament Organizer discretion
AWARDS (Tournament Organizer will break any ties)
We will be using a “Share the Wealth System” for Awards
Champion - (Gift Card + 3D printed Blood Bowl Team + Trophy)
2nd Place - (Gift Card + 3D Printed Star Player + Trophy)
Big Spikey Boot - Most casualties inflicted by your players from fouling your opponents players over the course of all 3 games (Gift Card + 3D printed Star Player + Trophy)
Wooden Spoon (Wooden Spoon + New Dice)

Situational Awards
First Coach to have a player foul an opposing star player and causality them.
First person to have a player foul then get caught and sent off.
First person to have one of their players suffer a causality caused by falling debris.
First person to get a fouling casualty from “Drunken Blitz” Kick off table event.

Please send a copy of your roster to dr.spagooters@gmail.com at least a week in advance of the tournament to guarantee a spot. There is a cap of 50 players.

Tournament Report
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