?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NamePoznańskie Wykopki 2022
Organizer NAF namedomingo (20280)
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2022-11-26
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2022-11-27
Cost40 PLN
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Mentos (26728)Dark Elf

Runner up

DoTheMario (24357)Norse

Most Touchdowns

rayhell (30281)Lizardmen

Most Casualties

Marcepan (24554)Dwarf

Stunty Cup

Horn (23807)Ogre

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressNaPiwek Pub
 Wodna 12 Street

Ruleset Document

Poznańskie Wykopki 2022 czyli Turniej o Złotą Pyrę

Roster Creation:
Coaches have 1150000 gold + extra gold from tier bonus for team creation.
You may buy:
- minimum of 11 players before buying Star Players
-0-8 Team rerolls - price depends on the team
- 0-6 Assistant Coaches - 10k gold each
- 0-12 Cheerleaders - 10k gold each
- 0-1 Apothecary - 50k gold each
- 0-1 Mortuary Assistant -100k gold each
- 0-1 Plague Doctor - 100k gold each
- 0-6 Dedicated Fans - 10k gold each, each team starts with 1 DF
- 0-2 Bloodweiser Kegs - 50k gold each
- 0-3 Bribes - 100k gold each (Underworld, Black Orcs, Goblins i Snotlings can buy for 50k gold each)
- 0-1 Halfling Masterchef - za 300k gold (Halflings100k gold)
- 0-1 Riotous Rookies 100k gold (Ogrs & Snots only)
- 0-1 Star Player for tier 6.

these Star Players are “God Tier” and buying them is combined with some extra rules:

1) Ultra God Tier - Morg N Thorg, Griff Oberwald, Bomber Dribblesnot - in case of those SP You must pay extra 1 primary and 1 secondary skill. It not only means that You pay extra 60 g - it means You can now take only 1 secondary skill on Your Tier 6 team! Sorry - this is the way!
2) Puny God Tier - Hakflem Skuttlespike - in case of that SP You must pay cost of 1 primary skill but You can not take 2 secondary skills anymore!. It means that these SP cost You extra 20 g and Your Tier 6 team can not have 2 secondary skill anymore! Only one secondary skill allowed when Hakflem is on the pitch - sorry but he is greedy guy and he hates good players (except himself) on his team!

Infamous coaching available as inducement:

!Baised Referee! Is available.

Mages and other (in) famous inducements are not available, same for Special Cards.

Team tiers:

Tier 1 - Amazon (old), Wood Elves, Shambling Undead;
Tier 2 - Chaos Dwarves, Dwarves, Underworld, Orc, Dark Elves;
Tier 3 - Amazon (new), Norse, Khorne, Skaven, Necromantic Horror, Humans, Imperial Nobility;
Tier 4 - Lizardmen, Chaos Renegades, Elven Union, High Elves, Chaos Chosen, Old World Alliance, Tomb Kings;
Tier 5 - Nurgle, Slann, , Black Orcs,
Tier 6 - Goblins, Halfings, Ogres, Snotlings, Vampire, Black Orcs, Lizardmenand and Underworld.

Black Orcs, Lizardman and Uncerwolds are Tier 6 only if their team is created with Big Guys and stunty players only! (Hell Yeah! - You can have a chameleon as a Lizardman and Snots as an Underworld!) They count to the Stunty Cup as well!

Teams from Tier 1 may buy 2 times max same skill (Max 2 Guards for ex.)
Teams from Tier 2- 5 can buy 3 times max same skill (Max 3 Guards for ex.)
Tier 6 teams don't have any restrictions in buying Primary Skills.

Gold for skills:
Tier 1: 100k gold (unlimited quantity of „Primary” skills),
Tier 2: 120k gold (unlimited quantity of „Primary” skills),
Tier 3: 140k gold (unlimited quantity of „Primary” skills),
Tier 4: 160k gold (unlimited quantity of „Primary” skills, Max 1 "Secondary"),
Tier 5: 180k gold ( unlimited quantity of „Primary” skills, Max 1 "Secondary", one player can take 2 "Primary" skills),
Tier 6: 200,000 złotych monet gold ( unlimited quantity of „Primary” skills, Max 2 "Secondary", one player can take 2 "Primary" skills),

Skill cost: Primary 20k, Secondary 40k, Stack: 60k

Additional Star Player:

Ripper (250k gold) has:

M:4 ST:6 AG:5+ PA:4+ AV:10+
grab, loner (4+), mighty blow (+1), regeneration, throw team-mate.
Can play with: Goblins, Snots, Ogres,

Special Ability: „Obey!” - once per game Ripper can throw 2+ and if succeeded can pick one player with really stupid trait. Selected player makes really stupid test as if he was assited by friendy player without really stupid trait. Coach must declare "Obey!" ability after decision about activation of the really stupid player but before making throw for it. If "Obey!" throw is failed Ripper yells but without effect. Really stupid trait on selected player must be tested normally.
Please send your roster here: poznanskie.wykopki@gmail.com


26.11.2022 Saturday:

9.30 – Registration/Pub Opening
10.00 - 12:30 – First Round
12:50 - 15:20 – Second Round
15:20 - 16:20 - Lunch Break
16:20 - 18:50 – Third Round

27.11.2022 Sunday:
9.30 – Registration/Pub Opening
10:00 - 12:30 – Fourth Round
12:50 - 15:20 – Fift Round
15:30 - 16:30 – Closure, Result announcement, Photoshoot etc.

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