?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameGame Cup
Organizer NAF namefirekalyx (33527)
OrganizerRigoberto Panessa
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2022-11-20
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2022-11-20
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


morpao (20249)Orc

Runner up

Pljs (25912)Lizardmen

Most Touchdowns

Yena (5798)Skaven

Most Casualties

LordBertoCaos (21419)Chaos Renegade

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

PanicoBlack (21763)Tomb Kings
Zama (26800)Orc
Best Defense
Tournament Location
AddressVia Francesco Baracca 168

Ruleset Document

Points and tiebreakers:
Players earn points as follows each round:

Player Win: 3 Points
Player Tie: 1 Point

Player Loss: 0 Points
Player concedes a match: -2 points

Players on the same points will be ranked using these tiebreakers in order:
Roster Building and Upgrades

Each of the 29 races is allocated 1,150,000 gold coins to spend on Roster Building only. Roster building comprises the purchasing of players, sideline staff, rerolls, permitted inducements and dedicated fans.

Permitted inducements are as follows:
Bloodweiser Kegs 0-2
Bribes 0-3
Wandering Apothecaries 0-2
Mortuary Assistant 0-1
Plague Doctor 0-1
Riotous Rookies 0-1
Biased Referee 0-1
Halfling Masterchef 0-1
If Riotous Rookies are hired, then roll separately before each match and ensure you have identifiable painted miniatures for the extra journeymen.

All other inducements including Star Players are not permitted.

Teams have a separate amount of gold coins to buy Upgrades. The amount available for each race depends on a system of Tiers as shown below:
Tier 1 (dark elf, lizard, shambling undead, wood elf) 100k
Tier 2 (chaos dwarf,dwarf, norse, skaven) 130k
Tier 3 (amazon, black orc, human, high elf, imperial nobilty, orc, necromantic horror) 150k
Tier 4 (chaos chosen, khorne, elven union, old world alliance, tomb kings, underworld denizens) 170k
Tier 5 (chaos renegades, nurgle, slann, vampire,snotling) 190K
Tier 6 (halfling, goblin, ogre ) 220k

Available upgrades also depend on Tier, as follows:
Tier 1 primary skill, secondary skill. Max 1 secondary skill. No stacking
Tier 2 primary skill, secondary skill. Max 1 secondary skill. No stacking
Tier 3 primary skill, secondary skill. Max 1 secondary skill. No stacking
Tier 4 primary skill, secondary skill. Max 2 secondary skill. No stacking
Tier 5 primary skill, secondary skill. Max 2 secondary skill. No stacking
Tier 6 primary skill, secondary skill, statistic increases. No limit secondary skill. Stacking

Each upgrade is priced as below:
Primary skill 20k
Secondary skill 30k
+1 AV 10k
+1 MA 20k
+1 PA 20k
+1 AG 40k
+1 ST 80k
All skills are chosen and not random.

Teams who have access to statistic increases are limited to a maximum of two increases per team.

Players may only be given one upgrade. However, if stacking is permitted then one player per team may be given a maximum of two upgrades.

Any unspent cash from either Roster Building or Upgrades is lost

COSTO ISCRIZIONE: €10,00 per gli iscritti naf, €15 euro per i non iscritti naf(iscrizione obbligatoria in loco

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