?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameCollegebowl
Organizer NAF namesilas (32617)
OrganizerArnaud Ambroisini
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-02-25
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-02-25
Styleswiss round, resurrection
Scoring2 / 1 / 0
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


onyersix (28385)Ogre

Runner up

recalculate (22892)Shambling Undead

Most Touchdowns

howlinggriffon (3709)Halfling

Most Casualties

mevans (25649)Khorne

Stunty Cup

howlinggriffon (3709)Halfling

Best Painted

pmdtho (34058)Chaos Renegade

Other Awards

wabe2009 (27497)Human
Most Passes award
hoggul (33023)Skaven
Spoon award
Tournament Location
AddressNetherhall School, Queen Edith’s Way
ZipCB1 8NN
NationUnited Kingdom

Ruleset Document

Collegebowl Tournament Pack

'Welcome, sports fans, to another Cabalvision first! I'm Jim Johnson...'
'And I'm... confused, Jim. What's with all these books?'
'Oh, these? Why, Bob, these weighty tomes were provided to us courtesy of the Collegia Cantabrigia! These will be given to the teams competing today! Who knows? Maybe one or two of the players will be able to read them!'
'I can't see what good this will be to them, Jim. I'm not one for hittin' the books. I'm more for hittin' the pitch!'
'But Bob, knowledge is power. The teams here today will find that out soon enough! With that in mind, let the games begin!'

The Cambridge collegebowl will be the first held in Cambridge this year at the 2D6 Lodge (http://2d6lodge.co.uk), for 3 games packed with blood bowl actions.


25th February 2023


Netherhall School,
Queen Edith’s Way,

Blood bowl 2020 rules + latest official FAQ.
3 games. 2h15 min per game.
Resurrection, Any deaths or casualties is canceled at the end of each game.
At the end of a round, all teams lose all their spps, FF, golds, etc that they may have gained during a match.


Win 2
Draw 1
Lose 0


Best Stunty (Goblins, Halflings, Ogres, Snotlings)
Best Painted


Payments should be made via PayPal to: ambrosiniarnaud65@gmail.com
Please include in the payment notes “CBB” and your NAF name and number if you are registered.

Tournament Rules

Team Building:

Coaches have 1,150,000 GC to build their roster following the blood bowl 2020 rulebook instructions.
All inducements listed in the Blood Bowl 2020 rulebook are permitted except Mercenaries, Special Play Cards, and Team Wizards.The following additional inducement rules from the “Death Zone” supplement are allowed:(In)Famous Coaching Staff, Other Inducements from p36-39, excluding Medicinal Unguent and Side Bet.
All published 2020 edition stars can be used, but restrictions apply (see below).
As per the 2020 rules in tournament games, you do not receive the 1 free Dedicated Fans.

Tiering and Skills:

This rule pack is inspired from the rule pack of the ADCC blood bowl tournament.

Team are listed in 4 tier categories:

Tier X: 0 skills
-See below

Tier A: 3 skills, up to 1 of them can be a secondary skill.
-Teams: Amazon, Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, Elven Union, High Elf, Human, Imperial Nobility, Lizardmen, Norse, Orc, Shambling Undead, Skaven, Underworld, Wood Elf, Tomb Kings.

Tier B: 5 skills, up to 2 of them can be secondary skills.
-Teams: Black Orc, Chaos Chosen, Chaos Renegades, Khorne, Necromantic Horror, Nurgle, Slann, Old World Alliance, Vampire.

Tier C: 7 skills, up to 4 of them can be secondary skills.
-Teams: Goblin, Halfling, Ogre, Snotling

A player can only have a maximum of 2 extra skills. Star players cannot receive any additional skills.
For each Star Player your team takes, your chosen team will move up a tier and get the associated number of bonus skills.
Cambridge college books:
In addition, each coach can study one of the 8 books from the Cambridge colleges to further enhance their rosters. Any skills given in these packages cannot be given to a player who has already received bonus skills from the tier list or if he is a star player. The player receiving an ‘enhancement’ doesn’t need to have access to the skills he receive but exception applies:
Players with the balls and chain trait cannot receive ‘enhancements’ from the book of shadow or the book of Frenzy. If a player receive the loner trait but already have it, he have to take the worst version of the two.

Book list:

Book of the eagle:
Give 1 player Pro, On The Ball, and Animosity (All Teammates)

Book of Evil:
Give 1 player Dirty Player and Piledriver and loner(3+)

Book of the beast:
Give 1 player Animal Savagery, Regeneration, and Mighty Blow (+1)

Book of Mutation:
Give 1 player Disturbing Presence, Monstrous Mouth, and Fool appearance

Book of sturdiness:
Give 1 player Tackle, Thick Skull, Arm Bar

Book of Shadow:
Give 1 player Shadowing, Stab, and Sidestep

Book of Frenzy:
Give 1 player Dauntless, Frenzy, and AV8+ (for better or for worse)

Book of the Guardian:
Give 1 player Stand Firm and Diving Tackle

Time schedule:
The day will be organize as shown in the table below. Each round will be exactly 2h15min. To help players manage their game time, a reminder for the time left will be given when 1h, 30 min and 15 min are left to play. If a match is not finish at the end of a round, the current score will be consider being the final score for this match.
The lunch break is 1h but we won’t be able to propose any meal. We advise player to either come with their own meals or find something in the supermarket or shops around.

Registration /Introduction
9h15 -9h45
Game 1
Lunch Break
Game 2
Game 3
Results and prizes


We don’t ask players to have fully painted teams (except if you want to be able to participate for the best painted team of course).
We do ask players to bring their own pitches, dugouts, dices and other templates or useful tools, as we won’t be able to supply these.

Tournament Report
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