?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameForest City Cup: Danger in the Chamber
Organizer NAF namecodered (26601)
OrganizerCody Clerke
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-04-30
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-04-30
Scoring30/10/0 W/D/L
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno
WebpageForest City Cup

Tournament Statistics


delevus (9884)Lizardmen

Runner up

iniq (24413)Snotling

Most Touchdowns

seanh1986 (23461)Orc

Most Casualties

coachMcGirt (28337)Tomb Kings

Stunty Cup

KidRichard (24415)Goblin

Best Painted

Other Awards

Talons (5734)Necromantic Horror
Best Sport
Tournament Location
Address1700 Dundas St. Unit 7
ZipN5W 3C9

Ruleset Document

Forest City Cup: Danger in the Chamber
This event will be part of the Forest City Cup event. While each tournament is separate, there will be an overall Forest City Cup champion for most points accumulated during the weekend.

The full rules document can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WzXaTZhZ-xY56z_fsj7AUkjXAPiP7N7OWP2maZo774U

The Game Chamber
1700 Dundas St. Unit 7
London, ON

Schedule - Sunday, April 30, 2022
9:00 - Registration
9:30 - 11:45 - Round 1
11:45 - 12:30 - Lunch
12:30 - 2:45 - Round 2
3:00 - 5:15 - Round 3
5:30 - Awards

Win: 30
Draw: 10
Loss: 0
Concede: -10
Score 3 or more TDs: 1
Concede 0 TDs: 1
Cause 3 or more casualties (from Blocks only): 1

Team Building
Each team will have a budget, as described below, to spend on team creation. This budget may be spent on players, team goods, inducements, skills and characteristic improvements. Teams must have a minimum of 11 players before hiring Star Players. If both teams have the same Star Player both will play. Star Players may not be given additional skills or characteristic improvements. There are no other restrictions on skill limits or skill stacking.

1,300,000 gp
No Star Players

1,250,000 gp
Access to one Star Player

1,200,000 gp
Access to two Star Players

Primary skill: 20k
Secondary Skill: 40k
Improvement to ST: 80k
Improvement to AG: 40k
Improvement to MA: 20k
Improvement to PA: 20k
Improvement to AV: 10k

Before each game before rolling for fans and weather, roll a D6 on the pitch table to determine the condition the pitch will be in for the game.

1. Under water. The North London Athletic Fields have flooded again. Whenever a player Falls Over, apply -1 modifier to the Armour roll.

2. Fan frenzy. The fans are in a frenzy, Jim! Whenever a player is pushed into the crowd apply a +1 modifier to the injury roll. Additionally apply a +1 modifier to the D3 roll when a Pitch Invasion Kick-off event occurs.

3. Regular. The game will be played on a regular Blood Bowl pitch.

4. Icy pitch. There is a layer of ice on the pitch. Players can Rush as many times as they wish (provided they are still standing). For each rush after the first (or second if the player has the Sprint skill) apply an additional -1 modifier to the roll. If a player Falls Over from a failed Rush, apply a +1 modifier to their Armour roll.

5. Dome. This game is played under a covered roof. Do not roll for weather at the start of the game and if the Changing Weather Kick-off event is rolled during the game, nothing happens.

6. Free healthcare. This stadium was erected right next to University Hospital. Teams that can purchase an apothecary get a free apothecary for this game. Teams with the Masters of Undeath rule get a free Mortuary Assistant and teams with the Favoured of Nurgle rule get a free Plague Doctor.

After rolling to see who kicks, the winner of that roll also chooses an item to purchase from the shop inventory below. The other coach will choose an item after, but cannot choose the same item. Neither coach can choose the same item they have had in a previous game. Star Players will not wear or consume any of these items.

Knuckle dusters. Choose one player on your team to equip with these blood-spattered knuckle dusters. The player receives the Mighty Blow (+1) skill for the game.

Magic codpiece. Choose one player on your team to wear the magic codpiece. Make sure it is well-fitted. Rolls against this player's Armour cannot be modified during the game (including Mighty Blow, Dirty Player, foul assists, chainsaw, etc) except that modifiers from the pitches (under water, icy pitch) do still apply.

Stylish headband. If you want to be a pro, you have to look like a pro with this stylish headband. Choose one player on your team to wear the stylish headband for this game. The player receives the Pro skill for the game.

Gloves of holding. Wow, these gloves sure are sticky! Was the previous owner a Halfling with a Sticky Bun? Choose one player on your team to wear the gloves of holding. While wearing the gloves, the player gains the Catch and Sure Hands skills, but cannot Pass or Hand-off. The player may remove the gloves between drives, but then cannot put them back on (as a Halfling stole them to lick off the sticky goodness that was on them).

Kicking boots. Choose one player on your team to lace up these heavy metal kicking boots. The player receives the Kick and Dirty Player skills, but suffers -1 MA for the game.

Kroxorade. A cooler of this vibrant liquid will surely get the players back in action! Apply a +1 modifier to knockout rolls for this game.

Fancy purple helmet. Choose one player on your team to wear the fancy purple helmet. The player receives +1 AV, and receives the Thick Skull skill for the game.

One-hour energy. This brand new beverage will make you feel like you can take on the world! At the start of a drive, choose one player on your team to drink this. They receive +1 ST for the drive, but at the end of the drive, the effects have worn off and they will suffer -1 ST (from original printed ST value) for the rest of the game.

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