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Tournament NameIt's a Kind of Magic
Organizer NAF namewobert (20177)
OrganizerAlistair Pring
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-05-14
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-05-14
Scoring30pts win 10pts draw 1pt per TD/Casualty (capped at 3each)
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno
Webpagecoming soon

Tournament Statistics


Danny (21713)Snotling

Runner up

Scouseboy (24065)Lizardmen

Most Touchdowns

Barnacles (9957)Dark Elf

Most Casualties

Whitey (23922)Chaos Chosen

Stunty Cup

thulean (28239)Snotling

Best Painted

suspicious_noble (30522)Halfling

Other Awards

thulean (28239)Snotling
Team Winner - the Jade College of Magic
Scouseboy (24065)Lizardmen
Team Winner - the Jade College of Magic
Senacherib (32253)Goblin
Wooden Spoon
DazzaMac (30935)Skaven
3rd place
ens1ferum (33948)Norse
Team Winner - the Jade College of Magic
caimh (33085)Khorne
Team Winner - the Jade College of Magic
gitgrinder (30732)Snotling
Team Winner - the Jade College of Magic
DangerRat (18175)Old World Alliance
Wizard Hat 'n' Wand Winner
Tournament Location
AddressSanctuary Gaming Centre
 St. Michaels Street
ZipNG17 4GP
NationUnited Kingdom

Ruleset Document

9-45am - Avengers Assemble
9:45am-12:15pm - Round 1
12:15pm-12:45pm - Lunch
12:45pm:3:15pm - Round 2
3:15pm-3:45pm - Break
3:45pm-6:15pm - Round 3
6:15pm-6:30pm – Awards

The schedule is deliberately a relaxed 2 ½ hours per game. This should be plenty of time to complete matches at a comfortable pace.

‘It’s a Kind of Magic’ is a 3 game tournament for up to 40 coaches.

In round 1, all match ups will be random and in rounds 2 and 3 they will be swiss. All of the tables will be numbered from 1 to 20 and coaches sat in ranking order.

This is a regeneration tournament, any injuries or deaths suffered are wiped clean for the next game.

It is also a loose team tournament as we will be crowning the best overall college of magic. More on that below.

As with all of the tournaments I run, ‘It’s a Kind of Magic’ is a themed event which may not suit everyone as it is intentionally light hearted and not to be taken too seriously. This doesn’t mean that coaches don’t try and win their games, far from it. However, if you won’t be happy that your drive was ruined by a fireball, then this may not be for you! This is tournament is heavily based upon magic, so expect plenty of fireworks.
We may be using Tourplay for the event, this is undecided at the moment. If we do coaches will need to enter their teams in advance on the app. and on the day will need a smart phone or suitable device to update scores.

Team Creation
Coaches have 1.15M with which to build their teams. All 29 NAF approved teams can be used, including Slann who are considered tier 2. Coaches must hire 11 players first before then taking backroom staff, rerolls or other inducements.

All of the inducements from the BB2020 rule book and Deathzone are allowed except mercenaries, special play cards, Weather Mages and Wizards (including Horatio X. Schottenheim). Everything else is on the table so if you want to hire Josef Bugman or Kari Coldsteel then go for it!

In terms of skills and star players we will be using the guidance in GWs Match Play Guide and the latest tiers from the November FAQ. Each tier will get points to spend (T1 6 points, T2 8 points and T3 10 points). Those points can be used as follows -

1 point - Primary skill
2 points - Secondary skill
2 points - star player (you still need to pay gold for them)
4 points for a Mega Star.

A list of mega stars are in the November FAQ. In addition, Cindy Piewhistle will be considered a mega star. Only one mega star is allowed.

No team is allowed to stack skills.

Point scoring
Points will be scored as follows –
• Win – 30 points
• Draw – 10 points
• Loss – 0 points
• 1 point for keeping a clean sheet
• Up to 3 points maximum per touchdown scored
• Up to 3 points maximum per casualty inflicted

If there is a draw at the end of the final round, the tie breakers will be –
• Head to head results
• Strength of schedule
• Combined touchdown and casualty difference

The Colleges
When coaches arrive on the day, they will randomly select which college they will represent, you can’t just choose. Each college will have 5 coaches and teams who fly their banner in the tournament with a winning team being crowned at the end (the college with the most points combined).

There are of course some advantages to being hired by a College of Wizards, for starters they bring some additional fire power to your arsenal. Each coach will get a spell book which will contain 3 spells, 1 dispell and 1 weather mage. Wizards being wizards, they also love a magic item or two.

All of the spells from Deathzone and the Dungeon Bowl expansion have been used and assigned to a college. No spells have been repeated so all 8 colleges have 24 unique spells at their disposal. Coaches may cast 1 spell per game maximum and when a spell is used once, it cannot be cast again in a future game. So, if you cast fireball in game 1, you cannot use it for games 2 and 3, you must use one of the other spells.

At the start of each game you must tell your opponent what spells you have available. If they then forget about your Column of Fire and line up neatly, well, that’s on them!

Wizards are not only about magic, but also counter magic. You get 1 Dispel that is a single use item, so choose wisely when you choose to utilise it. Once used it is lost for the whole tournament. Dispel immediately after your opponent declares they are using a spell and before any dice are rolled. Roll a d6, on a 5+ your opponents spell fizzles and does nothing. It is still crossed off the list though as if it had been cast.

The Dispel may also be used against a Magic Item. When an opponent declares they are going to use an item, again before anything further happens, you may use your Dispel. If you make the 5+ roll then the item is removed from the game as if it didn’t exist.

Weather Mage
The rules for the Weather Mage can be found on page 90 of the BB rules book. Again, this is a single use item to be played in 1 game only. Once it’s gone, it’s gone. At the very start of one of your turns, declare you are using the Mage. Roll 2d6 and you may add or subtract 1 or 2 from the overall total. Then check the weather table. If this changes the weather, then apply the new weather for your turn and your opponents next turn. After that, return it to what it was before.

Magic Items
Before game 1 every coach will be given a magic item card at random. Unlike the spells, they do not need to reveal to their opponent what the card is until they use it (again see Dispel for your opponent stopping your magic item card). Make sure you read the card conditions carefully as many of them need to be played at a particular time.

At the end of the match, it is not uncommon to see players switch jerseys with their bruised and battered opponents. Wizards do the same but in this case they swap magic items. At the end of the game, you and your opponent switch magic item cards to use in your next game. You won’t keep the same card to use again.

So the big question . . . . which College has which spells . . . ? For any of you who have attended my events before should know better than to think I’m just going to tell you that now! I’ll drop a College breakdown and reveal of their spell book on the FB event page one by one over the next few months so stay tuned!

Glittering Prizes
There will be awards and prizes for the following -
• Overall winner
• Second place
• Third place
• Most Touchdowns
• Most Casualties
• Rookie Wonder
• Wooden Spoon
• Winning Team

//Stimme approved

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