?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameLaurentian Loons Team Challenge I
Organizer NAF nameMeerkul (28335)
OrganizerMartyn McGowan
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-04-01
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-04-02
StyleTeams, Resurrection, Swiss
Cost$35 CAD
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Motorheadjones (5787)Khorne
Team - United in Chaos
jrock56 (11552)Chaos Dwarf
Team - United in Chaos
Drakenspear (28841)Dark Elf
Team - United in Chaos

Runner up

Manz62 (9753)Shambling Undead
Team - Hakuna Matata
sols (30733)Skaven
Team - Hakuna Matata
tibum_the_goblin (33373)Orc
Team - Hakuna Matata

Most Touchdowns

metalpunk123 (32916)Dark Elf
LLTC - Most Touchdowns!

Most Casualties

Wyld (27247)Tomb Kings
LLTC - Most Casualties!

Stunty Cup

Chewblocka (15257)Goblin
LLTC - Stunty Cup!

Best Painted

Motorheadjones (5787)Khorne
LLTC - Coolest Looking Team!

Other Awards

tibum_the_goblin (33373)Orc
crocmort79 (28941)Necromantic Horror
LLTC - Sportsmanship Award!
mage923 (27223)Dwarf
Team - Stunty Squad - Thanks for coming! (Wooden Spoon)
Chewblocka (15257)Goblin
Team - Stunty Squad - Thanks for coming! (Wooden Spoon)
Hany (25204)Halfling
Team - Stunty Squad - Thanks for coming! (Wooden Spoon)
Tournament Location
 140 Bd Gréber
ZipJ8T 6H5

Ruleset Document


- A Team consists of three Coaches.

- One Coach should be appointed Team Captain.

- Teams are limited to one instance of any Race.

- Teams are limited to one instance of any Star Player.


- Each Coach will receive a budget of 1,150,000gp to spend during Roster creation.

- This budget may be used to purchase Players and Inducements only.

- Each Roster must have a minimum of 11 players excluding Star Players, and a maximum of 16 players including Star Players.

- The LLTC is a resurrection tournament, so no SPPs are gained, and injuries,
casualties or deaths do not carry on from one game to other.

- Undead, Necromantic and Nurgle teams are allowed to apply the Masters of Undeath and Plague Ridden special rules.
Players added to a team roster through a game as a result of those special rules are removed from the roster at the end of that game.

- Star players may not receive skills from the team’s skill budget.

- Any unspent cash at roster creation will be lost and all Rosters will be considered
as having the same Current Team Value (CTV) for the purpose of inducements and prayers to Nuffle.


- Rosters are separated into five tiers and Coaches must choose one of the options from their tier number.

- Each Roster is permitted to stack 2 Primary Skills on a maximum of 1 player at the cost of both 1 Primary Skill and 1 Secondary Skill.

- Teams are limited to a single instance of any Race.

Tier 1: Chaos Dwarves, Dark Elves, Dwarves, Humans, Lizardmen, Orcs, Undead, Wood Elves.

Option A. 6 Primary Skills
Option B. 4 Primary Skills + 1 Secondary Skill
Option C. 3 Primary Skills + Access to 1 Star Player

Tier 2: Amazon, Elven Union, High Elves, Necromantic Horror, Norse, Skaven, Slann, Underworld Denizens.

Option A. 7 Primary Skills
Option B. 5 Primary Skills + 1 Secondary Skill
Option C. 4 Primary Skills + Access to 1 Star Player

Tier 3: Chaos Chosen, Imperial Nobility, Khorne, Nurgle, Tomb Kings.

A. 7 Primary Skills + 1 Secondary Skill
B. 5 Primary Skills + 2 Secondary Skills.
C. 5 Primary Skills + Access to 1 Star Player

Tier 4: Black Orcs, Chaos Renegades, Old World Alliance, Vampires.

Option A. 8 Primary Skills + 1 Secondary Skill
Option B. 6 Primary Skills + 2 Secondary Skills
Option C. 6 Primary Skills + Access to 1 Star Player

Tier 5: Halflings, Goblins, Ogres, Snotlings.

Option A. 8 Primary Skills + 2 Secondary Skills
Option B. 6 Primary Skills + 3 Secondary Skills
Option C. 6 Primary Skills + Access to 1 Star Player
Option D. 4 Primary Skills + Access to 2 Star Players


- The following Inducements are available to all eligible Rosters for purchase:

0-1 Halfling Master Chef (300k, 100k for Halfling teams)
0-6 Assistant coaches (10k)
0-12 Cheerleaders (10k)
0-2 Bloodweiser Kegs (50k)
0-3 Bribes (100k, 50k for Bribery & Corruption teams)
0-1 Apothecary (50k)
0-2 Wandering Apothecaries (100k)
0-1 Morgue Assistant (100k)
0-1 Plague Doctor (100k)
0-1 Riotous Rookies (100k)
0-8 Dedicated Fans (10k)
0-8 Re Rolls (Roster specific cost)
0-2 Star Players (See below)

- Coaches may NOT purchase bribes if their Roster has one or more players with the “Sneaky Git” Skill. (Goblins are exempt from this rule)

- Once Purchased, Inducements are considered a permanent addition to a Roster for the duration of the tournament.

- No other inducements allowed, all money must be spent. No in-game inducements and no cards.


- All official GW Star Players are available for hire.

- The Highlander rule WILL be in effect.

- Teams are limited to a single instance of any Star Player.

- The following Star Players will incur an extra Star Player tax:

Morg’N’Thorg = 3 Primary Skills.
Griff Oberwald = 3 Primary Skills.
Cindy Piewhistle = 2 Primary Skills.
Deeproot Strongbranch = 2 Primary Skills.
Hakflem Skuttlespike = 2 Primary Skills.
Kreek Rustgouger = 2 Primary Skills.
Bomber Dribblesnot = 2 Primary Skills.
Wilhelm Chaney = 1 Primary Skill.

This tax will be deducted from a Coach's skill pack.


- Round time is 140 mins (2hrs, 20mins)

- The use of Chess clocks is strongly advised. The onus is on both Coaches to complete their match in good time.
As such, If your match runs out of time the match WILL be called as a draw to the nearest TD (If you run out of time at 2-0 the match will be called as a 2-2 draw).
Casualty results will be unaffected if a match has to be called.

- Opposing Captains will roll off at the start of each round. The winning Captain will choose to Challenge! or Counter!

If a Captain chooses Challenge!
- They will nominate any Coach on their Team. The opposing Captain will then select a Coach from their Team to face the nominee. (This match is the Challenge! match)
- Next, they will select a Coach to face the nominee from the opposing Team.
- The two remaining Coaches will face each other.

If a Captain chooses Counter!
- They will select a Coach from their Team to face the nominee of the opposing Team. (This match is the Challenge! match)
- Next, they will nominate a Coach on their Team. The opposing Captain will then select a Coach from their Team to face the nominee.
- The two remaining Coaches will face each other.


- Team scoring

Win = 30pts
Draw = 10pts
Challenge! match win = 5pts
Loss = 0pts

- Team Tie Breakers

1. Total Team wins
2. Total individual Coach points
3. Strength of schedule
4. Total TD diff. PLUS Total Cas diff.
5. A game of Triple Skulls!

- Individual scoring

Win = 60pts
Draw = 20pts
Casualty = 1pt
TD = 2pts
Loss = 0pts

- Individual Tie Breakers

1. Total wins
2. Total draws
3. Strength of schedule
4. TD diff. PLUS Cas diff.
5. A game of Triple Skulls!


- Champions - The Team with the best overall record after tie breakers.
- Runner Up - The Team with the 2nd best overall record after tie breakers.
- MVP - The coach with the best overall record after tie breakers.
- Stunty Cup - The coach with the best overall record after tie breakers using a stunty team. (min 3 stunty Rosters)
- Thanks for coming - The team with the worst overall record after tie breakers.
- Hobby - The coach with the coolest looking team (Judged by poll of entrants).
- Sportsmanship - The coach who receives the most sportsmanship points over the course of the tournament.
- Most TD's - The coach who scores the most TD's during the tournament.
- Most Casualties - The Coach who causes the most casualties (resulting from blocks) during the tournament.


- Day 1

Registration 0900 - 0930
Round 1 0930 - 1150
Lunch 1200 - 1300
Round 2 1300 - 1520
Round 3 1540 - 1800

- Day 2

Round 4 0930 - 1150
Lunch 1200 - 1240
Round 5 1240 - 1500
Awards 1520 - 1600


- Entry Fee = $35 ($45 for non NAF members. This extra charge will be used to register the entrant with the NAF)

- Lunch = $15 (or $8 per day)

- Entrants will receive a pair of tournament exclusive D6 (we ask that you use them for the duration of the tournament)

- If you are unable to form a full Team but would like to participate, you can sign up to our waiting list and we will create 'Mercenary Teams' (announced on the 27th March)

- Rosters and inquiries should be sent to meerkul_moggins@yahoo.com

- Team Registration closes on Sunday, 26th March 2023

- Registration fees via e-transfer should be sent to martyn_mcgowan@yahoo.com


- A painted team (3 colour minimum standard).

- Dice, Markers, Tokens.

- Five copies of your Roster (one for each opponent).

Tournament Report
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