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Tournament NameKobold Cup 3: King Torg's (ALL HAIL KING TORG!) Contraptions
Organizer NAF namenornbreeder (28371)
OrganizerBen Kampschroer
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-01-06
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-01-06
StyleBlood Bowl
ScoringSee Description
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Sol (28715)Skaven

Runner up

Jogrenaut (22460)Underworld Denizens

Most Touchdowns

DurtWataFlashMob (23577)Shambling Undead

Most Casualties

Aftershock912 (27139)Norse

Stunty Cup

nornbreeder (28371)Halfling

Best Painted

Other Awards

toranath (21342)Goblin
aalon102 (34179)Old World Alliance
SpoonMan (29970)Human
DurtWataFlashMob (23577)Shambling Undead
nornbreeder (28371)Halfling
Tournament Location
Address200 Tompkins St
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

The winter months can be uneventful in the kobold caves. The cold weather isn’t conducive to kobold shenanigans, and their time is better spent conserving energy until spring when it will be easier to find food and critters to terrorize. Since kobolds have discovered Blood Bowl you can usually find huddled masses of the little trouble-makers surrounding the cabal vision orbs broadcasting matches 24-7 across the old world during the cold months, as well as drinking themselves into a stupor and snacking on whatever food they may have squirrelled away for winter.
One such evening King Torg (ALL HAIL KING TORG!) was chilling out on his throne, watching a late-night broadcast of a dungeonbowl match that was really dragging on, when he realized he was sitting on something. He reached into his throne and plucked out a gold coin. “Aww, a gold coin? I wanted a peanut!” his majesty exclaimed. The kobold that he was using as a footrest chimed in, “A gold coin can buy many peanuts.” To which the king replied anxiously “Explain how!”. The footrest kobold continued, “Money can be exchanged for goods and services.” Since kobolds rarely place value on anything that they can’t eat or use to kill something that they can then eat, this was a novel idea to our king. Things started to make sense, these coins were being exchanged for food and entry at the stadiums. Players were always trying to get more of these in exchange for playing; and this would also explain why the star players had refused to play in previous Kobold Cups… because they wanted to be paid in gold and not chickens! Interesting… Footrest was immediately promoted to royal accountant, though he still needed to tend to his footresting duties when requested, and the two kobolds spent the rest of the winter scheming a financial plan for the coming year.
King Torg (ALL HAIL KING TORG!) came up with a plot to earn mountains of gold during the annual Kobold Cup that could then be used to buy food and booze for his people in the winter months. He decided that his followers were better off without the burden of capitalism, and that he would handle this all on their behalf. They should all continue using their very abstract Victory Point system that rewarded brave deeds and foolish risks, then he would dole out supplies to those who he thought most deserving over the next winter. It all made perfect sense and was coming along nicely until they started hunting for sponsorships…
Sponsorships are where the real money comes in, and very few credible companies want their brand associated with kobolds. It’s just doesn’t make good business sense. Sure, they found a small brewery to sponsor the tournament, Blood Bowl fans and players alike seem to drink their weight in beer, so this was an easy decision for the brewers, but it didn’t make up for the fact that the big names in sports products wouldn’t touch the event with the proverbial 10-foot pole.
Luckily for Torg (All Hail King Torg!) he predicts that he can pack the stands full and maximize the gate thanks to some ingenious contraptions put together by his crack team of kobold inventors. Cabal vision is intrigued at the prospect of additional spectacle, and has offered a bonus if matched prove to be as wild and violent as promised. With the increased media-coverage stars are beginning to warm up to the idea of playing in this bizarre event, and some players of national caliber have chosen to participate this year. If things go to plan, the kobolds may be able to secure some big sponsorships in the future, but this year they need to prove once again that crazy antics and reckless chicanery will draw a crowd just as well as a well thought out and balanced ruleset. Only time shall tell.
Each Team will be allowed 1 million GP to build their team.
Each team begins with 1 Kobold and may purchase up to 2 more for 30gp each.
A Kobold is a 5MA 2ST 3+AG 4+PA 7+AV with Stunty, Dodge, and the Right Stuff. (Same Stats as a Halfling Hopeful) Additionally, they have the extraordinary trait “Tastes Like Kobold”: Whenever a player tries to use the “Throw Team-mate” skill with this player, they gain the “Always Hungry” extraordinary skill until the end of the turn. If they already have “Always Hungry” apply -1 to the roll (and -1 to the escape roll if applicable.)
Each coach gets 7 Victory Points (VP)
Spend 1VP to get 1 Primary Skill
Spend 0.5VP to get 1 Primary Skills Assigned to a Kobold
Spend 2VP to get 1 Secondary Skill
Spend 1VP to get 1 Secondary Skill Assigned to a Kobold
Spend 3VP to get 1 Star Player
Spend 5VP to get 1 Mega Star
Spend 1.5VP to get 1 Sadsack Star
Spend 1VP to get 1 Kobold Contraption
Spend 1VP to get 20k extra gp
A team may take the same skill up to 2 times max.
A team may take only 2 secondary skills max.
Each player may receive only one skill max. (Kobolds can take any number of skills, but the VP cost of the second skill is doubled, the cost of the third skill tripled, and so on.)
A team may have a max of only 1 star player, hired only after 11 players have been rostered. A team may have a max of only 1 Kobold Contraption.
Mega Stars for this event are Griff, Hackflem, and Morg.
Sadsack Stars for this event are Gretchen, Willow, and Thorsson.
Kobold Contraptions:
1. Pressure Cooker: Sure, traditional cooking methods have served master chef’s well enough, but what if you could crank the pressure up? Who even needs a chef when you can seal, set, and serve!
During the first kick off of each half, roll 2d6. For each 4+ rolled you generate a reroll and your opponent loses a reroll. Additionally, generate an additional reroll for each 6 you roll. There is a risk that the cooker will generate too much pressure and explode! For each 1 you roll, lose a reroll and your opponent generates a reroll instead. If you have also hired a Halfling Master Chef then the pressure cooker replaces the chef’s ability but roll 3d6 instead of 2d6.
2. The Boot: This clockwork exoskeleton strengthens a player’s leg allowing them to kick with increased vigor! Before the start of the tournament, select a player with Strength 4 or higher. That player gains the Kick Teammate trait for the remainder of the tournament.
3. The defibrillator: Apothecaries are a thing of the past! Instead, hook up these clamps to that limp body and shock the life back into them!
Once per game, when a player would suffer a casualty, you may roll a D6: On a 1 the casualty stands. On a 2 through 4, they become knocked out instead place them in the knockout box. On a 5+ the player is revived and returned to the reserves. If you manage to roll a 6 that player never even left the pitch! Put them back where they were when they suffered the injury roll, place them prone and then stun them to represent the shock of being literally shocked back into consciousness.
4. Kobold Coffee Carafe: Nothing gets you started in the morning like a tall mug of freshly ground bean juice. Equip this contraption to a kobold at the beginning of tournament. That kobold gains the “pick me up” trait permanently. You may choose to reroll a single failed wakeup roll at the end of every drive as long as the kobold holding this item is in the reserves when the drive ended. If the rerolled result is a one (before any modifiers), you poured scalding hot coffee down an unconscious player’s throat… move that player to the casualty box. If the rerolled result is a six or higher (after any modifiers) that player wakes up with a serious caffeine buzz and gains the frenzy skill for the rest of the match.
5. Spring Assisted Scissors: Ever since that fiasco with a snotling getting tangled up in that wood elf's hair, its now alright for players to carry a pair of scissors on the pitch. While most pairs of scissors aren’t dangerous enough to be truly useful on the pitch, this pair is infused with some wind-up clockwork goodness. With a little luck these sheers can cut through the heaviest of armor. Equip this contraption to a kobold at the beginning of the tournament. That kobold gains the “stab” skill permanently. Any time this player attempts to use the stab skill they must first roll a d6. On a 1 they impale themselves on the scissors (you know better than to run with scissors!) instead of stabbing the intended target, this kobold stabs themselves. Make an armor roll against the kobold, placing them prone and moving on to injury if the armor breaks. This won’t cause a turnover unless that kobold was holding the ball like a dunce.
On a roll of 2 through 5 the stab takes effect as normal.
If you manage to roll a 6 however, the scissors glide through the opposition player’s armor as if it were just paper! If you roll an 8+ on the armor roll for this stab action it will automatically break armor.
If opposing player has “iron hard skin”, play rock, paper, scissors with the opposing coach after the stab has been resolved, if you lose, the scissors break and cannot be used for the rest of the match.
6. Vail of frog potion: We partnered up with a local bog witch on this one. Turns out teaching a kobold to memorize a spell is nearly impossible. Reading a scroll? Most kobolds can’t read at all, so that wasn’t an option either. So, our witch patron brewed us up a batch of “swamp chicken potions” (kobolds call frogs swamp chickens… don’t ask, we don’t understand it either) that could be used on the pitch for the desired effect. Equip this contraption to a kobold at the start of the tournament. Once per game the kobold equipped with this vial may fling it at an opposing player within 6 squares. The potion behaves exactly as the ZAP! spell with two exceptions. The effects of the spell last for the rest of the match, meaning if successful the victim will remain a frog for the remainder of the game. If the dice roll is not sufficient as per the ZAP! spell, that means the potential victim caught the vial and may immediately throw it at a target of their choice within 6 squares. This process repeats until someone is transformed into a frog.
7. Earth Worm Familiar: While rifling around in Tabriz the Warlock for Hire’s discount scroll bin at his annual yard sale, we found a masterwork scroll for the find familiar spell! Apparently it was an assignment for a correspondence course Tabriz was taking and it looks like he earned a well-deserved big fat red F for his efforts. The spell would normally allow the caster to find a mystical familiar who would aide its master in all sorts of magical endeavors. This scroll, however, appears to summon a single humble earth worm. Tabriz thought about selling it as a tool to local fishermen, but it binds the caster’s soul to that of the worm’s, allowing both to feel each other’s pain and emotion. All around pretty useless to kobold who can’t even eat the worm without severing the soul-bond and possibly dying in the process. On the plus side, it seems kobolds who have a familiar are more grounded. (pun intended) Equip this contraption to a kobold at the beginning of the tournament. Congratulations, they now have a little worm buddy of their very own…
This three round event begins at Noon with 2-hour rounds there will be 15 minutes between rounds for food, dooks, and bathroom breaks, and prayers to VOR the BIG RED ANGRY GOD.
Registration is $15 for NAF members or $20 for non NAF (but then we sign you up for NAF hooray!) Paypal to nornbreeder@gmail.com as “friends and family”.
Points Based Scoring:
30 Win / 15 Draw / 5 Loss / Minus 5 Forfeit
Bonus Points:
4 Scoring with a Kobold / 2 Inflicting a Casualty with a Kobold / 1 Inflict a Casualty with a Kobold (fouling)
Multiply bonus points earned by kobolds holding the humble earth worm by 1.5
Not only are these shiny trophies that signify your accomplishment but also, if you win one the next time you play a Florida Blood Bowl sanctioned game of Kobolds Ate My Baby you will start the game with the special bonus as well.
• 1st Place: Top Dog, or dog-like creature… Start with any outfit you choose.
• Runner up: The potato medal… start with a potato.
• Stunty Cup: Start with +5 VP.
• Most Touchdowns: Start with SPORT skill in addition to your other starting skills.
• Most Casualties: Your weapons always deal an additional 1 damage.
• Best Defense: Your armor always starts with an additional 1 armor point.
• Middle of the Pack: You ended up in the very middle of the pack... Create a kobold that has perfectly average stats.
• Wooden Spoon: Last place. Start the game with a wooden spoon. 1 Damage and +Cook

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