?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameThe NAF Championship 2023
Organizer NAF namedeeferdan (20747)
OrganizerJimjimany & deeferdan (20747)
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-04-29
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-04-30
NAF Fee Includedyes
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Purplegoo (11777)Skaven

Runner up

scs.sam (17549)Chaos Dwarf

Most Touchdowns

Alabama_Crayons (28830)Skaven

Most Casualties

javin23 (28328)Dwarf

Stunty Cup

Dribbli (18252)Ogre

Best Painted

Stig (12032)Nurgle

Other Awards

MiniMorg (26989)Snotling
Rising Star (best under 18)
BB_Jock (30617)Dark Elf
League Champion
Tournament Location
AddressOrchard Hotel conference centre
 Beeston Lane
ZipNG7 2RJ
NationUnited Kingdom

Ruleset Document

http://nafchampionship.co.uk/ for all info

Contact thebbnafc@gmail.com for all ticketing enquiries. (tickets, refunds etc.)
Contact thenafchampionship@gmail.com for all other enquiries.

The NAF Championship will abide by the latest guidelines for all NAF tournaments.

The event will follow Games Workshop’s Designer’s Commentary from November 2022 and Teams of Legend documents. Any publications released by Games Workshop before March 1st, 2023 (such as a new Spike! Magazine or rules in miniature packs) are also eligible for use.

Team building

Specific NAF Championship rules for roster building and points scoring are as follows:

Rosters are purchased with a treasury 1,150,000 gold crowns. All inducements listed in the Blood Bowl 2020 rulebook are permitted except Mercenaries, Special Play Cards, and Team Wizards. Inducements from any other publications (such as Death Zone) cannot be taken. As per the 2020 rules in tournament games, you do not receive the 1 free Dedicated Fans. Note that during the pre-match sequence no extra gold crowns are awarded for teams with a lower team value.

Inclusion of Star Players is limited to teams considered stunty teams. Therefore only Goblin, Halfling, Ogre and Snotling teams may take 0-1 Star Players, and only after rostering 11 regular players. Eligible Star Players are those in Blood Bowl: Second Season - The Official Rules and released in Spike! issue 11 onwards. If you are unsure if a Star Player is eligible please don’t hesitate to ask.

In addition to the starting skills on your roster all teams will have additional skills that they can add to their roster. Access to skills are tiered as follows:

Tier 1: 7 Primary skills
Tier 2: 6 Primary skills, 1 Secondary skill
Tier 3: 5 Primary skills, 2 Secondary skills

These skills are all allocated at the start of the tournament so they remain relevant for all 6 matches. The secondary skill can be swapped to a primary skill if you wish. Skills are allocated as “new skill” rolls specified as either “primary” or “secondary” as per the Improvement Rolls table. There is no restriction to skill duplication i.e. you may give several different players the same skill if you wish. You may only select one additional skill per player. Statistic improvements and random skills cannot be selected. Pre registration is required at this years NAFC to speed up the registration process.

Please finalise your rosters and submit them by email to thenafchampionship@gmail.com by April 12th 2023. Please be sure to include: your NAF name and number, all calculations for team cost, team race, and the additional skills selected. All coaches must still bring a copy of their team roster with them to the event, to be shared with your opponent during round 1 and made available to the event organisers or any other opponent upon request. Note that submitting your roster on time is the first tie breaker during the event.

Tier 1: Amazon, Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, Lizardman, Norse, Orc, Shambling Undead, Wood elf
Tier 2: Black Orc, Chaos Chosen, Chaos Renegade, Elven Union, High Elf, Human, Imperial Nobility, Khorne, Necromantic Horror, Nurgle, Old World Alliance, Skaven, Slann, Tomb Kings, Underworld Denizens, Vampire
Tier 3: Goblin, Halfling, Ogre, Snotling

Tournament Scoring

After each round tournament points will be awarded as follows: Win: 2 points / Draw: 1 point / Loss: 0 points

When your game is complete you need to submit your results on this site. Please include your touchdowns and casualties and double-check the data, both coaches are responsible for the results slip. We will also have paper results slips as a backup should there be any technical difficulties. Only record casualties that would give Star Player Points, casualties caused by fouls, crowd pushes, failed dodges, bombs, stabs, chainsaws etc. do not count.

After round 6 final standings will be separated by the following tiebreakers:

1. Submitted roster on time (April 12th 2023)
2. Opponent Score - the sum of all opponent’s tournament points, also known as strength of schedule.
3. Net Touchdowns + Net Casualties
4. Net Touchdowns
5. Net Casualties
6. Touchdowns Scored
7. Casualties Inflicted
8 Random (unless for an award; in which case we will have a Pop-and-Lock Dance Competition)

The same calculation will be used to determine the NAF Championship Final should the leading players be tied on points after round 5.

The NAF Championship Final
To determine the winner of the NAF Championship we will have a final between the top 2 teams in the league table after the end of round 5. No matter the result of the other games, only the winner of the NAF Championship Final can be crowned 2023 NAFC champion. If the NAF Championship Final ends in a tie, then overtime will be played to decide a winner. This might result in a slight delay in the schedule.

Painting Competition
This year the “Best Painted Team” event returns. The competition will be judged by the tournament organisers. During lunch on Saturday we will ask anyone who wants to be considered to leave their team out for display. The judges will then consider these teams during this lunch period and an announcement about the winner will be made during the awards ceremony on Sunday. The judges will be looking primarily to reward high- quality painting. Conversion work, presentation, and other “wow” factors will be strongly considered too, but consider this to be a painting competition first and foremost. You must be attending the event to be considered for best painted and teams (not coaches) that have won the award in the past will not be reconsidered.

Tournament Report
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