?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameGothBowl XLVI
Organizer NAF nameZimonyi (31551)
OrganizerArchibald Zimonyi
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-04-07
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-04-07
StyleSwiss resurrection
ScoringSee information
Cost250 SEK
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


melisqus (16238)Shambling Undead

Runner up

Zimonyi (31551)High Elf

Most Touchdowns

melisqus (16238)Shambling Undead

Most Casualties

Oldboy73 (31552)Lizardmen

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

bobo (31149)Underworld Denizens
Winner of the Dungeon Bowl final.
Tournament Location
AddressHvitfeldtska Gymnasiet
 Rektorshatan 2

Ruleset Document

“Welcome to this final of Dungeon Bowl, where magic flows freely, while two colleges send out their best players to try and find the ball and score that super important goal to take home the most desirable trophy. What do you think about tonight’s game, Bob?”
“The ball is round, Jim.”
“Good answer, your insights are always valuable, Bob.”
“I like the chests, Jim. Treasure hunting is always fun.”
“This year they have added extra chests to make it extra exiting and hard to find the ball, Bob. There are also rumours that there are more magical effects hidden in them as well.”
“It sounds like they also released the savage werewolf, Jim.”
“There are the starting explosions, Bob. The search for for the ball is underway.”
“We also see all the players on our screens, Jim.”
“Yes, Bob. Cabalvision has magically conjured a third eye onto all players and we see all that they see. As you notice, some player’s screens are already black.”
“Do they have their eyes closed, Jim?”
“Forvever, Bob.”
“Look Jim, that cow has two heads.”
“Mmmmmm.. I also think that those razor sharp teeth are not normal, Bob. Lionel Freshbreeze, who players for the College of Life, just became two half-elves.”
“There aren’t that many players left, Jim.”
“You are right, Bob. I see that Corden Burtfender from the College of Fire just found the chest with the ball, but there is some kind of saliva dripping from it.”
“Have we seen the werewolf in a while, Jim?”
“I think we just did, Bob. All screens are black and as is usual in Dungeon Bowl, the results are 0-0.”
“This is what I love about Blood Bowl, Jim. Sometimes we get an early lunch.”

We will have yet another Blood Bowl tournament at GothCon.
It will be a one-day tournament with four qualifying rounds (played in traditional Blood Bowl format). The four top teams will be transported into a dungeon filled with all kinds of chests and monsters and will battle if out to see who will be crowned the winner of the GothBowl trophy (in a four-team Dungeon Bowl game). Each coach will play the same team throughout the whole tournament.

Player limit: We must limit ourselves to 24 players.
Tournament fee: Nothing on top of the GothCon entry fee, which is at 250SEK.
Prizes: We’ll see what the tournament organizers manage to cook up.
Registration: Shall be done via the GothCon registration form for the tournament. This can be done at http://www.gothcon.se

This will be a long day and we will take enough breaks to get through the full day. Ensure that you have something to drink, water or other drink to last the day.

Check-in and welcome: 09:00-09:30
Round 1: 09:30-12:00
Lunch: 12:00-13:00
Round 2: 13:00-15:30
Round 3: 15:45-18:15
Dinner: 18:15-19:15
Round 4: 19:15-21:45
First round of prizes: 21:45:22:15
Dungeon bowl final: 22:15-01:00
Second round of prizes (the trophy): 01:00-01:10

The Dungeon Bowl final will have four players, and we will follow the rules as described in the 2021 Almanac.
If you don’t have access to this we will have a short rules-summary on location.

Core Blood Bowl rules will be based on:
* Second Season Edition rulebook
* Warhammer Community Blood Bowl FAQ

Allowed Blood Bowl teams are:
* All teams from the Second Season Edition rulebook
* All teams from Spike! Journal #11-15
* All teams from the Teams of Legends
* Slann team from NAF

Allowed Star players are:
* All Star Players from the Second Season Edition rulebook
* All Star Players from the Spike! Journal #11-15
* All Star Players from the Spike! Almanac 2022
* Finally, the following Star Players with free rules to be found at:
- Akhorne the Squirrel
- Barik Farblast
- Boa Kon’ssstriktr
- Bomber Dribblesnot
- Bryce ‘the Slice’
- Estelle la Veneux
- Frank 'N' Stein
- Fungus the Loon
- Glotl Stop
- Ivar Eriksson
- Kreek ‘the Verminator’ Rustgouger
- Max Spleenripper
- Nobbla Blackwart
- Scrappa Sorehead
- Scyla Anfingrimm
- Skrorg Snowpelt
- Thorsson Stoutmead
- Wilhelm Chaney

The tournament will be played in a 4 round Swiss resurrection format. This means that the team roster is reset between each round.
If two coaches in a match-up have hired the same Star Player, Nuffle has granted the wizards the ability to clone the Star Player and he will play independently in both teams.

Each game will be scored in the following way:
3 points for a win
1 point for a draw
1 point for scoring 3+ TD
1 point for making 3+ CAS
1 point for 0 TD scored against you

Winner will be the coach with most tournament points.
Tiebreakers will be head-to-head, net TD, net CAS

Rule Enforcement Level is regular, so any rules questions should be resolved between the playing coaches first, then if still unclarity or no agreement reached, contact event judge(s). If a serious error has occurred, game will be reset to before the incident. This will be based on judges discretion.

What to bring?
Your team, painted to what is commonly called table-top standard.
1 copy of your roster to share with your opponent
Blood Bowl dice

Tier 1
Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, Lizardmen, Orcs, Shambling Undead, Wood Elf:
6 Skills Points

Tier 2
Amazon, Human, Khorne, Necromantic Horror, Norse, Skaven, Tomb Kings, Underworld Denizens:
7 Skills Points

Tier 3
Black Orc, Chaos Chosen, Elven Union, High Elf, Imperial Nobility, Nurgle, Slann:
8 Skills Points

Tier 4
Chaos Renegades, Old World Alliance, Vampire:
9 Skills Points

Tier 5
Goblin, Halfling, Ogre, Snotling:
10 Skills Points

Normal drafting rules apply when drafting your team with the following changes:
* Each coach has 1.150.000 gold pieces to draft their team
* When selecting your team, pick the race you wish to play
* Each team has an amount of Skill Points that may be used to select skills on your players (or used when hiring Star Players), as per their Tier placement
- NOTE: Picked skills do not count towards Team Value.
* A Primary skill costs 1 Skill Point.
* A Secondary skill costs 2 Skill Points.
* Players may have a maximum of 2 Primary skills, at a cost of 3 Skill Points.
* The same single skill may be given to multiple players.
* Inducements must be purchased as part of team drafting.
* Inducements purchased will be available for all rounds of the tournament.
* Permitted inducements are:
- Halfling Master Chef 0-1
- Bloodweiser Kegs 0-2
- Bribes 0-3 (Bribes taken in a Team with a Player that starts with, or is given the Sneaky Git Skill, can only be used on the Secret Weapon trait, no other purpose. Bribes gained from the ‘Get The Ref’ kick-off result can be used as normal for all situations.)
- Wandering Apothecaries 0-2
- Mortuary Assistant 0-1
- Plague Doctor 0-1
* Star Players may only be hired if you have at least 11 standard team roster players.
* Star Players have a cost of 3 Skill Points on top of the hiring cost in gold pieces.
* The following Star Players have additional Skill Point costs:
- Griff Oberwald, Morg’N’Thorg: +3 Skill Points
- Bomber Dribblesnot, Cindy Piewhistle, Deeproot Strongbranch, Hakflem Skuttlespike, Kreek Rustgouger: +2 Skill Points
- Wilhelm Chaney: +1 Skill Point
* Star Players may not have extra skills

You are all welcome.

Tournament Report
This tournament was held as a four round normal Blood Bowl tournament.

Prizes were handed out after the four rounds as a separate tournament.

The top 4 were teleported into a Dungeon and played a mayhem Dungeon Bowl match. The winner of this received the Dungeon Bowl trophy.
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