?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameFumbbl Tilean Team Cup North America
Organizer NAF nameStimme (17245)
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-03-27
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-05-07
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Runner up

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location

Ruleset Document

The Tilean Team Cup is going to use the Alicante World Cup rules. To prepare you for this, we will hold two Fumbbl NAF events: one tournament that will feature squads of four coaches able to play at EU evening times, and one tournament for individual coaches prefering to play at North-American evening times. We are going to use a system for the squad event that will allow to play squads against squads in a Swiss pairing. This is the first time we are trying this on Fumbbl, and we are looking forward to making these events closer to real squad events.

Both events will start on 27th March and feature a total of six matches over six weeks. For the squad event, each coach must pick a different race, following the current Alicante World Cup ruleset. As we are trying out a squad vs squad format, you will be entered into a round robin tournament BUT you must only play the games as announced here prior to the beginning of each round. The squad captain should support their squad in managing who they are playing.

Tournament admins: neilwat • Stimme

If you like to participate in this tournament, post the name of your squad in this forum thread:
Make sure to add the Fumbbl names of all squad members, as well as NAF names and IDs, if available.
The deadline for submitting a squad is 20th March. The deadline for submitting individual rosters is 24th March.

Before you create your team on Fumbbl, we highly suggest that you use an Excel sheet or one of the online helpers to create your team and make sure it adds up to the total amount. You can download a WC-specific Excel roster here. Find additional roster making tools on the NAF site.

Once you have decided on your setup, generate a new team following all of the subsequent steps (do not reuse an existing team!):

1. Create a new team using this link and choose your race and team name. Please add your squad identifier in brackets. E.g. [HUBBBA] Cherryville Croakers. If you are playing the single tournament for North American coaches, add [NA] before your team name.

2. On the team page, there is no need to change ‘Progression’ from ‘Standard’ to ‘None’.

3. Buy all of your players, re-rolls, etc. and click ‘submit for approval’.

4. On the following screen, select your skills.

5. When ‘Save’ is pressed to confirm your skill choices, there is no pop-up or conformation screen. You can check if your skills have saved correctly by navigating away from the screen and then checking ‘Team Options’ on your team page. You must select all skills before the start of the tournament and may not change them later.

6. NAF coaches must record their NAF nick and NAF number in the team bio section following team creation. This will help us in the future recording and ranking of online games.

7. Inducement(s) you wish to use should be left out of your team creation process and listed in the team bio. Inducements have to be announced before start of the tournament and may not be changed in-between matches!

e.g.: at the beginning of a tournament match, select only your announced inducements, as you would normally by spending your remaining treasury as petty cash.

8. Navigate to the tournament team site and use the button at the bottom at the page to apply your team.

Please view Strider’s youtube video if you need more details how to create a team.

• BB2020 ruleset with Slann
• Team tournament
• Resurrection-style
• Weekly rounds
• 6 rounds total

1150k gold to be used for standard team building and inducements.

A minimum of 11 players and a maximum of 16 are to be rostered.
• 0-8 Re-Rolls
• Assistant coaches
• Cheerleaders
• 0-1 Apothecary
• 0-6 Dedicated Fans

The following inducements are available:
•0-1 Halfling Master Chef (300k, 100k for halfling teams)
•0-6 Assistant coaches (10k)
•0-12 Cheerleaders (10k)
•0-2 Bloodweiser Kegs (50k)
•0-3 Bribes 100k (Bribery & Corruption teams, 50k)
•No bribes allowed if your team has one or more players with the
“Sneaky Git” Skill.
•0-2 Wandering Apothecaries (100k)
•0-1 Morgue Assistant (100k)
•0-1 Plague Doctor (100k)
•0-1 Riotous Rookies (100k)

Star Player notes:
• Star Players are not permitted unless indicated by the tier restrictions below. Taking star players will reduce the number of skills that you can take. Some stars will cost an additional amount of skills.
• Should two teams with the same Star Player face each other, then one is an imposter as will likely have worse luck, so both Coaches can make use of the Star Player.
• For skill packs which allow Star Players, the following Star Players have an additional skill cost as specified below:
- Griff Oberwald, Morg’N’Thorg: 3 Primary Skills
- Deeproot Strongbranch, Hakflem Skuttlespike, Kreek Rustgouger, Bomber Dribblesnot: 2 Primary Skills
- Wilhelm Chaney: 1 Primary Skill

• If the team does not have enough skills available in the chosen skill pack to pay the above skill cost, that Star Player cannot be taken.
• Each Star Player may only be included once in a Squad.
• Star Players can only be induced after 11 Players have already been rostered.

All inducements must be announced in the “team bio” at the team’s creation and may not change between rounds

Depending on their tier, teams may apply additional skills to their players.
• You may stack a single player with two primary skills at the cost of 1 primary and 1 secondary skill. If your team and skill set do not allow you
to give Secondary Skills to your players, you’re not allowed to stack skills.

Tier 1
Chaos Dwarves, Dark Elves, Dwarves, Humans, Lizardmen, Orcs, Undead,
Wood Elves.
A. 6 Primary Skills
B. 4 Primary Skills + 1 Secondary Skill
C. 3 Primary Skills + Access to 1 Starplayer

Tier 2
Amazon, Elven Union, High Elves, Necromantic Horror, Norse,
Skaven, Slann, Underworld Denizens.
A. 7 Primary Skills
B. 5 Primary Skills + 1 Secondary Skill
C. 4 Primary Skills + Access to 1 Starplayer

Tier 3
Black Orcs, Chaos Chosen, Imperial Nobility, Khorne, Nurgle, Tomb Kings.
A. 7 Primary Skills + 1 Secondary Skill
B. 5 Primary Skills + 2 Secondary Skills.
C. 5 Primary Skills + Access to 1 Starplayer

Tier 4
Chaos Renegades, Old World Alliance, Vampires.
A. 8 Primary Skills + 1 Secondary Skill
B. 6 Primary Skills + 2 Secondary Skills
C. 6 Primary Skills + Access to 1 Starplayer

Tier 5
Halflings, Goblins, Ogres, Snotlings.
A. 8 Primary Skills + 2 Secondary Skills
B. 6 Primary Skills + 3 Secondary Skills
C. 6 Primary Skills + Access to 1 Starplayer
D. 4 Primary Skills + Access to 2 Starplayers

Squads will accumulate points based on the performance of their members:
• 2 points per coach win
• 1 point per coach draw
• 0 points per loss or concession
In addition (pending technical possibility) squads will receive 1 bonus point for a squad win and 0.5 bonus points for a squad draw.

Tiebreakers are as follows:
2) Strength of Schedule (top 3 only)
3) Most TDs
4) Most CAS
5) Random

* only CAS that grant SPPs count

• No concessions are allowed during a match. Penalty may be exclusion from the tournament and no registration accepted for the next NAF event. The reasoning here is that touchdowns and casulties can be important tiebreakers, so play on to the best of your ability, whatever in game things happen.

• If a coach misses their match on an agreeded time without warning, a concession will likely be applied if another appropriate time to play can’t be found.

• If the opponents are unable to schedule a match, the organizers will make a judgement call and decide the winner of the match or a draw might be given.

• If two coaches end up not playing their round within schedule without informing the admins a concession will be given to both coaches.

• Everyone is counting on you to play the 6 rounds regardless of your performance. Dropping without a proper cause will result in denying your registration for the next NAF Online event.

Each round will start at 0:01 Monday morning server time and end at 23:59 Sunday night server time.

Squad registration: by 20th March

Team registration: by 24th March

1st Round: 27 March - 2 Apr

2nd Round: 3 Apr - 9 Apr

3rd Round: 10 Apr - 16 Apr

4th Round: 17 Apr - 23 Apr

5th Round: 24 Apr - 30 Apr

6th Round: 1st May - 7th May

• Please endeavour to complete your games. PM your opponent as soon as you can and organise a time to play.

• If agreeing a time is proving difficult, PM the tournament admins - include both Neilwat and Stimme - and your opponent.

• Games will be forfeited promptly to begin new rounds.

• If one player benefits from inducements not listed on the team’s “bio” or irregular use of Timeout with direct influence on the score, a concession might be applied.

• Games will count towards NAF ranking as Online NAF games on thenaf.net. Forfeits and games against non NAF members are not recorded.

• Be cordial on the chat and pm towards your opponent and audience. Any use of offensive laguage towards your opponent regarding racial, political or religious content might result in exclusion from the tournament and 1 year ban from NAF events.

• Use wisdom and good faith when agreeing a match with your opponent.

• We recommend avoiding Timeouts. However, if you use it, you are not allowed to do it without a first “transgression” and consequent first warning on the chat.
Ex: my opponent exceeds the time one turn, I warn him I’ll timeout next time.
You can only use a timeout if the other opponent is playing their turn, if they give an indication that they need 5 minutes or similar to deal with a real life event then they can’t be timed out for this.

• All games between NAF members are recorded on the NAF homepage and will be used to calculate the NAF online rankings.

• Even though a NAF membership is not mandatory, we highly encourage you to join the NAF: https://www.thenaf.net/about-the-naf/join-the-naf/

o The cost is £5, 5 Euros or 5 dollars in person, or $10 by Paypal online. For this you get your NAF name registered for rankings purposes and this lasts forever.
o Tracking your online rankings and enabling your opponents to play for their ranking is solid fun.
o You get goodies every time you renew your membership

Tournament Report
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