?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameCage Match 2023
Organizer NAF nameRageQuit (28042)
OrganizerSteven Worley
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-08-26
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-08-26
StyleSwiss Resurrection
ScoringSee Information
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountyes
WebpageCage Match Facebook Event

Tournament Statistics


Stonecloud (28747)Orc

Runner up

space_modulator (28065)Khorne

Most Touchdowns

coachcamdog (30174)Ogre

Most Casualties

dark_raven (35426)Chaos Chosen

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

wardaddy33 (23005)Orc

Other Awards

Pebguin (28041)Tomb Kings
MoomaNuma (28748)Orc
Wooden Spoon
Brownstone (19196)Norse
2023 Cage Match National Treasure
ACB (32292)Shambling Undead
Cage Match Very Special Boy Award
Tournament Location
Address731 South Pear Orchard Road
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

2-hour 15-minute rounds
 10:00am – Registration Starts
 10:30 am – Registration Ends
 10:30 am – 12:45 pm Round 1 (Random)
 12:45 pm – 2:00 pm Lunch
 2:00 pm – 4:15 pm Round 2 (Swiss)
 4:15 pm – 4:30 pm Break
 4:30 pm – 6:45 pm Round 3 (Swiss)
 6:45 pm – Awards Ceremony
Tournament Cost:
$20 for NAF Members and $25 for non-NAF Members (includes NAF registration).

 - Your Blood Bowl team (with players / positions marked clearly)
 - Copy of the BB2020 ruleset as well as DZ, and any Spike Journals (applicable to your team)
 - 3 copies minimum of your team roster (1 for you, 1 for your opponent, and 1 for the tournament organizer)
 - Pitch/Dugouts/Templates
 - Dice (Block, D6’s, D8, D16, etc.)

 1) Three rounds of Blood Bowl
 2) Exclusive swag & dice
 3) Opportunity to win BBC prizes and awards
 4) Magnolia Tournament Series 2023 points

 - Win: +40 points
 - Tie: +20 points
 - Loss: +0 points
 - Conceding: -10 points

 +2 points per touchdown (max 4 points per game)
 +1 points per casualty* (max 2 points per game)
  *Any casualty against the opposition team is counted.

In the event of a tie is not resolved by the above tiebreaker points, ties will be broken in this order:
 1) Opponent Score
 2) Net TDs
 3) Total TDs
 4) Net Casualties
 5) Painting
 6) Random

- BB2020 rules, DZ, supplementary rules (Spike Journals), Teams of Legend, and Historic Teams (ie. Slann) will be used.
- We will be following the guidelines for the most up-to-date ‘Rules for NAF Tournaments’ located here:

• The blood bowl pitch has been enclosed by a high and sturdy cage! Use the Cage Match special rule:
Cage Match: The pitch is surrounded by a high and sturdy cage. Spectators sit high above the pitch, looking down upon the action below. Players cannot be pushed or thrown into the crowd for any reason. Rather than being pushed into the crowd, a pushed back player is instead slammed with great force into the cage and is Knocked Down in the square they occupy with a +2 added to their armor roll (cannot be further modified).
In addition, the ball cannot bounce into the crowd. Instead of bouncing into the crowd and being thrown-in, the ball will bounce off a wall of the cage. Use the Throw-in template to determine the direction as normal, but rather than travel 2D6 squares, the ball bounces only one square away from the wall before coming to rest. Kick-offs are still high enough to travel into the crowd per normal rules.
• The Cage Match crowd is a rowdy one. On each kick-off, use the Ale-fuelled Maniacs crowd attribute from pg. 65 of Death Zone (2021).
• The Cage Match overseer is not without mercy. Each team will receive one additional apothecary for use in the game. The Cage Match apothecary isn't trained as well as the team apothecary, however. When attempting to use the apothecary, roll a D6:
 1-4: The apothecary works as normal.
 5: The player is Knocked Out instead of being revived.
 6: The player is killed and removed from play.
• Post-match sequences will be ignored.
• Illegal procedures will not be called.
• Player injuries and casualties reset after each game (Resurrection Rules)
• 2-hour 15-minute round time-limits will be enforced. Once only 1 hour remains, players each have 30-minute timers to complete the game. After your time is up, only your blitzer / ball-carrier can be moved until the end of the game.
• Overtime will NOT be played.

All Coaches are required to draft teams utilizing the Exhibition Play Rules found on pg. 101 of the Blood Bowl Rule Book. Coaches are allotted 1,250,000 Gold to draft a team.
Coaches cannot purchase Special Play Cards, Wizards, or Mercenaries.
Team tiers are as follows:
 • Tier 1: Amazon, Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, High Elf, Lizardmen, Norse, Shambling Undead, Skaven, Underworld Denizens, Wood Elves
 • Tier 2: Black Orc, Chaos Chosen, Chaos Renegades, Elven Union, Human, Imperial Nobility, Khorne, Necromantic Horror, Nurgle, Old World Alliance, Orc, Tomb Kings, Vampire, Slann
 • Tier 3: Goblin, Halfling, Ogre, Snotling, Skinks (The Stunties)
Each Coach will have a number of POINTS by TIER to purchase Primary Skills, Secondary Skills, Star Players and Mega Stars as presented on pages 13 & 14 in the Games Workshop Matched Play Guide.

 • Tier 1 = 6 Points // Tier 2 = 8 Points // Tier 3 = 10 Points
  o Primary Skills Cost 1 pt (no limits by tier)
  o Secondary Skills Cost 2 pts (Tier 1 Max 1, Tier 2 Max 2, Tier 3 max 3)
 • Star Players Cost 2 pts
  o Tier 1 - Max 1 Star
  o Tier 2 & 3 - Max 2 Stars
 • Mega Stars cost 4 pts (1 Mega Star maximum regardless of Tier)
 • A Skill may only be purchased four (4) times for a team and each player may not have more than two (2) skills purchased for them.
 • Coaches are required to have no less than 11 and no more than 16 Players on their team (max limit includes Star Players and you must have 11 players before adding a star player)
 • The Highlander Rule will be in effect
 • No players may receive stat upgrades (ie. MA, ST, etc.)

List of Mega-Star Players from November 2022 FAQ and Errata:
 • Bomber Dribblesnot
 • Deeproot Strongbranch
 • Griff Oberwald
 • Hakflem Skuttlespike
 • Kreek ‘the Verminator’ Rustgouger
 • Morg ‘n’ Thorg

Tournament Report
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