?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameThe Bristol GT: Blood Bowl
Organizer NAF namePaulWinter87 (12378)
OrganizerPaul Winter
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-06-24
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-06-24
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


rowanthequiz (32783)Dwarf

Runner up

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

lord_chelmsford (27589)Skaven

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressFrenchay Campus, Coldharbour Lane, Stoke Gifford.
 coldharbour lane, Stoke Gifford
ZipBS16 1QY
NationUnited Kingdom

Ruleset Document


If you have any questions, please get in touch at contact@uktc.events

This event is part of a brand new series of NAF ranked Blood Bowl events. Over a single day attendees will play three rounds.

This is a 1,150,000gp tournament and uses Games Workshop's match play guide as a guidance.

Your painted and based Blood Bowl team.
The core rules for Blood Bowl.
Any relevant rules, supplements, and FAQs for your Blood Bowl team.
This gaming pack.
Optionally you can bring your own Pitch and Dugouts, or use the Neoprene pitches provided

Digital copies are fine.

To avoid queues we will be digitally registering attendees and doing the first round draw before the event. When you arrive on Saturday, please proceed directly to your table. You are welcome to start your game as soon as you and your opponent are ready. There will be a short announcement which formally marks the start of round one.

Doors open 0900
Arrival 09:00 - 09:45
Welcome Speech 09:45 - 10:00
Round 1 10:00 - 12:30
Lunch 12:30 - 13:30
Round 2 13:30 - 16:00
Round 3 16:30 - 19:00
Awards 19:00 - 19:30

Coaches will need to create a digital roster on TourPlay and register at the following link:

Coaches will have 1,150,000gp to spend on their rosters and any inducements.
Each team will have a number of free skills that they can add to their team based upon their tier, and each player can only be given a maximum of 2 skills.
Stat increases may not be purchased.

Tier 1: 6 primary skills.
Tier 2: 6 primary skills, 1 secondary skill.
Tier 3: 6 primary skills, 2 secondary skills, only tier 3 teams may include star players.

If a tier 3 team takes any MEGA STARS then for each one taken the team gets 2 less skills.
For example: A Goblin team takes Morg ‘n’ Thorg, then that team only has 4 skills and 2 secondary skills they can add to the team.

Tier 1: Amazon, Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, High Elf, Lizardman, Norse, Shambling Undead, Skaven, Underworld Denizens, Wood Elves

Tier 2: Black Orc, Chaos Chosen, Chaos Renegade, Elven Union, Human, Imperial Nobility,
Khorne, Necromantic Horror, Nurgle, Old World Alliance, Orc, Slann, Tomb Kings, Vampire

Tier 3: Goblin, Halfling, Ogre, Snotling

MEGA-STARS are Bomber Dribblesnot, Deeproot Strongbranch, Griff Oberwald, Hakflem Skuttlespike, Kreek ‘the Verminator’ Rustgouger, Morg ‘n’ Thorg


This event will be played using a resurrection format meaning that any casualties will not carry over into following rounds. It will use the most up to date GW FAQ, currently May 2023.
FAQs - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com)

At the end of each game, coaches will need to record the result. This includes: who won, lost or drew; the number of Bonus Points earned; the number of touchdowns each team scored; and the number of casualties inflicted by each team. If the coaches do not finish the game before the time runs out, then play continues until the end of the current turn at which point the score at that point will become the final result.

Coaches will earn a number of Tournament Points depending on how they did in their games. Coaches will earn 2 Tournament Points for a win, 1 Tournament Point for a draw, and 0 Tournament Points for a loss.

It is important that both players provide all of the information as it is all used for the tiebreakers to work out who is where in the rankings.

Players are ranked according to the number of Tournament Points they have; the more Tournament Points a player has, the higher they are in the rankings.

Where players are tied on the number of Tournament Points, there are a number of Tiebreakers to be used to determine who is placed higher.

The first Tiebreaker is the number of Bonus Points a coach has earned. Bonus Points are earned in each game for meeting the following criteria:
Scoring 3 or more touchdowns - 1 Bonus Point
Conceding 0 touchdowns - 1 Bonus Point
Inflicting 3 or more Casualties (counting only those that would normally award Star Player Points) - 1 Bonus Point

If coaches are still tied, the second Tiebreaker is a coaches Touchdown Difference, which is equal to the number of touchdowns they have scored across all of their games minus the number of touchdowns they have conceded across all of their games.

If coaches are still tied, the third Tiebreaker is the total number of touchdowns a coach has scored across all their games, with the coach who has scored the most being higher in the rankings.

If coaches are still tied, the fourth Tiebreaker is the total number of casualties a coach has inflicted across all their games, with the coach who has inflicted the most being higher in the rankings.


Round 1
For the first round, players are paired together randomly. If there is an odd number of players then one random player will play the Spare Player provided by the Tournament Organiser.

Playing the Spare Player
Regardless of the game result, the player matched against the Spare Player will count as winning the game 2-0, with neither side inflicting any casualties upon the other. This will award 2 Tournament Points and 1 Bonus Point for the purpose of Tiebreakers.

Should a player concede a game, their opponent will automatically receive a 3-0 win (unless the score at the time of conceding was better) and will receive the maximum number of Bonus Points available. Additionally, the player who conceded will receive no Bonus Points whatsoever and will also suffer a penalty of -1 Tournament Point.

Subsequent Rounds
For subsequent rounds, player are paired as follows:

The player who is highest in the rankings will play the player who is second in the rankings, the player in third will play the player in fourth, the player in fifth will play the player in sixth and so on until all players are paired up. If a player is supposed to play an opponent they have already played, the lowest ranked of the two will swap places with the highest ranked player on the rankings table below them.
This system is used for all rounds after the first, including the final round with one small adjustment. In the final round players will not swap opponents if they draw a player they have already faced; the two are clearly equally matched and will face off one last time!

This event will use these bespoke Neoprene Blood Bowl Pitches as default. Please note that the Kick off table on these Neoprene pitches are from BB16 and the Kick Off table is incorrect on some results. Use the BB20 rulebook for correct play on Kick Off results. Also the Throwing Grid is from BB16, the only difference is that Squares 13 by 2 should also be red to be in range for a Long Bomb attempt.

Awards: 1st place (highest scoring coach)
2nd place (best runner up)
3rd place
Wooden spoon (most determined coach)
Most sporting (player vote)
Best painted (player vote)

All miniatures are required to be painted and finished to a tabletop standard, with basing done. Conversions and 3rd party miniatures are accepted as long as they can be matched to the appropriate entry on the roster.

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