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Tournament NameRamstel Cup 2023
Organizer NAF nameBjorgrim (3367)
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-11-18
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-11-18
StyleTeam tournament
Scoringsee description
Cost15EUR per coach
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


schwifty (30188)Human
Team A
madhobbit (130)Shambling Undead
Team A
jelmer (129)Chaos Dwarf
Team A

Runner up

Crack_n_Crunch (25300)Dwarf
Yurinator (25299)Amazon
maverick1980 (30021)Nurgle

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

schwifty (30188)Human
Best Individual Coach
Tournament Location
AddressDenksport Centrum Leiden
 Robijnstraat 4

Ruleset Document

The Ramstel Cup is the annual Dutch team tournament during which the Dutch Capital City of Blood Bowl is crowned.
In practice only squads representing a Dutch league or a Dutch city compete for the Ramstel Trophy. For a squad to represent a league or city, at least two coaches of the squad must be a member of the league or resident of the city. Upon registration of the squad please indicate which league/city you represent and how you meet the requirements stated above. Final decision is made by the organisation with the help of the historic squad captains’ group.
Squads which do not represent any Dutch league or city (ex: international teams) can still register and compete to win the tournament.
The location can host up to 20 squads. Each squad is composed of three coaches. The first 10 squad slots are reserved to those representing a Dutch league or City until 30-09-2023. After this date, remaining slots will be open to all.
For more info on the Ramstel Cup, please visit: https://sites.google.com/view/ramstelcup/home?authuser=0
For registration or questions please email me HERE
Location & Fees:
The tournament will take place at the following address:

Denksport Centrum Leiden
Robijnstraat 4
2332KE Leiden
The Netherlands

There is free parking at and around the venue but limited space so carpooling is welcome.
Public Transport options:
- Take the train to station Leiden Centraal and take the bus 1 or 2 (both direction towards Station de Vink) and get out at stop Opaalstraat – it’s a further 2 min walk.
- It’s a 10 min bike ride from Leiden Centraal (OV fiets are available)
- It’s a 25 min walk from Leiden Centraal
The price per coach including a Dutch lunch (2 broodjes) is set at 15EUR (or 45EUR per squad).
Date & Schedule:
Saturday 18-11-2023
09:30 – 10:00 – Registration
10:00 – 12:15 – Game 1
12:15 – 13:00 – Lunch
13:00 – 15:15 – Game 2
15:30 – 17:45 – Game3
17:45 – 18:30 -- Ceremony

Tournament Rules:
The Ramstel Cup is a 3-coach squad tournament: each squad must be composed by 3 different rosters to be chosen amongst the rosters authorized by the NAF at the time of the tournament.
Single players who cannot form a squad but are still interested to come shall contact the organisation. Depending on attendance and squad needs they will be assigned to an incomplete team or to a new team with other single players.
The Ramstel Cup is a resurrection tournament during which all players return to their starting status after each game regardless of injuries or any other post-match changes. Players added to a team roster mid-game as a result of the Masters of Undeath or Plague Ridden special rules are removed from the roster at the end of the game and are not carried on for the next game.

Tournament Rules are the official Blood Bowl 2020 Rules + Teams of Legends + Spike! Magazine up to issue 26 + Almanach 2021/2022 + updated latest FAQ available at the time of the tournament.
Authorized Star Players are from the core rulebook and from official releases listed above.

Team Creation:

To create his roster, each coach gets 1.150.000gp to buy Players, Rerolls, Apothecary, Devoted Fans, Assistants and Cheerleaders.
At least 50.000gp from this amount must be used to buy inducement from the list below:
0-4 Temp Agency Cheerleaders
0-3 Part-time Assistant Coaches
0-1 Weather Mage
0-2 Bloodweiser Kegs
0-3 Bribes
0-1 Mortuary Assistant
0-1 Plague Doctor
0-1 Riotous Rookie
0-1 Biased Referee
0-1 Halfling Master Chef
0-2 Star Player
All inducements not listed above are not authorized.
Note: The costs of Mega-Stars as defined in the FAQ are increased by50.000gp compared to their standard value. For the Ramstel Cup 2023, the costs of those Mega-Stars are the following:
- Bomber Dribblesnot: 100,000 gp
- Deeproot Strongbranch: 330,000 gp
- Griff Oberwald: 330,000 gp
- Hakflem Skuttlespike: 260,000 gp
- Kreek ‘the Verminator’ Rustgouger: 220,000 gp
- Morg ‘n’Thorg: 430,000 gp
In addition, Estelle la Veneaux’s cost is also also increased by 50,000 gp. The new cost is therefore:
- Estelle la Veneaux: 240,000 gp

Note: You must have 11 players before hiring a Star Player.
Note: If a Star Player has been hired by both teams, she/he will still be able to play with both teams

36 SPP per roster.
Random skills are authorized and must be rolled in front of your opponent at the beginning of every game.
Only one player per team can have a secondary skill.
Only one player per team can stack 2 primary skills (for 14 SPP).
Special Rule: each squad will receive points depending on their Tier strength. It is calculated by adding every Tier value of each roster of the squad, based on the following Tier List:
Tier 1: Wood Elves, Dark Elves, Lizardmen, Shambling Undead, Norse, Skaven, Underworld, High Elves, Dwarves, Chaos dwarves, Amazon, Orcs.
Tier 2: Elven Union, Chaos Chosen, Humans, Chaos Renegades, Daemons of Khorne, Imperial Nobility, Black Orcs, Nurgle, Old World Alliance, Slann, Tomb Kings, Necromantic Horrors, Vampires
Tier 3: Goblins, Ogres, Halflings, Snotlings.
Each round this value will be compared to the opponent’s squad strength. For each point difference, the squad with the higher strength earns a primary skill that can be given to any player (of one of the three rosters composing the squad) who has not already won any skills.

Number of games & Pairing:
3 rounds will be played during the tournament.
The first round will be randomly paired. A double swiss system is used for rounds 2 and 3 (first swiss system to pair the squads and then swiss system to pair coaches within the squad pairing)

Team Ranking: Add individual points + Team points
Team Victory: 5000 points
Team Draw: 2000 points
Team Defeat: 0 point

Individual Ranking: Add individual points
Individual Victory: 1000 points
Individual Draw: 400 points
Individual Defeat: 0 point
Individual Bonus Points:
Per TD: 3 points
Per Casualty (Block/Blitz): 2 points

Thanks to Lutece Bowl friends for the ruleset

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