?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameSKABB Dungeon Bowl 2023
Organizer NAF nameBeardedLucha (30067)
OrganizerStu Miller
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-06-24
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-06-24
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


hellbentginger (29093)Dungeon Bowl

Runner up

Stewbacca (24161)Dungeon Bowl

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stewbacca (24161)Dungeon Bowl

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Insidious (24051)Dungeon Bowl
Most chests opened
TheUltimateChampion (35542)Dungeon Bowl
Mini-Morg Award (highest placed youth player)
Tournament Location
AddressChaos Cards
 100 Sandgate Road
ZipCT20 2BW
NationUnited Kingdom

Ruleset Document

SKABB Dungeon Bowl 2023 will consist of 4 matches of Dungeon Bowl. Coaches will be paired at random for the first match with the remaining three matches being paired under the Swiss Format. SKABB will do everything possible to avoid duplicate pairings during the event.

The event will be held under the exhibition format so all teams will start each match as rostered (no SPPs or Casualties are applied)


10:00 - 10:25 - Registration
10:30 - 11:45 - Match 1
12:00 - 13:15 - Match 2
13:15 - 14.15 - Lunch break
14:15 - 15:30 - Match 3
15:45 - 17:00 - Match 4
17:15 - Awards and prizes

Matches will be held to a 1hr 15min time limit with coaches being reminded with 30mins, 15mins and 5mins remaining. Once the time has expired, it will be dice down with the active player’s turn ending immediately.

Each dungeon will be individually numbered to assist coaches to find their opponent when matches are announced.

All treasure chests and portals will be set up by the TO prior to each match to speed up setup time.

If there are concerns that Coaches have seen which treasure chest contains the ball please let the TO know and the treasure chests will be redistributed.

SKABB Dungeon Bowl 2023 will allow the following rosters to enter the tournament:

All College Teams in the Dungeon Bowl rulebook
All standard Blood Bowl teams are eligible This includes:

All the teams in the Dungeon Bowl rulebook
All teams included in Spike! Magazine
All teams from the Teams of Legend PDF from Games Workshop
We will also allow Slann rosters to enter (roster available from the NAF).

All teams: 1,000,000GP

Teams will be allowed to use 1 million gold pieces to draft their team subject to the following conditions:

Star Players
Star Players do not want to risk doing battle in the Dungeon - therefore no Star Players can be drafted.

Inducements are purchased during team creation with the only Inducements allowed from the Inducement List in the Dungeon Bowl rulebook is Bribes. 0-3 Bridge (100,000GP per bribe) may be purchased.

In addition to the 1,000,000GP, each team will have access to their College Wizard from the Dungeon Bowl rulebook at no extra cost.
College Teams may only select the wizard that is allied to their College.

Standard Blood Bowl and Slann teams are also allowed to pick a College Wizard as a free inducement for their team. This must be chosen at team construction and will be the same for all matches.

Coaches must inform their opponent of their wizard’s ability prior to the start of each match.

To compensate College Teams for the lack of flexibility of picking their own wizard, coaches that draft a College Team included in the Dungeon Bowl rulebook will receive 1 free team reroll at the start of each match.

There is no tiering for teams in Dungeon Bowl. Therefore, all teams will be allowed to give their team the following additional skills:
0-4 primary skills
0-1 secondary skills
No player can receive more than one skill. If a coach desires, they can replace their secondary skill with a primary skill.

Dungeon Bowl games are won by the first team to score a touchdown. Points will be allocated as follows:

Win - 20 points
Draw - 10 points
Loss - 0 points

To create a competitive environment, if a coach wins their match in under 45mins, they will be awarded 10 additional bonus points.
Casualties - 3 points per casualty (Max 3 per game)
Chests - 1 point per chest opened (Max 6 per game)

Please bring a team that is clearly marked / identifiable player types. Teams do not have to be painted, but we think the game looks better if they are!
Three Block dice, two D6, one D8, and one D16 dice
Throw-in, Scatter and Pass templates

Tournament Report
On a hot Kentish day, 10 brave coaches battled in the dungeons for supremacy. The dungeons were filled largely by the college of shadows that was the most used college during the tournament.

Inspired by bonus points for a quick win, coaches with faster teams benefited with the last 2 rounds of games resulting in quick wins for all coaches.

Special mention should go to TheUltimateChampion who entered a tournament for the first time and walked away with the Mini-Morg Award for the highest placed youth player.

We look forward to seeing everyone again next year for more dungeon shenanigans.
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