?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameChaos Cup 2023
Organizer NAF nameLEGION (5222)
OrganizerJames Luft
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-11-04
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-11-05
StyleResurrection & Swiss Pairings
ScoringPoints Based
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno
WebpageChaos Cup

Tournament Statistics


Sol (28715)Skaven

Runner up

Drakenspear (28841)Underworld Denizens

Most Touchdowns

keshdr (20048)Skaven
A New Chaos Cup Record of 20 Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Doombeard_Dave (18783)Chaos Chosen
27 Casualties

Stunty Cup

Marquis_of_Peaches (31190)Halfling
Halfling Coach

Best Painted

Other Awards

frozenflame (4789)Vampire
LittleDenny (23365)Khorne
I AM CHAOS Award (Best of the CHAOS teams)
aalon102 (34179)Shambling Undead
Best Defense
Drakenspear (28841)Underworld Denizens
Chaos Fledgling Award (First Chaos Cup)
TreeMonkey (24402)Chaos Dwarf
Middle of the Pack (Average Joe/Jane Award)
PhDM (33228)Ogre
Best Comeback (After Round 2)
SquishyToad (27021)Slann
Wooden Spoon Award
scarypinecone (21558)Chaos Renegade
Best Painted - Best Theme
timoswan (33982)Goblin
Best Painted - Best Single Blood Bowl Model
Wizard_of_Wit (12717)Orc
Best Painted - Best Painted Team
Sturmjarl (4310)Goblin
Best Painted - Best Impact Miniatures Blood Bowl Model
Goblinacus (29971)Amazon
Best Painted - Judge's Choice
Tournament Location
AddressWyndam Orlando Resort & Conference Center
 3011 Maingate Lane
CityKissimmee (ORLANDO)
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

This is the NAF US Major Tournament. NAF membership is required. If you are not a NAF member, you can either sign up at thenaf.net website or we will have a representative on site handling new memberships and renewals.

You get all of this!!

6 games of Blood Bowl against opponents from across the globe!
4 Chaos Cup 2023 D6's
1 Embroidered Patch of the 2023 Logo
Chaos Cup 2023 Coin
x2 Models Representing Cipactlicihuatl the Lustrian Lycanthrope designed by Sean Harrison of Wulfshead Miniatures
Star Player Card from SpecialPlayCards.com
Full Color dice bag

You Bring:

Painted team (Teams must have 3 colors and a finished base, numbered properly and skills visibly marked. Failure to do so may result in a negative outcome during tie-breakers)
Blood Bowl pitch, templates, dugouts, ball, and dice
Money for food/drinks
Multiple copies of your roster if you did not pre-register

*** If you do not have access to a team, email coach@floridabloodbowl .com ... we are a large community and can find a team for you play with, if you are unable to yourself. You might not get the choice of team you would like... but we will find a team for you ***


Blood Bowl Second Season (2020) Rule Set
All Races in the Rulebook, Teams of Legend Document, & NAF additional
Special Play Cards will not be used
All injuries reset after each game
Apothecaries work as described in the Rulebook
Illegal Procedure can be shouted but will not be penalized

You are given 1,200,000 gold pieces to build your team. You may purchase players, rerolls, fan factor, coaches, and cheerleaders as normal with this money
Wizards, Journeymen, Special Play cards of any kind, Mercenaries...... and the Halfling Hot Pot are NOT ALLOWED with the exception of GIANTS (first time for everything).

You may purchase any other inducements for your team, including Star Players!!! Note: If you are including a Star Player or a GIANT, you must have 11 players on your team BEFORE hiring them. Having 10 players plus a Star or GIANT is not allowed. ***Remember*** You can not have the same Star Player as your opponent. If both of you attempt to field the same player, then that star player has swindled you both!! Neither of you can field them. Also, you cannot use Igors or Apothecaries on Star Players.

**All new star players from the Second Season Edition and subsequent Spike Journals will be allowed. Second Season Edition has given Star Players each their own "Special Rule". If you have a Star Player on your roster, you are expected to explain the "Special Rule" to your opponent. Please use the Chaos Cup Coin to represent when the Star Player has spent his special, once per game rule.**

Being the NAF North American Major and the move towards Tiering... we will now be tiering races and providing Star Player Points for skills based on the tier that race is in - as follows:

Tier 1 teams get 42 SPP to spend:
Amazon, Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, Human, High Elf, Lizardmen, Necromantic Horror, Norse, Orcs, Shambling Undead, Skaven, Underworld Denizens, Wood Elf

Tier 2 teams get 54 SPP to spend:
Black Orc, Chaos Chosen, Chaos Renegade, Elven Union, Imperial Nobility, Khorne, Nurgle, Old World Alliance, Slann, Snotlings, Tomb Kings, Vampire

Tier 3 teams get 66 SPP to spend:
Goblin, Halfling, Ogre

Primary Skills are 6 SPP / Secondary Skills are 12 SPP. No Stat increases. Maximum four (4) of any skill type. You may put a second Primary skill on a player, but it counts as a Selected Primary Skill (may not put a Secondary Skill and Primary on one player - may not add skills to Star Players). A single player with TWO Primary Skills will cost 14 SPP.

Star Players - in addition to their hiring fee - cost you an extra 12 SPP Due to popularity and market demand... Current GW MEGA STARS (see current FAQ) Bomber Dribblesnot, Deeproot Strong Branch, Morg n Thorg, Griff Oberwald, Hackflem Skuttlespike and Kreek Rustgouger cost 18 SPP (not 12)

*If you are NOT at your table when the time starts the round, your opponent will decide who KICKS/RECEIVES*
If you feel as though your match is falling behind, its recommended that coaches us the four-minute timer to help matches finish on time.
If there are any concerns about time left in the round or using the four-minute rule, please ask for a REF or the TO to come to the table.


8:00 - 8:30 Check In
8:30 - 9:00 Announcements
9:00 - 11:15 Round One
11:30 - 1:45 Round Two
1:45 - 3:15 Lunch
3:15 - 5:30 Round Three
5:45 - 8:00 Round Four



8:30 - 9:00 Announcements
9:00 - 11:15 Round 5
11:15 - 12:15 Lunch
12:15 - 2:30 Round 6
3:00 - 3:30 Awards


You must use the Chaos Cup 2023 D6’s you received in each of your games
You may use your own block dice provided they are from GW or the NAF (dice sharing is back on the table)


Before Round 6, but after you know who you are playing, you may award 2 mutations to your team

The players gaining the mutations must be the lineman position type (0-12 or 0-16) on your team and cannot have been given an additional skill increase for the tournament already.

You must clearly mark which players have which mutation and make sure your opponent knows what you have chosen before the game begins
If your team race is a CHAOS, CHAOS PACT, NURGLE, or KHORNE team, you are an exception to the above “Linemen only” rule for awarding mutations. You can still only award a mutation to a player that has not yet received an upgrade, but it can be any player type, not just 0-12 / 0-16
In addition, everyone will get a chance to have Cipactlicihuatl the Lustrian Lycanthrope on their roster so long as the roster has an open slot available:

Cipactlicihuatl aka CiCi - Lustrian Lycanthrope: Coaches will determine Amazon or Saurus form after finding out opponent’s race but before seeing the roster…CiCi will change form to the alternate version at half time

One HALF - Saurus Form
MA6, ST4, AG5+, PA 6+, AV 10+ Skills: Block, Mighty Blow, Frenzy & LONER (3+)

One HALF - Amazon Form
MA7, ST3, AG3+, PA 4+, AV 8+ Skills: Dodge, Side Step, Jump Up, PRO and LONER (3+)


The #1-#4 ranked coaches after Round 5 will be playing for the title of Chaos Cup Champion 2nd and 3rd place. The winner of this Top Table game is the Chaos Cup Champion. In case of a tie score in this Top Table game, the below bullet points will be used to determine the winner.

Pairings will be determined by wins, then tiebreakers based on the following, in this order:

Head to Head record
Strength of Schedule
Tournament Organizer discretion (based on painted/based teams & sportsmanship)

Stunty Cup

The #1 and #2 ranked Stunty coaches after Round 5 will be playing for the title of Chaos Cup Stunty Cup Champion. The winner of this game is the Stunty Cup Champion. Pairings and tiebreakers determined the same way as the championship match at Top Table (above).

Stunty teams are:

Halfling, Goblin, Ogre, Snotling, Lizardmen with no Saurus, Underworld with no Skaven.
No star players are allowed for the above mentioned Lizardmen and Underworld teams - and Morg, Griff and Hackflem have also refused to play for any team that considers themselves "Stunty"

Wooden Spoon

The Bottom Two Coaches will play each other for the "Honour" of being the Wooden Spoon Recipient. Rounds 1-5 reserve you the spot but in order to EARN the wooden spoon, you have to beat your fellow bottom dweller.

AWARDS (Tournament Organizer will break any ties)

Champion - Winner of Top Table in Round 6
2nd Place - 2nd Highest Points from seats 1-4
3rd Place – 3rd Highest Points from seats 1-4
Best Defense - Team that allowed the fewest TDs (that did not win 1st-3rd)
Best Offense - Team that scored the most TDs (that did not win 1st-3rd)
Most Brutal - Team that inflicted the most Casualties from Blocking, Fouls and Crowd Surfs (that did not win 1st-3rd)
I Am Chaos Award – Highest ranked coach using CHAOS, CHAOS RENEGADES, NURGLE, KHORNE
Chaos Fledgling Award - Award for highest ranking coach who's attending Chaos Cup for the first time
Best Comeback – Highest increase in standings after Round 2
Middle of the Pack, the "Average Joe/Jane Award" - Goes to the coache with the most humdrum showing ranking smack dab in the middle
Stunty Cup – Winner of the round 6 Stunty Cup match
Halfling, Goblin, Ogre, Snotling, Lizardmen with no Saurus, Underworld with no Skaven
No star players are allowed for the above mentioned Lizardmen and Underworld teams
Best Sportsman - Best Sportsman as noted by Tournament Organizer
Wooden Spoon - Coach that finished ranked lowest

Tournament Report
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