?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameBloodbath 2023
Organizer NAF namegenghiskong (29679)
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-09-16
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-09-16
StyleResurrection, 11s
Scoring30 points win, 10 points draw; +1 per CAS/TD
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno
WebpageTalkFantasyFootball listing

Tournament Statistics


TheShepherd (16089)Skaven
The Bloody Winner

Runner up

Nightwing (19902)Halfling
Bloody Close

Most Touchdowns

rubble (32495)Skaven
Bloody Show-Off

Most Casualties

8ulldog (18620)Snotling
Bloody Maniac

Stunty Cup

Nightwing (19902)Halfling
Bloody Git

Best Painted

cornish (20634)Halfling
Bloody Gorgeous

Other Awards

butterfly_bandit (35133)Snotling
Bloody Mess (Most Casualties Suffered)
IdleMark (36229)Skaven
Wooden Spoon
Tournament Location
AddressWidcombe Social Club
 Lower Widcombe Hill
ZipBA2 2AA
NationUnited Kingdom

Ruleset Document

Whether you’re missing out on the World Cup but desperate for some September action – or just back from the World Cup and chasing that high again – Bloodbath 2023 is the perfect Alicantidote to World Cup Fever.

After a hugely successful first ever Bloodbath last year, we’re back - bigger and better than ever. With 40 spaces available, and a revised ruleset that promises to be even more bloody, this is set to be a fantastic day day of Blood Bowl silliness.

The tournament consists of 3 games of Blood Bowl using the BB2020 / Second Season ruleset, taking place over the course of a single day.

Coaches will play 3 games against 3 different opponents. The first round will be paired randomly, and Swiss pairings will be used for rounds 2 and 3. This will be a resurrection format: your roster resets after each match (no SPP, injuries, raised dead etc.).

The official Blood Bowl rules, and all current FAQs and errata published up to the date of the tournament will be in effect. In the event of any rules disagreements, TO’s decision is final.

This will be a NAF-accredited event.

Eligible teams include all official GW teams published up to the date of tournament, including Teams of Legend that have not been superseded by subsequent releases, as well as the Slann team from the NAF. The new team rosters for Norse, Khorne and Amazons will be used, thus the obsolete Daemons of Khorne and Teams of Legend Norse & Amazon rosters will not be eligible. Any new teams published by GW before September 2023 will also become available (which may make ToL equivalents obsolete - this page will be updated as/when new content is released. If in doubt, drop me an email).

Coaches will have 1.15 million gold pieces to spend on team creation, following the team creation rules for exhibition play detailed in the rulebook. From this they must purchase all their players (minimum11), re-rolls and any sideline staff such as cheerleaders, assistant coaches, or apothecaries (and their ilk). Inducements are purchased from the starting gold and permanently added to the roster – there is no inducements phase in the pre-game sequence.

Inducements. Coaches can also spend from their treasury to permanently add inducements to their roster. Eligible inducements are: bribes, biased referees, Halfling master chef, riotous rookies, star players*, and the mercenary giant from Death Zone. No other Death Zone inducements are allowed.

Skills. After building a team, coaches may allocate additional skills to the players on their team, according to their tier as outlined below. No more than 3 instances of any skill may be given as additional skills (e.g. you may take 3x Guard, 3x Block, but not 4x Guard). A single player per team may be given 2 Primary skills – after this, no stacking of multiple skills on the same player is permitted. Skills should be marked on the models using bands, rings, or similar.

NB. If your skills pack allows secondary skills, a primary can always be taken in place of a secondary.

Star Players. After hiring at least 11 regular players, a team may also hire 0-2 Star Players. These must be purchased from the 1150gp starting gold for team creation.

However, in addition to the cost in Gold Pieces of each star, coaches must also forfeit some of their skills allowed by their skills pack – depending on the star being hired. The Skill Cost of stars is as follows:
The standard skill cost of hiring a Star Player is 2 x Primary Skills
To hire a Mega Star (as listed in the Blood Bowl FAQ, + Cindy), coaches must forfeit either 4 x Primary Skills OR 2 x Primary and 1 x Secondary Skills
In addition, the following 'Lesser Seen' stars are desperate for work and don't bring the same ego as other stars, and can therefore be hired at no Skill Cost:
Barik Farblast; Frank n Stein; Gretchen Wächter; Grim Ironjaw; Skrull Halfheight; The Swift Twins; Willow Rosebark; Zolcath the Zoat
NB. Star Players that come in pairs (Swift Twins, Dribbl & Drull, Grak & Crumbleberry) require 2 Star Player slots from your tier, but will only incur the Star Player Skills Tax once.

Tiers. The tournament uses a 5-tier system based on each team's NAF tournament performance, performance in previous Bloodbaths under similar rulesets, and a bit of What I Reckon. This is an art, not a science, so feel free to complain about - or exploit - any wonky tiering.

Tier 1
Skills: 5 Primary
Stars: 0-1
Mega Stars: 0
Teams: Amazons, Chaos Dwarfs, Dark Elves, High Elves, Shambling Undead, Underworld Denizens

Tier 2
Skills: 6 Primary
Stars: 0-1
Mega Stars: 0
Teams: Dwarfs, Lizardmen, Orcs, Slann, Tomb Kings, Wood Elves

Tier 3
Skills: 6 Primary, 1 Secondary
Stars: 0-2
Mega Stars: 0
Teams: Humans, Imperial Nobility, Elven Union, Skaven, Necromantic, Norse, Old World Alliance

Tier 4
Skills: 7 Primary, 1 Secondary
Stars: 0-2
Mega Stars: 0-1
Teams: Black Orcs, Chaos Chosen, Nurgle, Chaos Renegades, Khorne, Snotlings (!)

Tier 5
Skills: 8 Primary, 2 Secondary
Stars: 0-2
Mega Stars: 0-1
Teams: Halflings, Goblins, Ogres, Vampires (!)

The "Too Many Players" rule as written in the rulebook is excessively harsh and anti-fun so we won't be using it RAW.

Instead, if any coach accidentally sets up too many players for a drive:
If there are players on the offending team that have not yet been activated, the referee has caught it in time and gives them a stern telling off
The offending coach must immediately choose players who have not been activated yet this drive and return them to the Reserves box until the correct number of players on the field is reached.
If every player has activated at least once this drive, the referee has to intervene more forcefully
Players on the offending team (and currently on the field) will be randomly selected by rolling a d16 (re-rolling if the ball carrier is selected), and will be immediately clobbered by the ref and ejected from the field by whatever means necessary: treat them exactly as if they had been pushed into the crowd. Repeat until the correct number of players on the field is reached.

It helps us hugely to get all the rosters submitted in advance so we can check them and feed back – rather than having to do this on the day.

Please submit your roster via email to h.feldwick@gmail.com by Friday 8th September for us to check it over.

Tournament points will be allocated as follows:
Win: 30 points
Draw: 10 points
Loss: 0 points

+1 bonus point per CAS (max 4 per game) – anything that puts a body in the CAS box counts, unless it’s purely self-inflicted. That means surfs, fouls and failed dodges etc. DO count, but sendings-off, failed GFIs, TTM splat-downs, or self-chainsaw / self-bomb do not.
+1 bonus point per touchdown (max 4 per game)
+1 bonus point for a clean sheet (0 TDs scored against)
-10 points for a concession

Tiebreakers will be:
CAS difference
TD difference
Total CAS
Total TD
Pistols at dawn
Tournament Winner
Runner Up
Stunty Cup (any team with no rostered ST3 or ST4 players)
Bloody Maniac (most CAS)
Bloody Show-off (most TDs)
Bloody Mess (most CAS suffered)
Bloody Gorgeous (best painted)
Venue: Widcombe Social Club, Widcombe Hill, Bath BA2 6AA
Saturday 16th September, 2023

9.30-10.00 Registration
10.00-12.15 Game 1
12.15-13.00 Lunch & judging Best Painted
13.00-15.15 Game 2
15.15-15.45 Break
15.45-18.00 Game 3
18.00-18.30 Prizes
18.30~ Pub, curry, etc.

Games are scheduled to finish within 2 hours 15 minutes. Games which run over this limit may be called by the TO if they are in danger of impacting the overall timings of the day, so please ensure to play to time and if you have not yet started the second half with 1 hour to go: HURRY UP.

The venue has a full licensed bar with teas, coffees, soft drinks and alcohol.

A premium lunch (sandwiches, wraps, crisps, fruit, cakey things) will be provided by the venue for an additional £7.50 per head. For anyone preferring to self-cater there is a Co-Op next door and pubs/takeaways nearby but please note that outside food cannot be eaten on-site.
(Yes 'm afraid it's gone up by £1. Well done to the lucky few who've already paid and therefore got the special 'early bird' price)

As usual, we’ll be heading to the pub after, and some of us are planning to go for a curry at the excellent Bikanos. Come along and celebrate / commiserate over a couple of pints and a Lamb Rogan Josh.

£15 for NAF members, £20 for non-members (including discounted NAF sign-up)
Lunch £7.50.

To sign up, visit: https://forms.gle/NJobRDStkZ1x2SWX7

All queries & Paypal payments to Hereward (genghiskong) at h.feldwick@gmail.com

Tournament Report
Very high Stunty representation due to generous skills pack.

Lots of Skaven due to being probably under-tiered.
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