?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameUmeå Spring Bowl 5 - Spring Of Wisdom
Organizer NAF nameFrantic (10525)
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-08-05
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-08-05
StyleSwish style
Cost150kr NAF Member, 210kr not NAF Member +50kr if you pay on game day)
NAF Fee Includedyes
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


inforthepain (19483)Tomb Kings

Runner up

Ionas (28196)Black Orc

Most Touchdowns

chrixx (30339)Skaven

Most Casualties

jom (25821)Chaos Dwarf

Stunty Cup

Frantic (10525)Snotling

Best Painted

hemlighallaren (17583)Imperial Nobility

Other Awards

Ionas (28196)Black Orc
Dubble Skull Award
hemlighallaren (17583)Imperial Nobility
Best Painted
Marty33 (19328)Wood Elf
Best Diva
msfilling (31224)Norse
Wooden Spoon Award
Tournament Location
AddressMariehemsvägen 13E

Ruleset Document


1,150,000$ to buy 11 players, cheerleaders, assistant coaches, Assistans Coaches, cheerleaders, rerolls, up to two star players (Depends of what team you are playing, list down below.), Apothecary, Plague Doctor, Biased Referee and Giant with the price of no more or no less then 300.000$. No other inducements are allowed.

Except for: Goblins, Snotlings, Underworld & Black Orcs: Bribes 0–3 (50k),
Haflings: Halflings Master Chef 0–1 (100k)
Snottlings: Riotous Rookies 0–1 (100k)
Extra Rules:
Ogres Reroll Number 3 and 5 cost 0 $

(Note: New this year is that you can trade out $kill money up to $15,000 to add to your roster build. Example: Norse can trade out $15,000 and then get to buy teams for $1,165,000 but get case just buy skills for $120,000 & that Giant is included in everyone's roster as 0-1, (i.e. you can have 10 players from your regular roster and 1 Giant and in addition buy in 0--2 Star players) .

Blood Bowl Second Season (2020) Rule Set
All Races in the Rulebook, Teams of Legend Document, & NAF additional (errata)
All injuries and deaths (included eaten goblins) reset after each game.


Star Players:

• Tier 1-4: 0-1 Starplayer.
• Tier 5: 0-2 Starplayer.

The players are valued and will possibly cost extra if you choose to play with them. That money is deducted from the "Skill budget".) If both coaches playes with the same star player it´s ok. ("Clone wars")

You get a $50,000 discount (so you get extra money for your roster if (not $ for skills) you choose to play with the following "shit-star player":
Gretchen Wächter 'The Blood Bowl Widow'

No extra cost:

Akhorne The Squirrel
Barik Farblast
Bomber Dribblesnot
Bryce 'The Slice' Cambuel
Deeproot Strongbranch
Fungus the Loon
Grak and Crumbleberry
Helmut Wulf
Max Spleenripper


Bilerot Vomitflesh
Deeproot Strongbranch
Frank 'n' Stein
Grashnak Balckhoof
Kreek 'The Verminator' Rustgouger
Roxanna Darknail
Ripper Bolgrot
Scrappa Sorehead
Scyla Anfingrimm
The Swift Twins: Lucien & Valen
Thorson Stoutmead
Whitergrasp Doubledrool
Willow Rosebark
Zolcat the Zoast


Dribl and Drull
Estelle La Veneaux
Glotl Stop
Gloriel Summerbloom
Grim Ironjaw
Grombrindal, The White Dwarf
Karla Von Kill
Morg 'n' Thorg
Puggy Baconbreath
Rumbelow Sheepskin
Skrull Halfheight
Skrorg Snowpelt
The Black Gobbo
Bomber Dribblesnot
Cindy Piewhistle


Varag Ghoul-Chewer
Wilhelm Chaney


Eldril Sidewinder
Ivar Eriksson
Lord Borak
Mighty Zug


Griff Oberwald
Hakflem Skuttlespike

If you choose to play with Griff, Hakflem, Morg or Wilhelm, you can only play with one star player, even if your team allows you to play with two star players. However, if you choose not to play with a star player, your Diva will also have access to kick-skill.


A maximum of 24 coaches.

Five games in one day!


Game 1: 08:15
Game 2: 10:45
Lunch: 13:00
Game 3: 14:30
Game 4: 17:00
Dinner: 19:15
Game 5: 20:30


Optional custom weather table:

There is a custom weather table that can be used if both coaches agrees to it.

2 Freezing

A sudden cold snap turns the ground as hard as granite (and not the ‘astro’ variety that players are used to). Whenever a player is Knocked Down, add 1 to the result of the armour roll.

3 Low sun

The sun is very low in the sky, making it difficult to pass the ball, causes a -1 modifier on all attempts to pass the ball.

4 Snowy Rain

Trudging through the Snowy Rain can be hard, only one ”Go for It” per player, may be attempted per turn (two if the player has the skill Sprint).

5-9 Nice

Perfect Blood Bowl Weather!

10 Fluffy Snow

Suddenly a ”fluffy Snow weather” is over us, the ground is soft and not that hard that
you think. Whenever a player is Knocked Down, subtract 1 to the result of the injury

11 Cold Rain

It's raining and it's below zero, making the ball slippery with ice and difficult to hold. This causes a -1 modifier on all attempts to catch the ball, including picking it up and handing it off.

12 Blizzard

Forget spring! It's cold and snowing! The ice on the pitch means that any player attempting to move an extra square (GFI) will slip and be Knocked Down on a roll of 1 or a 2, whilst the snow means that only Quick or Short passes can be attempted.


Monkey Bowl concept of rules when buying skills:

Tier 1: Amazons, Chaos Dwarfs, Dark Elfs, Dwarfs, Norse, Undead & Wood Elves.

Tier 2: Humans, Imperial, Lizardmen, Orcs & Skaven.

Tier 3: Black Orcs, Elven Union, High Elves, Khemri, Khorne, Necromantic & OWA.

Tier 4: Chaos Chosen, Chaos Renegade, Nurgle, Slann, Underworld & Vampire

Tier 5: Goblins, Halflings, Ogers, Snotlings.

Tier$ = Tier 1: 135.000$ Tier 2: 155.000$ Tier 3: 175.000$ Tier 4: 215.000$ Tier 5 250.000

Skill Prices

Tier 1: 40.000$ (80.000$)

Sneaky git, Block, Claws, Leader, Guard, Mighty blow (+1)

Tier 2: 30.000$ (60.000$)

Dodge, Diving tackle, Dirty player, Frenzy, Pro, Strip ball, Sure hands, Tackle, Wrestle, Monstrous mouth, Tentacles, Cannoneer, Pass, Brawler

Tier 3: 20.000$ (40.000$)

Catch, side step, sure feet, dauntless, kick, extra arms, foul appearance, horns, prehensile tail, two heads, accurate, dump off, break tackle, juggernaut

Tier 4: 10.000$ (20.000$)

Diving catch, jump up, leap, sprint, fend, big hand, disturbing presence, nerves of steel, grab, multiple block, pile driver, stand firm

Tier 5: 5.000$ (10.000$)

Defensive, safe pair of hands, shadowing, iron hard skin, very long legs, cloud buster, fumblerooskie, hail mary pass, on the ball, safe pass, running pass, armbar, strong arm, thick skull
Youre allowed to stack skills on youre player that have the "secret weapon trait. But the cheaper skill cost double the amount of $


You may give one player "Divan status" (not star player), "The Diva" will get the following skills: Leap, Sprint, Defensive, Dirty Player (+1), Desturbing Presence, Break Tackle, Animosity (2+ All races), Loner (5+) (*Kick skill if you dont play with a star player).

Divan can only be "selected" to a player who had not received any other skill assigned to them from "Tier-cost" above. The player who takes the "diva role 'leave when their race and take on" Divan-race "but retains its position, which means that you cant buy one more player in this position ...


Transfer window:

After the match 3 we will open the "transfer window". If a coach feels it was wrong to play with for example two throwers in the team and want to "sell/trade" one to buy an extra catcher, that's fine as long as the value of the new player is not more expensive than the old.

You can only get rid of one player and money you have spent on skills on that player you will get back so you can use them on the player you traded him for.

You may purchase more than one player if you can afford it as long as there is space in the roster, for example, if a coach wants to kick that damn crappy Minotaur (150k) and then want to buy 2 Beastmen instead (2x60k), it is therefore ok.

It´s ok to get rid of a starplayer and hire new players for your team, but you cant sell a star player for hiring a new star player.

You may not sell "divan" if you have chosen to play with one...


Tiebreakers: (If it is a draw in the pint system) 1.strength of schedule 2. Divan SPP 3. TD-diff 4.CAS-Diff.

Overtime rules (Only in the final)

1. Flip a coin who start receiving the ball
2. Drive is only four rounds
3. You dont get your rerolls back, except for the Leader reroll.
4. You always hit 4 (Solid defense) on the kick off table.

Tournament Report
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