?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameHalloween Howler
Organizer NAF nameTy_lepko (23207)
OrganizerTy lepko
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-10-07
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-10-07
StyleResurrection Swiss
ScoringWin 65 tie 25 loss 0
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Runner up

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressFraternal Order of the Eagles 23 Rowland Crescent
CitySt Albert

Ruleset Document

Trident wargaming presents Halloween howler

23 Rowland Crescent, St. Albert, AB T8N 4B2
Oct 7th - Saturday

40 dollars and lunch is included

A current NAF membership is required
Tour play will be used as tournament tracker

Tournament Organizer: ty lepko

Updates: Check out the event page on Facebook.

Tournament schedule:

The tournament will be a one day swiss style tournament.

Oct 7– Day 1 will run 3 matches
9AM: Registration begins
9:30 AM: First game
12:00 PM : Lunch
1:00 PM : Second Game
3:30 PM: Third Game
6:00 PM – Day One Ends

What to bring:
- Painted team with suitable models.
- Skill rings or another appropriate way to identify skills/positions
- Block dice
- D6s, d8, d12/16/20
- 3 copies of your team roster including skill purchases and inducements

Tournament Rules:
- Standard NAF Rules 2020 – 30 teams, including Slann are available to play.

- Argue the call, Timber are allowed.

Rules Not Allowed
No Golden Era Star Players
No Legacy Star Players
No refrees
No Special Play Cards
No Special Weather tables
No Special Balls
No Infamous Coaches
NO Sporting Giants

- Teams will resurrect at the end of each games. No SPPs, injuries or any roster changes carry over between games
- Illegal Procedure and the 4 minute time limit will not be enforced.
- Games will have a maximum length of 2 hours 30 minutes. Turn time limits or chess clocks may be imposed if a game is at risk of going over the 2.5 hour time limit. When Time is called the dice are down and the match is over. There will be no OT.

- Players must agree on cocked die rules, the use of dice cups at the start of the match.
dice sharing (on request by either coach)
- If there are any disagreements or rules disputes, tournament directors will be standing by to assist.
- Teams with the ability to raise killed players will not be allowed to.

Team building:
- 30 NAF sanctioned teams are eligible.
- Teams get 1.2 million gold to construct their roster THIS INCLUDES SKILL MONEY
Masters of Undeath rule is allowed for the match. Rosters will reset at the end of the match
- Star players can NOT be purchased AT ALL
- Teams must play with a minimum of 11 players.
- Teams can purchase Rerolls, apothecaries (if allowed), coaches, cheerleaders or fan factor.
- Teams may also include bribes as part of the roster as per the standard inducement cost.
- Chefs can only be purchased by halfling teams.
- No other inducements may be purchased (including , cards, extra apothecaries, mercenaries, etc).
- Teams can select one of the following skill packages:

Tier 1 – Amazon, Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarves, Lizardmen, Norse, Orcs, Skaven, Shambling Undead, Wood Elf, Underworld Denizens

Tier 2 – Imperial Nobility, Old World Alliance, Chaos Renegades, Elf Union, High Elf Human,Tomb Kings, Necromantic Horrors

Tier 3 – Black Orcs, Khorne, Chaos Chosen, Nurgle's Rotters, Slann, Vampires,

Tier 4 - Halfling, Goblin, Snottlings, Ogre

Teams will have the following maximum amount of gold to buy skills for their teams out of the original 1.2million No STAT increases will be allowed.

Regular Skill: 20,000
Double Skill: 30,000

Max Allowable Skills per Tier
Tier 1 – 150,000 in skills.
Tier 2 – 170,000 in skills
Tier 3 – 190,000 in skills
Teir 4 - 190,000 in skills, may stack 2 skills on up to three models

- One extra skill maximum per player
- Each skill may be taken a maximum of 3 times

Special Rules: At the start of each match, before either player has setup. Each Player rolls 1 D8 this determines which of the star players will join you’re team for the entire match.Stunty Teams may Reroll the star player once per game when choosing the star player.

Star Players:

1) Buffy the slayer
Mov 6 str 4 agi 3 pass 4 av 9
Loner 4+ block, dauntless,dodge,jump up,stab,stakes
"Just the tip"buffy may add one to her stakes when using stab on the undead (Sylvanian Spotlight)

2) Warp wood
Mov 2 str 5 ag 5 pass 5 av 10
Loner 4+ mighty blow,standfirm,strong arm,take root,thick skull,throw team mate, tentacles, disturbing presence
"THWACK" once per match he gains the pile driver/sneaky git skill

3) Rotten Rick jr
mov 4 str 3 agi 5 pass 6 av 10
Sneaky git,dirty player,pile driver regeneration,loner4
"Jazz hands " once per half when caught fouling roll a d-6 on a 123 your out of here 456 ref gets distracted by the cheer leaders

4) Roger mortis
3 mov 6 str 5 agi -pass 10 av
Mighty blow, regeneration,brawler, juggernaut,breaktackle,arm bar
"Old world wisdom" once per drive he may teach an adjacent linemen might blow,juggernaut,brawler,guard

5)Jack skeleton "the pumpkin king"
4mov 3str 4agi 4pass 8av
Pass, accurate, nerves of steel, regeneration, bombardier,catch,secret weapon
"Didn't see nuttin" when ejected he may sneak back to the reserves once per game

6) Lucian grey pelt
Human form : 6 mov 3 str 3 agi 4 pass 9 av
Block and tackle loner 3 regeneration

Werewolf : 8mov 3str 3 agi 4pass 9 av
Claws, regeneration,dodge catch, sure feet, sprint
"Lycanthrope"Lucian can turn into a werewolf at will but most be put prone to turn or reverse

7) gobbler grimlich jr
6mov 3str 3agi 4pass 9 av
Big hand,foul appearance, regeneration,very long legs,pogo stick,on the ball
"Death from above" once per half gobbler may reroll a failed leap he also gains the guard skill for the drive if successfully rerolled

8) Allacard
7mov 3str 4agi 3pass 9av
Block,hypno gaze, loner 4+ ,pro, regeneration,side step,dodge,super blood lust ( may bite any linemen)

"Razzle dazzle " once per half Allacard gains Pass, accurate , sure hands also blood lust for a drive follows the old rule a vampire can bite a line men after any action if no line men near by st the end of the action he goes into the crowd to bite a fan and in reserves
Stars cannot be given skills
- One extra skill maximum per player
- Each skill may be taken a maximum of 3 times

Tournament Scoring:

Win = 65
Loss = 0
Tie = 25

Scoring Bonus: There are no bonus points for this event
Casualty Award – All Casualties count with exception of to failed Rush, Or Failed Dodge (unless a passive/active skill is used)
Tie Breakers
Head to Head (If Applicable), should it be more than a 2 way tie move to the next tie breaker
Win Percentage
Net TD
Net Casualties

Stunty cup:
- Stunty teams will play for their own cup while still participating in the main tournament.
- Stunty teams include Halflings, Snottlings, Goblins and Ogres
- Star players can be added to a stunty team without disqualifying them from the Stunty Cup.

Glittering prizes:
- Champion - The team with the most tournament points.
- Runner up - the team with the 2nd most tournament points
- Stunty Cup - The stunty team with the most tournament points
- Best Painted Team
- Best Offense (Most TD’s)
- Most Casualties (Most Casualties Inflicted)
- Best Defense (Least amount of touchdowns scored against)
- Best Sportsman
- Share the wealth. Coaches may only win 1 trophy

Tournament Report
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