?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameTitanic Cup
Organizer NAF nameagingergoblin (21354)
OrganizerThom Denton
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-10-21
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-10-22
ScoringWin: 5 points Draw: 3 Points Loss: 1 Point/ Bonus points. 3 Cas caused: 1 point 3 TD scored: 1 point Clean sheet: 1 point
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


that_there_phil (25258)Shambling Undead

Runner up

jonesyjones (29420)Elf Union

Most Touchdowns

jonesyjones (29420)Elf Union

Most Casualties

cattibrie (32350)Underworld Denizens

Stunty Cup

pybot (34525)Snotling

Best Painted

eambo (29252)Ogre

Other Awards

bozzybozboz (34389)Snotling
Titanic Cup
zoginnob01 (29208)Orc
Submarine Award
Tournament Location
AddressBelfast Harlequins
 45a Deramore Park
ZipBT9 5JX
NationUnited Kingdom

Ruleset Document

6 games - 3 Sat, 3 Sun.

Team building:
Coaches will have a budget of 1,150,000gp with which to build their team. On top of this, coaches will receive Skill Points (SP) with which to upgrade their teams. The quantity of SP will be outlined below in accordance with the tiering system. 1SP will buy a primary skill. 2SP will buy a secondary or a stacked primary. There is no limit to the number of primaries that may be stacked on a single player other than the potentially excessive cost. For example, a tier 1 coach may decide they want to put four skills on a single player. This will cost 1 SP for the first and then 2SP each for the remaining three. No other players will get skills because they have all been spent on one player.

In addition to this, a team may hire up to two STAR PLAYERS, (depending on their tier) for their normal hiring fee, along with a base cost of 3SP. Some stars have been proven to dominate the game a little more than others so come with additional SP costs. These are outlined in the tiering and may vary according to how powerful they can be to certain tiers.


Tier 1 – Amazon, Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, Human, Lizardmen, Orc, Shambling Undead, Wood Elf
7SP: 7 Primaries only, 1 star
Bomber, Cindy, Kreek + 1SP, Hakflem, Deeproot, Griff, Morg, +3SP

Tier 2 – Elven Union, High Elf, Necromantic Horrors, Norse, Skaven, Slann, Underworld Denizens
8SP: 8 Primaries, 1 Secondary, 1 star
Bomber, Cindy, Kreek + 1SP, Hakflem, Deeproot, Griff, Morg, +3SP

Tier 3 – Black Orc, Chaos Chosen, Imperial Nobility, Khorne, Nurgle, Tomb Kings,
9SP: 9 Primaries, 2 Secondaries, 1 Stars
Bomber, Cindy, Kreek + 1SP, Hakflem, Deeproot, Griff, Morg, +3SP

Tier 4 – Chaos Renegades, Old World Alliance, Vampires
10SP: 10 Primaries, 2 Secondaries, 1 Star
Bomber, Cindy, Kreek + 1SP, Hakflem, Deeproot, Griff, Morg, +3SP

Tier 5 – Goblin, Halfling, Ogre, Snotling
12SP: 12 Primaries, 3 Secondaries, 2 Stars
Hakflem, Griff, Morg, +3SP

Inducements as per WC with addition of infamous coaching staff, riotous rookies and biased ref.

Custom kick off table:
Kick-Off Table
2: Gambling debts! It seems the ref’s gambling debts have caught up with them and they’ve decided to get out of town sharpish. For the remainder of the game, all argue the call rolls receive an additional +1 to show the new ref’s unwillingness to draw attention to themselves. Note: this is cumulative to any current benefits, including previous instances of this kick-off event.
3: Time out
4: Perfect Defence
5: Yer Ma’s yer Da! It looks like that player is whispering something to their opponent and it doesn't look well received!
The kicking coach must select one player who is standing on the line of scrimmage and one from the opposing team who is being marked by that player. Roll a d6.
1. You'll pay for that! - Your opponent really takes offence to what you've said and lamps you one before the whistle. Your player is immediately placed prone and your opponent performs a foul action. All rules for fouls apply.
2. Well your Da sells Avon! - The opposing player comes up with a whitty retort, leaving your player unsure what to do next. Your player loses their activation and is treated as if they have failed a Really Stupid roll. They will automatically recover at the beginning of their next activation.
3. Whatever mate! - It seems the opponent either didn't hear or doesn't care. Nothing happens.
4. Yeah… well... shut up! - Witty comebacks don't seem to be this guy's thing and it seems to be playing on his mind. For the remainder of the drive, your opponent gains the Bone Head trait as they are distracted by what's been said. If they already had Bone Head, they gain Really Stupid.
5. You take that back! - Your insult seems to have hit a nerve and made them cry. You like it! For the rest of the drive, your player gains the Pro skill. If they already have Pro, they gain Dauntless.
6. Mum?! - The opposing player seems to have some unanswered questions and immediately runs in to the dugout for answers. They take no further part in this drive, and may not be replaced, but may return for future drives.
6: Rowdy Fans: The crowd are even lairier than usual this game and have even started throwing ad hoc missiles at the players. Both coaches roll 2D6. The coach that rolls highest may randomly select an opposing player set up in the wide zones and roll for armour as if they had been stabbed. If this is failed, nothing happens. If successful, they are placed prone. Roll for injury as normal.
7: Brilliant Coaching
8: If you don’t like it, wait 5 minutes! Apply the same effect as Changing weather
9: Quick Snap
10: Blitz
11: I’ve had about enough of your lip! It looks like one of the players has become a bit vocal about the ref’s decisions and the ref has decided to give them a kicking. Both players roll 1D6 and add their fan factor. The losing player must randomly select one player to be placed stunned to represent the beating the ref gave him. Roll another D6, on a 2-6 nothing further happens. On a 1, the ref has given it a little too much and hobbled them. Reduce their MA by 1 (to a minimum of 2).
12: Buckfast?: A player has smuggled a bottle of something on to the pitch as a pre-drive pick me up. Both players roll a d6. The winner must select one player to drink. In the case of a draw, both layers choose.
Roll 1d6 for the effects:
1. THAT DIDN’T GO DOWN WELL! – It seems the drink has really disagreed agreed with that player and has come straight up. This player must immediately perform a projectile vomit action on a randomly selected adjacent player. If no one is adjacent, they vomit on themselves.
2. BEEZER - The player is all revved up looking for a fight. They gain Dauntless for the drive. (If they already have Dauntless, the gain mighty blow)
3. AT’S US NAI! – The player is imbued with boundless energy, making them feel like they can run forever, If a little unsteadily. For the remainder of the drive they gain Sprint, sure feet, and drunkard. (If they already have Drunkard, add a further -1 to rush attempts)
4. Oh, YEAH! – The player feels amazing! Like they can crush rocks in their hands. But also with that comes a little bit of arrogance. For the remainder of the drive the player gains +1 strength and Loner (3+)
5. WOAH! I CAN DODGE ARROWS! This player seems to have tapped into some kind of drunken precognition. For the remainder of the drive they gain Dodge. (If they already have Dodge, they gain Sidestep. If they have both, pro)
6. SCUNDERED! - It looks like this player accidentally grabbed the wrong bottle as they were heading out and has downed a fireball potion. Immediately perform an inaccurate fireball action. (Nominate a centre square, & scatter three places. All players beneath the 9 squares roll a d6. 4+ hit and knocked down. Armour and injury)

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