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Tournament NameWarm Up Throw Down 2023
Organizer NAF namemechmage (27715)
OrganizerIan Fite
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-12-08
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-12-08
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno
WebpageGoogle Doc

Tournament Statistics


Wyld (27247)Human
Hot Chocolate Cup

Runner up

Grasshopper (2344)Human

Most Touchdowns

Wyld (27247)Human

Most Casualties

Grasshopper (2344)Human
Boiling Blood Cup
quirkymurderino (32124)Human

Stunty Cup

g-bread (27866)Goblin
Melting Thimble

Best Painted

khalida487 (32242)Tomb Kings
Steaming Paint Water

Other Awards

Tournament Location
Address70 Third Avenue
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

Warm Up Throw Down 2023

7 PM to Midnight
Friday December 8th
The Westin Waltham Boston
70 Third Avenue, Waltham, Massachusetts, USA, 02451
In the dead of winter, when all the world's still as glass, only one thing can stir the titans of the gridiron from their slumber: the rumblings of a tournament. But there's no sense rushing into the main event still half-asleep and hungover from Oktoberfest only two months prior. The only thing to get the blood pumping in time for Blood Bowl is more Blood Bowl!
Blood Bowl is the Game of Fantasy Football by Games Workshop. Normally it is played with teams of eleven "players" - That is, little plastic models of football players. Living breathing humans playing the game are called "coaches." - but this three round Swiss-style event will utilize the variant sevens rules, found in the new Death Zone supplement, for smaller, quicker, more fumble-prone matches.
You'll need a badge for Everwinter. The tournament is on Friday, but if you want to stick around all weekend for the other great events, who could blame you?
You can buy a badge here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/everwinter-tickets-640189493007
Make sure to include Blood Bowl Sevens in your event ticket!
Email your name, roster, and NAF number to fite.ian@gmail.com to make registration on the day of the event as smooth as possible.
19:00 Registration
19:30 Round One
20:50 Round Two
22:00 Best Painted Vote
22:10 Round Three
23:30 Award Ceremony

Team Creation:
Except where otherwise noted, the rules for drafting a roster for exhibition play in the Blood Bowl 2020 rulebook are in effect.
The following changes are in effect in accordance with the Blood Bowl Sevens Rules:
Teams will be created using the Blood Bowl 2020 ruleset modified by the Blood Bowl Sevens variant rules.
All 21 teams found in the core rulebook, the 4 teams in the Teams of Legend PDF that have not been superseded by Spike! teams, the Khorne team released in Spike! Journal Issue 13, the Norse team released in Spike! Journal Issue 14, the Amazon team released in Spike! Journal Issue 15, any new teams released by Games Workshop before November 23rd 2023, and the Slann team sanctioned by the NAF are permitted.

Coaches have a budget of 600,000 gold pieces to draft their teams.
Teams must hire a minimum of 7 and no more than 11 players.
Teams may hire no more than 4 non-lineman players as described in Deathzone 2020.
Team rerolls cost twice their listed amount.
Coaches may assign a limited number of bonus skills to their players depending on that team's tier. These bonus skills do not detract from the team's total budget. The tiers listed here are current as of the time of this writing, June 2023, but if team tiers are updated in a Games Workshop Designer Commentary document prior to November 23rd 2023, the new tiers will be used instead. Additionally, any roster without any strength 3 or 4 players and no players with agility 2+ or better will be considered tier 3, regardless of that team's normal tier.

Tier 1:
Amazon, Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, High Elf, Lizardmen, Norse, Shambling Undead, Skaven, Underworld Denizens, Wood Elves
No additional skills.

Tier 2:
Black Orc, Chaos Chosen, Chaos Renegades, Elven Union, Human, Imperial Nobility, Khorne, Necromantic Horror, Nurgle, Old Wolrd Alliance, Orc, Slaan, Tomb Kings, Vampire
One additional primary skill.

Tier 3:
Goblin, Halfling, Ogre, Snotling
One additional primary skill, and either one additional secondary skill or two more additional primary skills (for a total of three additional primary skills if no additional secondary skill is taken). No player may be allocated more than one additional skill.

The following Sideline Staff are available:
0-1 Head Coach for free (that's you!)
0-3 Assistant Coaches for 20,000 gold pieces each
0-6 Cheerleaders for 20,000 gold pieces each
0-1 Apothecary for 80,000 gold pieces, limited to teams with access to apothecaries, note that apothecaries work slightly differently in Sevens than they do in normal Blood Bowl.
0-6 Dedicated Fans for 20,000 gold pieces each, note that unlike in league play, teams start with 0 dedicated fans

In addition to players and sideline staff, coaches may use their budgets to purchase the following inducements.
0-2 Bloodweiser Kegs for 50,000 gold pieces each
0-5 Desperate Measures for 100,000 gold pieces each as described on page 97 of Death Zone 2020. Each Desperate Measure is rolled before each round. Note that desperate measures are more expensive at this event.
0-3 Bribes for 100,000 gold pieces each, or 50,000 gold pieces each for teams with the Bribery and Corruption special rule
0-2 Wandering Apothecaries for 100,000 gold pieces each, limited to teams with access to apothecaries
0-1 Mortuary Assistant for 100,000 gold pieces, limited to teams with the Sylvanian Spotlight special rule
0-1 Plague Doctor for 100,000 gold pieces, limited to teams with the Favored of Nurgle special rule
0-1 Halfling Master Chef for 300,000 gold pieces, or 100,000 gold pieces for teams with the Halfling Thimble Cup special rule
0-1 Waaagh! Drummer for 50,000 gold pieces, limited to teams with the Badlands Brawl special rule
0-1 Dwarfen Runesmith for 50,000 gold pieces, limited to teams with the Old World Classic or Worlds Edge Superleague special rules
0-1 Halfling Hot Pot for 80,000 gold pieces for teams with the Old World Classic special rule, or 60,000 gold pieces for teams with the Halfling Thimble Cup special rule
0-1 Master of Ballistics for 40,000 gold pieces for teams with the Old World Classic special rule, or 30,000 gold pieces for teams with the Halfling Thimble Cup special rule
0-3 Bottle of Heady Brew for 40,000 gold pieces each, only available to tier 3 teams

Winter Weather:
Due to the time of year, the Winter Weather table, found on page 78 of Deathzone and summarized below, will be used instead of the standard weather table found in the Blood Bowl rulebook. Copies of this table will be provided to players at the event for ease of reference.
2 Cold Winds: Apply a -1 modifier every time a player tests against their Passing Ability. Additionally, during Step 2 of the End of Drive sequence, apply a -1 modifier when rolling to see if any player in the Knocked-out box recovers.
3 Freezing: When a player Falls Over or is Knocked Down, the coach of the opposing team must apply a +1 modifier when making an Armour roll against them.
4-10: Perfect Condtions (well, almost): No additional effects.
11 Heavy Snow: When a player performs a Block action as part of a Blitz action (but not on its own), their Strength characteristic is reduced by 1 when comparing their Strength against the Strength of the target of the Block action.
12 Blizzard: Apply a -1 modifier every time a player attempts to Rush an extra square. Additionally, only Quick and Short passes can be attempted.
Tournament Format:
Matches will be paired Swiss-style with opponents being determined randomly among players with comparable records with minimal adjustments where necessary to prevent repeats. Matches will be played using the Blood Bowl Sevens rules as outlined in Deathzone 2020.

Tournament Points will be awarded using the following Criteria:
3 points for each round won
1 point for each round drawn
0 points for each round lost

Differential Points will be awarded using the following Criteria:
+1 for each touchdown scored
-1 for each touchdown conceded
+1 for each casualty inflicted on an opposing player as the result of a block action, including as the result of a player being pushed off the pitch into the crowd
-1 for each casualty inflicted on an opposing player as the result of a block action, including as the result of a player being pushed off the pitch into the crowd

Once all rounds have been played and submitted, teams will be ranked by the following criteria:
The primary criteria is the number of Tournament Points scored in total.
The first tie-breaker is the number of Differential Points scored in total.
The second tie-breaker is whether or not the team is fully painted.
The third tie-breaker is the total number of Tournament Points scored by a team's opponents.
The fourth tie-breaker is the total number of Tournament Points scored by a team's opponents' opponents.
The final tie-breaker is a roll off.
Coveted Awards:
Hot Chocolate Cup - Awarded to the team with the best record and tie-breakers
Boiling Blood Cup - Awarded to the team that inflicted the most casualties
Steaming Paint Water - Awarded to the team that gets the most votes for being the best painted
Melting Thimble - Awarded to the tier 3 team with the best record and tie-breakers

Tournament Report
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