?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameNuffles Bulging Sack ’23 (even more heaving)!
Organizer NAF nameEverybodys_dead_Dave (24926)
OrganizerSteve Smith
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-12-09
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-12-09
Scoring30pts win 10pts draw 1pt per TD 1pt per CAS (capped @3) 1pt for a Shutout
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


cornish (20634)Underworld Denizens

Runner up

elplanet4 (30428)Dark Elf

Most Touchdowns

docminiature (30923)Vampire

Most Casualties

scumbag (31705)Snotling

Stunty Cup

son_of_wocky (35526)Ogre

Best Painted

cornish (20634)Underworld Denizens

Other Awards

scumbag (31705)Snotling
Stunty Cup
Tournament Location
AddressIncom Gaming
 Church Street
ZipGL50 3HA
NationUnited Kingdom

Ruleset Document

Once again it is the time year where all the excited little nurglings, read 30+yr old men with big beards, await the arrival of new plastic crack delivered by Father Nuffle and his excessively engorged sack. Positively bursting at the seams with all manner of weirdness, here at Incom we like to celebrate this by honouring his name through the medium of mindless violence. Therefore for your delectation we present Nuffles Bulging Sack ’23 (even more heaving)!

With a cursory acknowledgement to the yuletide season, £20 gets you 4 games of Blood Bowl, sweet loot for attending, spot prizes, teams for the winners and most importantly a beautifully hand painted wooden spoon for the real hero of the day.



It’s the season of marginal softening towards the less fortunate, even Nuffle is less murderous than usual. To this end the tournament will be run in the spirit of goodwill with biased ref (close scrutiny) being present in every game for both players. - After a team commits a foul without rolling a double on either the armour or injury roll, roll a D6: on a 5+ the player is sent off, 1-4 the player manages to avoid the ref's gaze!

Each game we are lucky enough to be hand little gifts from Nuffles bulging sack and because we at Incom Gaming are generous fools we wish to share this bounty. Apply the following rule to each game.
Game 1: After a full season of crushing and maiming your average Blood Bowl player feels the need for a bit of soul shining and attends the local worshipful establishment (not this is not a pub/bar), even taking along his faithful lucky jockstrap/rabbits foot/orges posing pouch (delete as applicable). All this undirected Yule faith must have had a an effect as both teams gain he team mascot for the game (pg.39 of Death Zone book)
Game 2: Remember as a little snotting getting a fresh new ball for Christmas, then promptly bursting it amidst a flood of tears? Well we care about that traumatic childhood experience - play the game with the Elven Ball - Perfectly Balanced, +1 to all ball related Agility rolls, including interceptions.
Game 3:Be they fluffy earmuffs or gloves made from the skin of your enemies, everyone has a special ‘ way to keep warm to ward off the winter chills, in the world of Blood Bowl that equates to more protection from marauding Big Guys - -1 to AV rolls for the game
Game 4: By the late afternoon/evening everyone has had their share of fun and indulgence and needs a solid nap to prepare for their main snooze. Unfortunately for your players you have to play Bloodbowl - -1 to all GFI's
It’s Winter so you have all read the Winter Kick Off table right?
2 - Cold Winds: All passing tests are -1 and -1 to recover rolls from the KO box
3 - Freezing: If you fall over or get knocked down +1 to AV roll
4/10 - Perfect conditions
11 - Heavy Snow: When a player performs a blitz action, their strength is reduced by 1!
12 - Blizzard: -1 on all GFI’s (I’m not calling it Rush and you can’t make me!). Only quick and short passes may be attempted.

Roster Creation:
Submitted by Friday 2nd December
Each team has a total of 1,150,000 gp to spend on roster creation and must hire a minimum of 11 players. Any unspent cash at roster creation will be lost and all teams will be considered having the same Current Team Value (CTV) for the purpose of inducements and prayers to Nuffle.
* Cash given is also used to buy rerolls, assistant coaches, cheerleaders, apothecary and so on.
* This is a resurrection tournament, so no SPP are gained, and injuries, casualties or deaths do not carry on from one game to other.
* Undead, Necromantic and Nurgle teams are allowed to apply the Masters of Undeath and Plague Ridden special rules. Players added to a team roster through a game as a result of those special rules are removed from the roster at the end of that game.
* Teams will consist of a minimum of 11 players and a maximum of 16 players, including star players.
* Star players can only be induced after 11 regular players have already been rostered.
* Star players can’t be given extra skills from the team’s skill budget.
* If both opposing teams are fielding the same star player in a game, both star players are allowed to play.

The teams have been split into 5 tiers, each team is permitted to stack 2 Primary Skills on a maximum of 1 player at the cost of both 1 Primary Skill and 1 Secondary Skill. If your team and skill set do not allow you to give Secondary Skills to your players, you’re not allowed to stack skills.

Chaos Dwarves, Dark Elves, Dwarves, Humans, Lizardmen, Orcs, Undead, Wood Elves.
* 6 Primary Skills
* 4 Primary Skills + 1 Secondary Skill
* 3 Primary Skills + Access to 1 Starplayer
Amazon, Elven Union, High Elves, Necromantic Horror, Norse, Skaven, Slann, Underworld Denizens.
* 7 Primary Skills
* 5 Primary Skills + 1 Secondary Skill
* 4 Primary Skills + Access to 1 Starplayer

Black Orcs, Chaos Chosen, Imperial Nobility, Khorne, Nurgle, Tomb Kings.
* 7 Primary Skills + 1 Secondary Skill
* 5 Primary Skills + 2 Secondary Skills.
* 5 Primary Skills + Access to 1 Starplayer

Chaos Renegades, Old World Alliance, Vampires.
* 8 Primary Skills + 1 Secondary Skill
* 6 Primary Skills + 2 Secondary Skills
* 6 Primary Skills + Access to 1 Starplayer

Halflings, Goblins, Ogres, Snotlings.
* 8 Primary Skills + 2 Secondary Skills
* 6 Primary Skills + 3 Secondary Skills
* 6 Primary Skills + Access to 1 Starplayer
* 4 Primary Skills + Access to 2 Starplayers

You can buy certain inducements with the cash you get to create your team. Some inducements are restricted to specific teams, as per Blood Bowl rulebook. No Death Zone inducements are allowed, except star players (more on that below):

ALLOWED INDUCEMENTS0-1 Halfling Master Chef (300k, 100k for halfling teams)
0-6 Assistant coaches (10k)
0-12 Cheerleaders (10k)
0-2 Bloodweiser Kegs (50k)
0-3 Bribes 100k (Bribery & Corruption teams, 50k)No bribes allowed if your team has one or more players with the “Sneaky Git” Skill.
0-2 Wandering Apothecaries (100k)
0-1 Morgue Assistant (100k)
0-1 Plague Doctor (100k)
0-1 Riotous Rookies (100k)

In case you’re considering adding a star player to your team, you will have to follow this rules:
Certain starplayers are so famous, glamorous or infamous that their team mates pay all their attention to them, forgetting to properly train and improve their own skills. So in case you want to hire one of them for your team, you will have to “pay” some of the skills you got on your skillset to picture this situation.
If you hire one of the following starplayers, you’ll have to reduce the mentioned skills from your skillsets.
Morg’N’Thorg - 3 primary skills
Griff Oberwald - 3 primary skills
Deeproot Strongbranch - 2 primary skills
Hakflem Skuttlespike - 2 primary skills
Kreek Rustgouger - 2 primary skills
Bomber Dribblesnot - 2 primary skills
Cindy Piewhistle - 2 Primary skills
Wilhem Chaney - 1 primary skills
All stars released prior to 1st June 2023 will be allowed.
• A Dwarf coach wants to hire Griff Oberwald. Being Tier 1, he chooses the C skill set and reduces 3 skills from it, getting 0 skills for his team (and paying Griff’s fee too, it doesn’t mean he doesn ́t have to pay gp for him)
• A Goblin coach wants to hire Bomber Dribblesnot for his team. He chooses the C skill set and reduces 2 skill from it, getting 4 Primary Skills.
• A Halfling coach wants to hire Morg’N’Thorg and Griff Oberwald for his team. He chooses the D skill set, that allows him to have 2 star players on the team. But as that skill set just gives him 4 primary skills, and he would have to reduce it by 6, it’s not allowed to hire both star players.


8.30 to 9:00 – Setup, registration and regrets
9:00 to 11.15 – Match One
11.30 to 13.45 – Match Two
Lunch - 13:45-14:45
14.15 to 16.30 – Match Three
16.45 to 19:15 – Match Four
19:30 - Prizes and Hi-5’s!

1st, 2nd, 3rd
Most TD’s
Most CAS
Stunty Cup
Wooden Spoon
Spot prizes for all the good little girls, boys, nurglings

Tournament Report
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