?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameFoul Bowl 7
Organizer NAF namejip (22172)
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-10-14
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-10-14
StyleSwiss, resurrection
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


dementor (21143)Tomb Kings

Runner up

tiki1985 (29919)Khorne

Most Touchdowns

ash.j (35975)Lizardmen

Most Casualties

wobert (20177)Chaos Dwarf

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressFirestorm Games
 121 Victoria Rd
ZipSN1 3BH
NationUnited Kingdom

Ruleset Document

Rules PDF at https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ysytrnhkekl4kdoe4xq75/Foul-Bowl-7-Ruleset.pdf?rlkey=lp7ox4t6dc1wt2fn1tcz23rsp&dl=0

It is a 4 game, one-day, tournament, with a random first round draw, followed by Swiss pairings for the remaining three rounds. As the name suggests, there is a definite leaning towards the often forgotten art of the floor blitz, a.k.a fouling.

We will be using NAF tournament rules, which can be found here. All teams are reset after every game using the resurrection format. No SPPs are required to be recorded, injured or dead players are healed, there are no winnings rolls and raised players are lost.

The Illegal Procedure rule is not being enforced no longer exists! Game length for each round is 2 hours.

Unless rolled on the kick-off table, weather will always be Perfect Conditions.

Scoring is very simple. 4 points for a win, 2 point for a draw, 0 points for a loss, and -5 points for a forfeit. In addition, there will be 1 additional point available, per game, from fouls which result in a Casualty.

Tied coaches are separated on Strength of Schedule, then total combined TD and CAS difference, followed by most fouls resulting in a Casualty, if needed.

Non-fouling Casualties are only counted if they would yield SPP. Crowd surfs, thrown rocks, chainsaws, etc… do not

12+ players on the pitch – If a team is found to be fielding too many players, players must be removed randomly (using a D12) until 11 players remain. If a team is found to be fielding less than 11 players, the drive must be played out with that many players on the pitch (no additional players can be brought on).

If any additional Games Workshop release comes out between the NAF official rules update and the actual event, the Tournament Organizer will review the release for appropriateness. You can generally assume all new positionals, Star Players and Inducements from Spike! Magazine are unlikely to be permitted (however, Golden Era star players and wizards of any kind are not allowed). Other releases of rules beyond Spike! Magazine (such as Death Zone) will be included/excluded as per NAF tournament guidelines, or at the Tournament Organiser’s discretion.

Every team is permitted to spend 1.15m Gold Crowns at creation. All 29 NAF Official teams are permitted at the tournament. No Star Players are allowed. All ‘Common Inducements’ (p.89 of the BB2020 Rulebook) may be taken, with the exception of Star Players, Wizards, Special Plays, Biased Referees and Unlimited Mercenaries. Dedicated Fans (p.35 of the BB2020 Rulebook) may be purchased for 5k for the first, and 10k thereafter.

Each team will have a free Bribe to use in each of their games as described in the BB2020 Rulebook. All Teams will be allowed to purchase an additional 3 bribes at 100k each (Bribery and Corruption teams 50k each).

Rosters are expected to be submitted by October 7th, 2023, via TourPlay.

All 29 races are tiered. Each tier has an allocation of skills, and a set of restrictions on those skills. There is no limit to
the number of skills a single player can be given from the team’s allocation. These are all as follows:

TIER DWARF: Dwarf. Just Dwarf. No-one else. Adios, Sneaky Git Deathrollers.
Teams are allowed 8 Primary skills (8 in total).

TIER ONE: Amazon, Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Humans, Lizardmen, Norse, Old World Alliance, Orcs, Shambling
Undead, Skaven, Underworld Denizens, Wood Elf
- Teams are allowed 7 Primary skills, plus 1 Secondary skill (8 in total).

TIER TWO: Black Orcs, Chaos Chosen, Elven Union, High Elf, Imperial Nobility, Necromantic Horror, Tomb Kings
- Teams are allowed 9 Primary skills plus 1 Secondary skill (10 in total).

TIER THREE: Chaos Renegades, Khorne, Nurgle, Slann, Vampire
- Teams are allowed 10 Primary skills plus 1 Secondary skill (11 in total).

TIER FOUR (Stunty): Goblins, Halflings, Ogres, Saurus-less Lizardmen, Skaven-less Underworld, Snotlings
- Teams are allowed 10 Primary skills plus 2 Secondary skills (12 in total).

TIER THREE & FOUR: you may use the Secondary skill instead to remove any skill from one of your own players. Definition of a skill would be any word written in the box from page 74 in the BB2020 Rulebook, all skills are eligible for removal.

This tournament is open only to members of the NAF. If there is not a NAF representative to complete sign-ups present at the tournament, I can pass on payment and details to our Regional Tournament Organiser. Joining the NAF costs only £5 and you will be given a welcome gift (either in person on the day, if possible, or after your sign-up has been completed), too. All games will be NAF ranked.

If you have any question over not being able to complete all your games, bear in mind it can seriously affect other entrants’ enjoyment if games are forfeited. Please consider that before signing up as, once you’re in, you’re in. There will be no refunds for cancellations within two weeks of the tournament date.

Venue is Firestorm Games, 121 Victoria Road, Swindon, SN1 3BD. Please be aware that local parking isn't NCP levels of eye-watering, but is unfortunately public car parking only. You can download the PayByPhone app on iOS or Android to top up throughout the day. Alternatively, share cars and save the planet.

Entry cost is £25 for NAF members, and £30 for non-NAF members (including the £5 sign up cost when processed by a NAF representative).

Payment should be sent by PayPal to haribo_21@hotmail.com. Please include your NAF name, NAF number (if you have them) and a mobile contact number on the payment notes, and ensure you send the money via ‘Friends and Family’ instead of ‘Goods and Services’, so no fees are taken. Paid reserve spots will be refunded if not used.

Due to the costs associated, there will be no refunds for cancellations within two weeks of the tournament date, so please be sure before you sign-up.

We will be using the ‘Highlander’ (there can be only one) approach to prizes, where coaches are only eligible for one prize. If a coach has won more than one prize they will either receive the highest ranked prize, or be given the choice. The unchosen prize/s will then go to the next eligible coach.

First Place; Second Place; Most TDs; Highest CAS; Most Fouls; Stunty Cup; SAWBBL Hunter; Strongest Shoulders


09:00 Doors Open

09:30 - 11:30 Game 1
11:45 - 13:45 Game 2
14:00 - 16:00 Game 3
16:15 - 18:15 Game 4

Note: In order to facilitate four games in one day there will be no allocated ‘lunch break’. If you are not bringing lunch with you, there are several fast food outlets, coffee shops etc. within walking distance of the store, but to keep the tournament flowing, 15 minutes between rounds is all that will be given. In my first year of running the event only one game had to be called, and Hobnail even had time to squeeze a haircut in!

We will have a limit of 2 hours, per game. If anyone wishes to play to a clock at any point (either before a game begins or during) then both players are required to use a chess clock, there are various apps available to allow you to do this yourselves.

If a round is called, coaches will play to the end of an even turn for them both (e.g. if the round was called when one coach was in the middle of their turn seven, the other coach would get to complete their turn seven. If the round was called when one player had already finished their turn seven, the second player would get to complete their turn seven).

Registration is from 9am, with game one dice rolling at 9:30am sharp.

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