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Tournament NameBrucebowl Presents Bruceoween
Organizer NAF namelgmdaniel (22578)
OrganizerDaniel Martin
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-10-28
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-10-28
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno
Emailbrucebowl79@outlook.com, brucebowluk@gmail.com

Tournament Statistics


DrewBlood (29205)Necromantic Horror

Runner up

whiskeymancer (30079)Skaven

Most Touchdowns

HalfHawk (28248)Wood Elf

Most Casualties

baronshroogit (32899)Skaven

Stunty Cup

juck101 (4822)Halfling

Best Painted

dalyo (29014)Necromantic Horror

Other Awards

minimisfit93 (34033)Snotling
Most Fouls
Bazzer89 (36633)Orc
Wooden Spoon
Moose232 (36632)Lizardmen
Best Dressed
Tournament Location
AddressBattle City Games, Unit 6, Exchange House
 122-124 London Road
ZipPO2 9DD
NationUnited Kingdom

Ruleset Document

## Brucebowl Tournament Pack – Bruceoween ##
It’s that spooky time of year again time in the Blood Bowl World, and Bruce the magic sprout has organised a special Halloween celebration.

Date: 28th October 2023.
Location: Battle City Games Ltd, Unit 6, Exchange House, 122-124 LONDON ROAD, Hilsea, Portsmouth PO2 9DD.

## Team Building and Skills ##
Bruceoween will be a resurrection tournament and players can build a team budget of 1150 gold. They’re tiered with the following skills, which must be represented by a skill ring. Teams must be fully painted and based.

Tier 1 – 2 primary skills
Tier 2 – 3 primary, & 1 secondary skill.
Tier 3 – 4 primary, & 2 secondary skills.

At the start of the tournament up to 2 players on the team may have 2 stacked skills. Secondary skills may be swapped for a primary.

## Bruceoween Special Rules ##
Players can earn SPP during the games, as per standard league rules. You can pick your MVP at the end of the game. Though no random skill are allowed. SPP carries over to the next game

Special Star rules, in theme with the Bruceoween tournament, there are 3 special priced stars allowed.
Skrull Bruceheight 100k (Skrull's skills)
Frank ‘n’ Bruce 200k (Frank 'n' Stein's skills)
Brucechen Wachter 200k (Gretchen's skills)
Along with their special price, these stars can also earn SPPs for the duration of the game. Though a max of 2 skills can be earned at base costs. For example, 1st primary skill would be 6 SPP, 2nd 8 SPP.

## Available Teams ##
Tier 1 - Amazons, Chaos Dwarf*, Dark Elf, Dwarf, High Elf*, Lizardmen, Norse, Undead, Skaven, Underworld, Wood Elf, Orcs
Tier 2 - Black Orc, Elven Union, Human, Imperial Nobility, Necromantic, Tomb Kings*, Nurgle, Khorne, Chaos Chosen, Chaos Renegade, Old World Alliance Vampire*, Slann**
Tier 3 - Snotlings, Goblins, Halflings, Ogres.

## Star Players ##
All stars cost 1 skill, the following stars cost 2, because they are so good.
Bomber Dribblesnot.
Cindy Piewhistle.
Griff Oberwald.
Hakflem Skuttlespike.
Morg ‘n’ Thorg.
Teams must have 11 players before selecting any stars.

## Inducements ##
All common inducements on pg 84 of the Blood Bowl 2020 rule book are allowed.
No cards or Inducements from GW publications are being used.

## Schedule ##
3 games of hot Blood Bowl action. 2 hours 15 minutes per game. Slow coaches will be put on a clock if required. The Android App ‘BB Coach Assistant’ has a suitable clock.

0930 - registration.
1000 to 1215 - Game 1.
1215 to 1230 – 1st SPP
1230 to 1300- Lunch
1300 to 1515 - Game 2
1515 to 1530 – 2nd SPP
1530 to 1745 - Game 3
1745 - Prizes.

## Scoring ##
20 points for a win.
10 points for a draw.
2 points for a perfect defence (No TDs conceded).
1 point for each TD and CAS scored (up to 3 max).
Giving a max score of 28 points per round.

## Tiebreakers ##
Strength of schedule, TD difference, CAS difference, Lowest Tier, Dice off.

## Awards ##
Bruceoween Champion.
Runner Up.
Most TDs.
Most CAS.
Best team/painted.
Stunty Cup (if 2 or more Stunties).
Most fouls.
Wooden Spoon.

## Food ##
Food will be done as a buffet style so coaches can help themselves to it throughout the day.

## Tickets ##
Tickets are £20 each and T-Shirts are available on request.
PayPal with you NAF name and number to: brucebowl79@outlook.com
Rosters can be emailed to:
Please ensure rosters are sent in 1 week before the event.

Tournament Report
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