?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameHQ Midwinter Madness
Organizer NAF nameDa_Great_MC (8168)
OrganizerMats Clays
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-02-03
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-02-03
ScoringSee info
Costsee info
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno
WebpageBelgian Blood Bowl Federation

Tournament Statistics


Dragou (32757)Underworld Denizens

Runner up

Philip (11280)Imperial Nobility

Most Touchdowns

dragonwhelp (15298)Amazon

Most Casualties

The_Tyser (13625)Chaos Renegade

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressHQ Gaming Club
 Lamstraat 38

Ruleset Document

HQ MIDWINTER MADNESS 2024 (February 3rd 2024)
Where? HQ Gaming Club.
Lamstraat 38. 9100 Sint-Niklaas. Belgium.
What? a six round NAF sanctioned Blood Bowl resurrection tournament
Team Value 115
Blood Bowl 2020 rules + Teams of Legend + FAQ
Swiss Pairings
This tournament counts towards the Belgian Structured Tournament Series.
This tournament earns you points for the Eurobowl 2024 qualifier season (if you are elegible to play for Team Belgium).
Registration Fee?
€18 (early registration) / €25 (on site registration)
--> lunch and dinner will be included.
Early Registration? Possible until January 29th 2024 23u59.
- Deposit on IBAN BE52 7310 3561 2109, BIC: KREDBEBB (Mats Clays). Please mention who you are paying for.
- Use Pay Pal (friends & family, so I don’t have to pay fees). Please mention who you are paying for. My Pay Pal address is Mats_Clays at Yahoo dot com
- Pay me when you see me.
09u00 Doors + Registration
09u30 - 11u30 Round 1
11u30 - 12u15 Lunch Break
12u15 - 14u15 Round 2
14u30 - 16u30 Round 3
16u45 - 18u45 Round 4
18u45 - 19u15 Dinner Break
19u15 - 21u15 Round 5
21u30 - 23u30 Round 6
Prize Ceremony
This is a long tournament and rounds are only two hours. We are aware this is not a beginner friendly format, but it’s the only way to fit six rounds in a one day tournament.
There will be a strict “dice down after two hours” policy. Please don’t give us a hard time should this happen to your game. The use of a chess clock where both players get 55 minutes is allowed, but not mandatory.
- Winner gets a NAF trophy (or another trophy miniature)
- There will be Games Workshop/Forgeworld Blood Bowl sealed items given away at random at the start of each round. More people attending  more prizes.
- I'll dig out some small prizes for most Touchdowns, most Casualties and last place.
Halflings can hire a Master Chef. All Bribery and Corruption teams can induce Bribes.
Tier 3 and Tier 4 teams can buy 0-1 Star Players. You need 11 players before hiring a Star Player.
Morg’N’Thorg, Griff Oberwald, Hakflem Skuttlespike and Bomber Dribblesnot are not allowed.
No other inducements are allowed.
For balancing reasons, teams have been divided in five tiers.
Teams will receive tier based skills at the start of the tournament.
Tier based skills can be assigned to any player on your team that is not a Star Player.
Tier based skills are locked skills, they can’t be removed.
Tier based skills don’t count towards your unique skills (example: you can assign another Block skill when you assign unique skills)
TIER 0: Dark Elf, Skaven, Shambling Undead
 Tier 0 teams receive no tier based skills.
TIER 1: Chaos Dwarf, Dwarf, Lizardmen, Norse, Orc, Wood Elf
 Tier 1 teams receive no tier based skills.
TIER 2: Amazon, Elven Union, High Elf, Human, Necromantic Horror, Slann, Underworld Denizens
 Tier 2 teams can assign a free Block OR a free Leader skill to one of their players.
TIER 3: Black Orc, Chaos Chosen, Chaos Renegades, Imperial Nobility, Khorne, Nurgle, Ogre, Old World Alliance, Tomb Kings, Vampire
 Tier 3 teams can assign a free Block AND a free Leader skill to one of their players.
TIER 4: Goblin, Halfling, Snotling
 Tier 4 teams can assign a free Leader, a free Block and a free Dirty Player skill to one of their players.
We will use a skill regression system. This means every team will remove one of their starting skills at the end of each round.
- You are not allowed to remove one of your Tier based skills, these skills are locked.
- Coaches who lost the round may choose which skill they remove
- Coaches who won or drew the round have to remove a skill at random
Tier 0 teams receive 5 starting skills OR 6 unique starting skills.
Tier 1, tier 2, tier 3 and tier 4 teams receive 6 starting skills OR 7 unique starting skills.
One of your starting skills can be a secondary skill.
Stacking skills is not allowed in any way.
MAJOR WIN (2+TD) - 51 points
MINOR WIN (1TD) - 50 points
DRAW - 20 points
MINOR LOSS (1TD) - 1 point
MAJOR LOSS (2+TD) - 0 points
Individuals will be ranked by the points they have earned. Should two or more coaches have the same amount of points, the following tiebreakers will be used.
TIEBREAKER 1 - Number of victories
TIEBREAKER 2 - Number of draws
TIEBREAKER 3 - Opponent score (the sum of all points from all your opponents)
TIEBREAKER 4 - Net TD’s + Net Casualties
We will allow players to join the tournament, even if they can’t/won’t play for six rounds. If you decide to join as a ‘weakling player’ please let us know before the tournament.
- You have to enter the tournament in round 1 and play a minimum of three rounds
- You have to exit the tournament two by two, please make arrangements with another coach before the tournament.
- Registration fee will be the same. Lunch and dinner are included and you will have a chance to win the prizes that are given away at the start of each round in which you compete.
We have a reserve player. If you want to bribe him so he can drop out with you (or start playing when you drop out) let me know and I will point you towards him

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