?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameGrottenbowl 2023
Organizer NAF nameDirk (25849)
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-12-09
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-12-09
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Wulfgar (10677)Dungeon Bowl

Runner up

Bravestar (24667)Dungeon Bowl

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Prince (341)Dungeon Bowl
Portal Navigator & Bomb Squad
Lubbock (37028)Dungeon Bowl
Dungeon Cleaner
Tournament Location
AddressDeutschherrnstraße 15-19

Ruleset Document

Der Grottenbowl oder einfach die Grotte ist die traditionelle Weihnachtsveranstaltung der NAFL. Statt dem bisherigen Format soll es dieses Mal ein Dungeonbowl-Turnier werden.

- Es wird mit Dungeonbowl-Teams gespielt
- Das Budget beträgt 1.200.000
- Davon sind 11-16 College-Spieler anzuheuern
- 0-8 Team-Rerolls für 50.000
- 0-3 Bribes für 100.000
- 0-1 College-Wizard des entsprechenden Colleges oder 0-1 Sponsorship deal für 100.000
- Es stehen 40 SPP zur Verfügung für gewählte Skills nach Dungeonbowl-Regeln, Stacking ist erlaubt unter Beachtung der Kosten

- Sieg durch Touchdown: 10
- Unentschieden: 5
- Niederlage: 0
- Ich-hätte-das-noch-gewonnen: +2 (Bei Ablauf der Uhr mit dem Ballträger in Laufreichweite zur gegnerischen Endzone (ohne Rushes))
- Entschärfungsspezialisten: +1 (zwei gefundene Bomben), +2 (drei oder mehr gefundene Bomben)
- Raum-und-Zeit: +2 (bei der Nutzung von mehr als vier verschiedenen Portalen)
- Lazarett: +2 (drei oder mehr verursachte Verletzungen jeglicher Art)

10:00 Registration
10:30 Spiel 1
12:00 Spiel 2
13:30 Mittagspause
14:00 Spiel 3
15:30 Spiel 4
17:00 Siegerehrung
Im Anschluss Besuch des Nürnberger Christkindlesmarkts

Beim Spielort handelt es sich um den Eventraum einer Firma, den ich kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt bekomme, daher ist Selbstverpflegung möglich. Alternativ werde ich auch für Essen und Getränke zu Selbstkostenpreisen sorgen. Zu der Jahreszeit wird dies sicherlich auch Glühwein und heißen Met sowie Plätzchen umfassen. Zu Mittag wird es ein vegetarisches Gericht geben.

Die Spielzeit pro Spiel beträgt maximal 70 Minuten oder bis zum Touchdown. Wer auf eine genaue Zeiteinteilung besteht bringt bitte eine Schachuhr mit und stellt 35 Minuten ein, ansonsten hilft guter Sportsgeist hoffentlich extra langsames Spielen zu vermeiden.
Die Auslosung erfolgt nach Round-Robin, da im Dungeon eh genug passieren kann.
Als Dungeons stehen mir ein 3D-Druck nach altem Layout und 2 Papiermatten zur Verfügung, jede Anmeldung mit der Zusage ein Spielfeld mitzubringen erlaubt zwei weitere Spieler. Das Layout wird von der Orga festgelegt, so dass es den vorhandenen Matten entspricht.
Im 3D-Dungeon sind immer Sonderregeln entsprechend des Dungeons aktiv, diese werden neben dem Dungeon bereitgestellt. Es wird versucht, dass jeder mal in diesem Dungeon spielt.
Für die anderen Dungeons gelten im ersten Spiel keine Sonderregeln, ab dem zweiten Spiel wird durch die Orga jeweils ein Raum mit einer Sonderregel festgelegt, im letzten Spiel zwei.

(Approved - Twyllenimor 28.09.2023)

Tournament Report
„Der Grottenbowl“ or short „die Grotte“ is the traditional Christmas event of the NAFL (https://www.nafl.de/). It originates from an issue of the White Dwarf and was introduced to our league by coach Prince. Since then it evolved in the real Blood Bowl way by rules being forgotten and re-invented as needed every year while also the organizer changed several times. In fact it was the first event I joined as a new coach in our league back in 2018. So I happily took over as the next organizer was needed and with Dungeonbowl having its own official ruleset nowadays I thought it was time for a big makeover.

With near to no variant tournaments taking place in Southern Germany, I was sure I wanted to open it up and make the event an official NAF tournament. With some games played under NAF variant rules from 2019 and the GW rules from 2021 and 2022 I had a rough idea what I like and what not, but did not feel comfortable with building the event pack from the ground up. So I was quite happy I could talk to Tojurub who organized “Ins dunkle Verlies” in Austria and base my event pack on his, just giving it my personal twist. Another influence was Bonehead Podcast as I used the Dungeon layout created by the two Bens for Dorset Dungeon Bowl.

I am in the happy situation that I have access to a nice event location owned by my employer NETWAYS, a local IT company, normally used for training and business events. But just before I could finalize my plan and make it public a set back happened when the room was drowned by a heavy rain and it was unclear if it will be usable. As this happened directly before I flew to the World Cup and some busy weeks awaited me after coming back home I lost about a month for preparations.

When I finally did the public announcement the reaction was good with the first coaches directly signing up. I offered 6 spots because of three dungeons I own (one 3d printed, two paper mats from Bonehead Podcast) with option to increase by 2 for every available dungeon. The initial spots were gone quickly, but also 2 dungeons offered allowed for more to join. I made the team budget 1.200.000 to allow interesting teams which also included some shenanigans, also the 40 SPP with stacking allowed for the same reason. This was directly taken from Tojurub like it was the scoring system with Bonus points for finding bombs, jumping into portals or causing casualties. My twists were to also allow the Sponsorships from Death Match (the 2022 supplement) as an alternative to the wizards, reducing it to 4 games with a slightly higher time limit for a more relaxed game play and limiting the special rooms.

So when the day came I had 8 coaches with the last one signing up the day before. This meant instead of playing I could concentrate on organization. All of them were from our league but as we consist of 3 divisions (one in Nuremberg, one in Weißenburg and one in Ingolstadt) it is still not like playing every time the same people. So some had to introduce each other while others were happy to meet again after some time. But I had to interrupt the chatting for some explanation. I had prepared the dungeons with a sheet explaining the layout and the special rules next to them accompanied by some markers to remember the room. The scoring sheet was needed to keep not only track about winning or losing, but also found bombs, used teleporters and casualties caused for the bonus points. The rounds were planned with 90 minutes each, 10 to find opponent, introduce teams and dungeons, 70 game time and 10 for me collecting results and doing the next draw. Also some rule questions had to be answered.

But then the first round could start. This meant no special rules except for the 3D dungeon which had always the same rules active as I build it with some special tiles. Some concentrated on winning, some on the bonus points based on their strategy, but everyone had fun searching the ball, teleporting around and loosing players while doing so. First round finished well in time and we could directly move to round two. This time one room was the kitchen allowing the players to throw food on each other (the players, not the coaches!) marked by some donuts and hot dogs (only markers, uneatable!) . So I could see a skink trying to bring down some dwarfs with a rain of food, but it seemed they were unstoppable.

After two rounds I served self-made, vegetarian Chili with a fair warning that it is not hot, but the hot sauces (from a local company I really recommend called The 4/20 Chilli Company) really are. Of course this was ignored, but if you play for the College of Fire you like it hot I think. Also the first hot spiced wine and mead was served.

After lunch in round three the players were hunted by a werewolf. Every dungeon had a different strategy to deal with him. One tried to avoid, one tried to lure him to opponents and the third simply placed an Oger for him to bite his teeth. Before the last round I announced the standing for the special prices, but skipped the rankings as one was already a clear winner (only to be drawn by one winning and getting all bonus points while the one in lead getting zero points) and luckily no one asked. So for the final round one room was overgrown by roots and players could get caught, while in another one a chaos ritual took place perhaps strengthen the player but filling up some space. This round had the fastest game with about 10 minutes and the only draw as one dwarf failed the dodge needed to rush to the endzone and the opponents dwarves being short for gripping the ball, passing and dodging towards the other endzone for at least the bonus points for being in reach of it.

So after the four rounds Prince and his “Come On, Baby, Bright My Fire” (being a College of Bright, not Fire as the old man insisted) took both special prices with him, the “Portal Navigator” which he ensured by using every teleporter in every round and the “Bomb Squad” for disarming 13 bombs (no snotlings were harmed for this or at least noone cared). The rookie Lubbock playing his first tournament was announced the “Dungeon Cleaner” for making the last place with his College of Death. The “Runner-Up” was Bravestar with his fantastically named College of Heaven “College der Lustigen, Optimistischen und/oder Witzigen Nerds (CLOWN)” and the “Champion” was the undefeated Wulfgar with his College of Shadow “Ungeziefer”.

Only a small number of coaches went afterwards to Nuremberg’s famous “Christkindelmarkt” for some more drinks. But perhaps this was my worst idea of the day as I felt there like a Bloater dodging a defense while knowing I will still need some rushes for the endzone.

So everyone had fun and I got great feedback so I plan for another “Grottenbowl” next year. There was some mixed feedback on the special rooms so I will have to adjust here, but I already have some ideas like making the werewolf a walking monster return to its starting spot only when knocked out or regenerating from an injury. I will also make the conditions for the bonus points even more clear on the scoring sheet as some confusion occurred. As some layouts allowed to pin someone after being teleported I will need a solution for this and likely will rule getting knocked down on a teleporter will count as movement causing the player to teleport. So you see the rules will need to evolve again!
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