?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameSpooktacular Sportsball III - How Do You Like My Garlic Breath?
Organizer NAF namemrcushtie (26269)
OrganizerJames Foreman
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-10-28
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-10-28
Scoring5 for win, 2 for draw, 1 for loss by 1 TD, 0 for loss & concession
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


aarona (24437)Necromantic Horror

Runner up

Most Touchdowns

mrt1212 (20785)Skaven

Most Casualties

Vice (25799)Underworld Denizens
Instructed to bring a "terrifying roster" to suit the Spooktacular, Vice intentionally misread the assignment and brought Morg, some denizens of the underworld and no rerolls. And went home with a mound of corpses.

Stunty Cup

Bear (13347)Goblin

Best Painted

Other Awards

Beorg (17594)Vampire
teturact (31611)Vampire
Tournament Location
AddressEvergreen Lanes & Restaurant
 5111 Claremont Way
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

1200 TV build. Purchase all players, additional staff, rerolls and inducements from this budget. Additional skills cannot be purchased from this budget. See the Skills section for additional skills.

Special Team Prize Eligibility
To encourage extra diversity as well as attract tournament newcomers, Spooktacular Sportsball offers a prize for the best result by a coach playing a Spooky team, as well as a prize for the best result by a first-time coach. In previous years, we made [un]life harder for Spooky coaches by further restricting their choices, but this year we've relaxed those restrictions.

Vampires, Shambling Undead, Necromantic Undead, Khemri. Spooky teams can roster any eligible star players and remain spooky.

Any teams which have no ST3 or ST4 players rostered (except for star players). That includes:
Underworld (without any Skaven)
Lizardmen (without any Sauruseseses)
Black Orcs (without any Black Orcs).

Teams must roster at least 11 regular players before any stars. Duplicate stars not allowed to play on both sides during a match. All inducements (listed in all publications up to and including Spike! 16) are legal except special balls, mercs, wizards and giants. All NAF sanctioned rosters are available. (In general, this means that if a roster has not been published by Games Workshop at least a month before the tournament, it's not valid for competition yet. The new Vampire team and the Star Players included in it are legal for this event, the old Vampire team are not legal, and any extra inducements in Spike! 16 beyond Star Players will NOT be allowed)

Coaches get a skills budget of 12 golden pumpkins, to spend as follows:
*Primary skills are 1 golden pumpkin each.
* Secondary skills are 2 golden pumpkins each
* No random skills
* No player can have more than 2 additional skills
* No two players can have the same additional skills (so you can have one player with Guard and one player with Guard and Mighty Blow, but you can't have two players who just have Guard)
* You can't take a secondary skill if you don't take a primary skill first - so you can have a Mighty Blow Witch Elf, but she has to take a primary skill first!

Star Players require golden pumpkins in order to hire them. Non-Mega Stars can be hired for 2 golden pumpkins each.
Mega Stars are more expensive, as follows:
Bomber Dribblesnot - 3 golden pumpkins
Deeproot Strongbranch - 3 golden pumpkins
Griff Oberwald - 5 golden pumpkins
Hakflem Skuttlespike - 5 golden pumpkins
Kreek ‘the Verminator’ Rustgouger - 3 golden pumpkins
Morg ‘n’ Thorg - 6 golden pumpkins


Weather varies with each of the 3 rounds, see https://www.cushtie.com/cushties-blood-bowl-tournaments/spooktacular-sportsball/tournament-specific-rules/ for details.

All teams gain one extra special player for the 3rd round of the game, Garlicky Gary. Gary may take your roster above the regular 16 players. Gary presents an extra special threat for those opponents playing from beyond the grave:

Garlicky Gary
MA 5 ST3 AG 3+ PA 4+ AV 8+
Dodge, Fend, Sidestep, Stunty, Right Stuff, Loner 3+
Special rule: “You love my garlic breath!”
Once per match Gary can use Hypno Gaze, adding the opponent’s strength to the dice roll if the opposing team’s roster has the Sylvanian Spotlight keyword

Tournament Report
With a lot of our usual Oregonian supporters recovering from the post-World Cup hangover, we still had 14 coaches play in the third Spooktacular, with 2 Canadians, 2 Oregonians and 10 Washingtonians, one with his first tabletop tournament ever!

Looks like we have some traditions emerging:

* every year I'll spend ages typing out the custom weather tables from Spike! magazine ... and then the top table will invariably roll 'Perfect Weather' every. single. time.
* the first person to suffer a casualty suffers for the rest of the day, now that I've started buying them a shot of Fireball to celebrate (at 9:30 in the morning)
* at least one coach couldn't make it, because every time I organise a tournament Nurgle reaches out and drags him away the night before

I loved seeing everyone come and wrestle with my ruleset. The shouts of "Gary! Gary!' from the final round will haunt me to my grave and probably beyond. And on a personal note, I was overcome with gratitude when I was presented with my new Necromantic team at the end of the day - you guys are the best!

Apologies to Nick Vice because for some strange technical reasons, on the day Tourplay was showing him as not being very brutal, when in fact he had the most casualties, narrowly beating Keith for top spot. We'll solve that with fisticuffs at the Gravybowl next month, I promise...and I guess I'll have to get busy with Photoshop and stick Nick's face in these pictures
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