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Tournament NameBrookhurst Beach Bowl
Organizer NAF nameJamesLangley (31109)
OrganizerJames Langley
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-01-06
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-01-06
Cost$20* on site (see description)
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno
WebpageTournament Rules

Tournament Statistics


stilger (28997)Skaven
4/0/0 | 11 Touchdowns | 4 Casualties | 1 Surf

Runner up

kieren (34963)Skaven
3/0/1 | 7 Touchdowns | 14 Casualties | 6 Surfs

Most Touchdowns

Vonblocker (25238)Elf Union
2/0/2 | 7 Touchdowns | 5 Casualties | 3 Surfs

Most Casualties

JamesLangley (31109)Human
3/0/1 | 6 Touchdowns | 18 Casualties | 4 Surfs

Stunty Cup

carbon_skumbag (35157)Halfling
1/1/2 | 5 Touchdowns | 12 Casualties | 0 Surfs

Best Painted

Vonblocker (25238)Elf Union

Other Awards

lrheaume (37163)Nurgle
Most Surfs
frost_ (35473)Goblin
Wooden Spoon
Tournament Location
Address12190 Brookhurst St.
CityGarden Grove
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

TOURNAMENT RULES: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uJ7HzD_rwuqFe0ejzBOvalZe_esj8PY4K0EFGoPp1js/edit?usp=sharing

Brookhurst Beach Bowl - Presented by Golden Rollers Blood Bowl League

Saturday, January 6th, 2024
11:00 AM to 6:45 PM

The Brookhurst Club at 12190 Brookhurst St, Garden Grove, CA 92840

Entry Fee
$20 on site ($15 if you bring a Blood Bowl Sevens or Beach Bowl pitch)
Early Online Entry Fee: $15 ($10 if you bring a Blood Bowl Sevens or Beach Bowl pitch)

To register for the tournament, complete this Google Form: https://forms.gle/CJ4GYPPNkmdi6Vb77

At least 24 hours before the tournament, email your roster to jamesraylangley@gmail.com. BBRoster is a good resource for creating a roster. You do not need to include Palmer 'the Frondz' Frith on this roster, as he will be on all coaches' rosters anyway.

For early online registration, send $15 via PayPal to jamesraylangley@gmail.com or @JamesLangley on Venmo. If you bring a Blood Bowl Sevens or Beach Bowl pitch to the event, you will be given back $5 in cash.

If you have any questions about the format, rules, finding appropriate models, or anything else pertaining to the tournament, please email jamesraylangley@gmail.com or message me on Discord (JamesLangley) either directly or in the Golden State Blood Bowl Federation Discord server: https://discord.gg/GG7pTvQCT8.

What to Bring to the Tournament
Your team
3 printed copies of your Team Roster
Blood Bowl Dice
Skill bands/markers if you have them
Blood Bowl Sevens or Beach Bowl pitch and dugouts (if you want a cheaper entry fee)
Cash for your entry fee (if you are paying on site)

Provided Materials
All coaches will be provided with a model for Palmer ‘the Frondz’ Frith, a Palm Treeman star player, and a model for a Halfling Hopeful Lineman.

Allowed Teams
All teams found in Blood Bowl 2020 and its supplements.
The Slann team from NAF Rules for Tournaments 2023.

Rules for Miniatures
Any appropriate miniature from any company is permitted (non-Games Workshop miniatures are allowed).
Models must clearly represent their respective positional.
Models must be painted with at least 3 colors to a reasonable standard (don’t just dunk it in 3 pots of paint).

Registration: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Round 1: 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Round 2: 12:45 PM - 2:15 PM
Lunch Break: 2:15 PM - 3:00 PM
Round 3: 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Round 4: 4:45 PM - 6:15 PM
Score Tally and Award Ceremony: 6:15 - 6:45 PM

Winning a match: 100 match points
Tieing a match: 50 match points
Losing a match: 0 match points

1st Tiebreaker: Touchdowns scored
2nd Tiebreaker: Casualties inflicted
3rd Tiebreaker: Players surfed
4th Tiebreaker: Head-to-head
5th Tiebreaker: Coin flip

King of the Beach (1st Place): Be 1st place in standings
Hotdogger (2nd Place): Be 2nd place in standings
Most Touchdowns: Score the most touchdowns
Most Casualties: Inflict the most casualties (all casualties count except failed dodges [unless the player had a skill such as Prehensile Tail or Diving Tackle that resulted in the failure], failed rushes, failed TTM landings, and any team-mate inflicted casualties)
Pro Surfer: Push the most players into the crowd/shark-infested waters
Little Gremmie (Stunty Cup): Be the highest placing Stunty team in standings
Best Painted: Chosen by the tournament organizer. Based on the paint job and fitting the beach theme.
Beach Bum (Wooden Spoon): Be last place in standings

A player cannot win more than one award. Trophies will be given out for each award as prizing.

Tournament-Exclusive Star Player

Palmer ‘the Frondz’ Frith
Palm Treeman Star Player
Plays for: Any team in Brookhurst Beach Bowl.
Cost: 260,000 (Free for Brookhurst Beach Bowl competitors)
Characteristics: MA 2, ST 6, AG 5+, PA 5+, AV 10+
Skills & Traits: Accurate, Bombardier (Coconuts), Loner (4+), Mighty Blow (+1), Running Pass, Safe Pass, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Throw Team-mate, Timmm-ber!
Miracle of Life: Once per game, when Palmer throws a bomb and it lands in an empty, unoccupied square and there are no players in any of the squares adjacent to where it landed, you may use this special rule. The thrown coconut wasn’t so empty after all. Place a Halfling Hopeful Lineman (Blood Bowl 2020, page 115) with the Loner (3+) trait in the square where the bomb landed. This Halfling Hopeful Lineman will play for your team for the remainder of the game. The Halfling Hopeful Lineman can be activated on the turn that it enters the pitch. This Halfling Hopeful Lineman does not trigger the “Too Many Players” rule on the drive that it enters the pitch. This special rule cannot be used if you already have 11 players (including Palmer).

Team Creation
You will have 700,000 gold pieces to construct your team.
The costs of all Team Re-rolls are doubled their normal value.
Assistant Coaches and Cheerleaders can be hired at 20,000 gold pieces each.
Your team can only include 4 positional (non-linemen) players.
Each team can give the Leader skill to one player for free (that player must have Passing skill access in some capacity).
Each team will be given Palmer ‘The Frondz’ Frith, a Palm Treeman star player for no cost. He does not count toward the team’s positional limit or toward their team value -- he is free for all teams.
You must have at least 7 players (not including Palmer) and no more than 10 players (not including Palmer).
You will get a number of free starting skills based off of your team and their respective skill package. These free skills do not include the free Leader skill that is given to everyone.
You can also purchase the permitted inducements listed below. These are purchased as part of your roster.

Allowed Inducements
0-2 Bloodweiser Kegs - 50,000 gold pieces each
0-1 Halfling Master Chef - 300,000 gold pieces (100,000 gold pieces for teams with the ‘Halfling Thimble Cup’ special rule)
0-3 Souvenirs - 50,000 gold pieces each
These souvenirs are very cheaply made! They break and have no effect after a single half of usage.

SOUVENIR TABLE - Roll a D8 before each match
1 - Sports Sandals: Add +1 to Rush rolls.
2 - Suntan Lotion: Add +1 to Dodge rolls.
3 - Thong: Gain the Disturbing Presence skill.
4 - Sunglasses: Gain the Accurate and Safe Pass skills.
5 - Beer Bottle: Gain the Stab trait.
6 - Puka Shell Necklace: Gain the Pro skill.
7 - Sticky Bun: Add +1 on Pick-up, Catch, and Interception rolls. Apply a -1 on Pass rolls.
8 - Gatorcade: Gain the Frenzy and Jump Up skills. Gain the No Hands trait.

Skill Packages
Beachgoer Package
Available to: Amazon, Elven Union, Halfling, Human, Khorne, Lizardmen, Ogre, Skaven, Slann, Snotling, Tomb Kings, Underworld Denizens, Wood Elf
1 Primary Skill or 1 Secondary Skill

Seadog Package
Available to: Dark Elf, High Elf, Imperial Nobility, Old World Alliance, Shambling Undead
1 Primary Skill

Better bring a Floatie Package
Available to: Black Orc, Chaos Chosen, Chaos Dwarf, Chaos Renegade, Dwarf, Goblin, Necromantic Horror, Norse, Nurgle, Orc, Vampire
No Skills

Beach Bowl Rules
Beach Bowl uses the same rules as Blood Bowl Sevens from the Death Zone supplement, with the exceptions noted below.

There is no Centre Field gap between the Lines of Scrimmage. There is a single Line of Scrimmage in the exact center of the pitch. However, unlike in Sevens, only 2 players are required to be set up on the Line of Scrimmage at the beginning of a drive.

The pitch is more narrow. It is only 9 squares wide rather than the usual 11.

When the ball is kicked, roll 2D6 and use the lowest result for the distance (the Kick skill can still be used on this smaller number.)

Sand Landing: If a player fails a Dodge roll, a Rush roll, or a Throw Team-mate landing and falls over, apply a -1 modifier on the Armour roll. In all other instances of a player falling down (as the result of Block actions, etc.), add a +1 modifier on the Armour roll. This +1 modifier does not apply on Stab or Chainsaw special actions, but it does apply on fouls.

Taking a Breather: Knocked-out players recover on a roll of a 3+ before a drive rather than the normal 4+. Additionally, players that have suffered Casualty results can also recover before a drive on the roll of a 5+ (they will get to participate as if they were a KO’d player that had recovered). The revised Injury chart is as follows:
2-7: Stunned
8-9: KO’d (3+ to recover)
10+: Casualty (5+ to recover)

Rough Terrain: All Rush rolls are successful on rolls of 3+ rather than the ordinary 2+. Additionally, the ball will not bounce when it hits the ground. When the ball hits the ground (following a kick, failed catch, etc.), do not roll to bounce it.

Shark-Infested Waters: Before the beginning of the game, determine which long side of the pitch leads toward the crowd and which leads to shark-infested waters. If a player is pushed into the crowd, make an Injury roll as usual. If a player is pushed into shark-infested waters, they automatically suffer a Casualty result, no roll required.

Playing Favorites and Washing In: When the ball is thrown in after going out of bounds, the distance is 1D6 rather than the usual 2D6.

Slippery Sand: When a player performs a Foul action, before making the Armour roll, the coach of the player being fouled rolls a d6. On the roll of a 4+, the player that was attempting to foul is knocked over, the foul does not occur, and a turnover is caused. On a 1-3, the foul proceeds as normal.

Salty Air and Secret Weapons: This weather is not kind to mechanical gizmos. At the end of the drive that a Secret Weapon participates in, they are automatically sent-off for maintenance. This cannot be argued.

Sample the Souvenirs: Before each game, each coach will roll on the Souvenir Table for free for a Souvenir to give one of their players for the first half of the game.

Perfect Weather: The weather is always perfect.

Beach Bowl Kick-off Event Table: Beach Bowl uses a modified Kick-off Event Table that can be found in the tournament rules PDF.

Tournament Report
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