?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameBE4ST
Organizer NAF nameTaurean_Beast (14843)
OrganizerJustin Easby
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-03-16
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-03-17
Cost£25 / £100
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Purplegoo (11777)Necromantic Horror
Team W
Joemanji (3312)Amazon
Team W
PeteW (7769)Snotling
Team W
thomasw (23769)Shambling Undead
Team W

Runner up

Danny (21713)Dark Elf
MichaelJones (11776)Human
TheChamp (16224)Amazon
DazzaMac (30935)Nurgle

Most Touchdowns

bogey105 (24337)Lizardmen

Most Casualties

CharlieBanks (21836)Black Orc

Stunty Cup

chicken23 (32583)Snotling

Best Painted

bloodtithe (28636)High Elf

Other Awards

Purplegoo (11777)Necromantic Horror
Individual Tourney winner
Tournament Location
AddressYaxley Public Hall
 Back Lane
Zippe7 3GY
NationUnited Kingdom

Ruleset Document

BE4ST, teams of four coaches will compete against one another in six rounds of Blood Bowl. Each team member must select from a different tier.
BE4ST is a “Resurrection” tournament. The first-round draw is random as are the individual matches within the team in round 1.
In all subsequent rounds teams will be matched using the “Swiss” system. From here on, individual matches within the team will also be allocated using the Swiss system.
Teams earn points as follows each round:
Team Win: 2 Points
Team Draw: 1 Point
Team Lose: 0 Points
A team registers a Win if they collectively win more individual matches than the opposing team. A team registers a Draw if they collectively win exactly the same number of individual matches as the opposing team. A team registers a Loss if they collectively lose more individual matches than the opposing team.
Teams on the same points during the tournament and for final standings will be ranked using a system of tiebreakers in the following order:
• Sum of individual points (2/1/0 for W/D/L)
• Net team TDs
• Net team Cas
• Random
For the individual prize, players on the same points will be ranked using these tiebreakers in order:
• Net TD’s & Net Cas combined
• Opponents score
• Total kills recorded (15/16)
Roster Building and Upgrades
Each of the 29 races is allocated 1,150,000 GC only. Roster building comprises the purchasing of players, sideline staff, rerolls, permitted inducements and dedicated fans.
Permissible inducements, Bloodweiser kegs 0-2, Bribes0-3, wandering Apo 0-2, mortuary assistant 0-1, plague doctor 0-1, riotous rookies 0-1, biased 0-1, master chef 0-1
If Riotous Rookies are hired, then roll separately before each match and ensure you have identifiable painted miniatures for the extra journeymen.
Tier Races Upgrades option A Upgrades option B
1 Dark elf, Shambling undead, Lizardmen, Underworld Denizens 5 primaries n/a
2 Vampires, Dwarf, Amazon, Skaven, Wood elf, Chaos Dwarf, High Elf, Orc 5 primaries 1 secondary 7 primaries
3 Necromantic Horror, Human, Tomb Kings, Norse, elven union, Black orc, Chaos Renegades 6 primaries 2 secondary 7 primaries 1 secondary
4 Imperial nobility, Khorne, Old world alliance, Slann, Chaos Chosen, Nurgle 7 primaries 2 secondary 6 Primaries & 1 star player
5 Halfling, Goblin, Ogre’s, Snotlings 7 primary 1 star 5 primaries & 2 stars
Players may only be given one upgrade. No stacking is permitted in tiers 1-4, one player per tier 5 team may be given a maximum of two skills.
No Skill can be taken more than 3 times in any one team!
Any unspent cash from either Roster Building or Upgrades is lost. Teams cannot transfer unused cash from one to the other.
See Games Workshop’s Teams of Legend PDF.
Also see NAF Rules for Tournaments 2023.
Please use this link for roster submission:- https://www.thenaf.net/resources/roster-creation/
Refer to relevant Spike Magazine books alongside BB2020.
Permissible stars from any GW publication post 2020 – team must be able to select specific player as per normal rules.

Round timings: -
Saturday registration – 9am
Game 1. 9.45am – 12 noon
(Buffet lunch)
Game 2. 12:45 – 3pm
Game 3. 3.30pm – 5.45pm
Game 4 9.30am – 11.45am
Game 5. 12.15 – 2.30pm
(Sunday lunch)
Game 6. 3.15pm – 5.30pm
Awards 6pm – then bugger off until next year

Tournament Report
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