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Tournament NameRann Dumm Royale
Organizer NAF namescottprime (11678)
OrganizerScott Prime
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-11-25
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-11-25
NAF Fee Includedyes
NAF Member Discountno
WebpageBoth Down: Rann Dumm Royale

Tournament Statistics


grendelknight (18161)Dark Elf
Rann Dumm Royale Champion

Runner up

darkdopey (30166)Wood Elf
Rann Dumm Royale Runner Up

Most Touchdowns

pervertedghost45 (31321)Khorne
Champion of Cheers Award

Most Casualties

Macbeth9 (20290)Imperial Nobility
Fist of Might Award

Stunty Cup

scottprime (11678)Snotling
Lil' Royale Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

thomasonbush (32233)Vampire
Scarab Shield Award (Best Def.)
judeau (32852)Orc
Rann Dumm Sportsman Award
jobi (36785)Necromantic Horror
Buried Alive Award
Mastric85 (28634)Amazon
Goblins Gold Award
Tournament Location
Address3717 W Main St.
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

Rann Dumm Royale

November 25, 2023 at Wizards Asylum
3719 W. Main Street
Norman, OK 73072


EARLY BIRD SPECIAL (Pre-register by Nov 1, 2023)
• $20 - Rann Dumm Cup

NORMAL PRICE (Register after Nov 2nd, 2023)
• $25 - Rann Dumm Cup

All Events can be signed up and paid via paypal at fatfinley@hotmail.com

Rann Dumm Royale –
The great Khemri Wizard Rann Dumm (know by many as Ah-Rann Dumm-Ahzz) invites you to bring your renowned Blood Bowl army to seek glory on the pitch! While we are sure your mighty squad needs no assistance, the amazing Dumm has graciously decided to bless your squad with fantastical abilities that they could only have dreamed of! Pay no attention to the rumors that Dumm’s magic is….unpredictable. We promise your mighty players will be enhanced beyond their wildest dreams! So come one, come all and be amazed!!!

All coaches that pre-register for Rann Dumm Royale are required to send in their Roster by Saturday Nov 18, 2023.
Players can email their Roster to BDRosters@gmail.com

This is currently scheduled for 3 round event.

Tournament Schedule
9:00 – Registration Starts (Random Skills are rolled, please show up on time)
9:30 – Final Call for Skills (Late people can play but with no random skills)
9:45 – Registration Ends
10:00 – Round 1 (Random)
12:15 – Lunch (one hour, ask when to be back if we are off schedule)
1:15 – Round 2 (Swiss)
3:30 – Break
3:45 – Round 3 (Swiss)
6:00 – Break
6:15 – Results/Awards

What you should bring
• Your Painted Blood Bowl Team
• Four Copies of your Team Roster (one for each round) and one for you
• Blood Bowl Templates (We will provide pitches)
• GW or NAF Block Dice & D8

Things we will provide
• Pen
• Match Sheet
• Rann Dumm Royale Rainbow Custom Dice
• Awards
NAF Rules for Tournaments
NAF 2021 Download
Grandma Wendy's FAQ

• Blood Bowl Second Season (2020) Rule Set
• All Races in the Rulebook, Spikes, Etc. will be used
• NOTE: Teams of Legends/Slann will NOT be allowed.
• Special Play Cards will not be used
• All injuries reset after each game
• Apothecaries work as described in the Rulebook
• Illegal Procedure can be shouted but will not be penalized
Team Building Rules
You are given 1,150,000 gold pieces to build your team.

• You may purchase players, rerolls, dedicated fans, coaches, and cheerleaders as normal with this money.
• Star Players, Wizards, Giants, Journeymen, Special Play cards, and Mercenaries are NOT ALLOWED
• You may purchase any other inducements for your team
• Argue The Call: For this to be allowed, you MUST have a coach model that is thematically accurate for your team. No regular players or oddball figures. Final discretion is given to the organizer as to what qualifies.
• NOTE: All players that start with the Block skill will instead start with the Brawler skill instead.

Skill Packages
You will have 4 skill packs to choose from (each represents 30 SPPs, except option D)

• Package A: 10 Random Primary Skills
• Package B: 6 Random Primary and 3 Random Secondary
• Package C: 2 Random Primary and 6 Random Secondary
• Package D: 7 Random Secondary (28SPP)

Note: Stacking Skills is not permitted.
Prior to round 1, after you check in you will go to a Skill station and the random skills will occur for your team.
You choose a player, then skill level (Primary or Secondary) then skill group (General, Agility, Strength, Passing or Mutation). The person working the skill station will roll dice and give you a random skill. You will record the outcome on your roster. This will be that players skill for the tourney. In the event of a conflicting skill set (i.e. Grab/Frenzy), skills will be reroll for that player.
After all skills are rolled and recorded you will record them on your future round rosters. After pairings are made you and your first round opponent will initial each other's rosters. Make sure you check your opponent's roster each round and see initials. Skills and initials must be written in ink, NO PENCILS.
It would be helpful to know your player's Primary and Secondary skill options, but is not mandatory. It will also be helpful if you bring your own bands and your players are numbered. The following skill band colors will be universal for everyone: Blue = Block. White = Wrestle. Green = Guard.
In addition each round if you LOSE your game (not win or tie, you must lose), you can reroll one random skill on one player. You will meet the TO at the Skill Station for the reroll to occur.

NAF Tournament Info
This is a NAF approved tournament and falling under the category of Specialist Game. You may register onsite for $5.
More information can be found at TheNAF.net

Illegal Procedure
In the spirit of good sportsmanship, Illegal Procedures will not be called

The game round time limit WILL be strictly enforced. You will receive ‘Time Remaining’ updates from the Tournament Organizer to help you stay on pace.
The 4 Minute turn rule will not be used unless the Tournament organizer feels your game is in danger of not completing in the two hour timelimit. He may insist on a timer being used and enforcing the 4 minute turn rule.
When time is called, you will play until each coach has had equal number of turns.

Please bring your own GW or NAF Block Dice & D8. Sharing dice is not required for this event.

After each round you will fill out both the game sheet and the etiquette sheet based on the game just completed.
• A WIN is worth 60pts
• A DRAW is worth 30pts
• A LOSS is worth 10pts
• Bonus Points (See Tiebreakers)
o 1 point for a TD
o 1 Point for a CAS (Any CAS from Block Dice, Crowd Surfs, Fouls and Secret Weapons)
o If you caused 1 more CAS from Blocking than opp you earn +2 bonus pts
o If you caused 2 or more CAS from Blocking than opp you earn +5 bonus pts
o If you clear the pitch you earn +5 bonus pts (max once per game)
o If you won by 2 Touchdowns you earn +2 bonus pts
o If you won by 3 or more Touchdowns you earn +5 bonus pts
o If you finished the game by using all turns +3 bonus pts

There will be no overtime played. If your game ends in a draw, it’s a draw.

The Scoring system has been setup to hopefully get the most accurate representation of how everyone has performed. If, by chance there is a tie in Tournament points, the ties will be broken by the tiebreaker points. If there is still a tie after tiebreaker points the we will break the tie in this order:
• Winning Percentage
• Head to Head record
• Random Method

All teams are expected to meet the minimum painted guidelines. They must have 3 colors on them and have had some attempt at making them appear finished. If this is an issue, please advise us. Some discretion will be provided for new players or especially thematic teams.

We are here for the fun of the game. Sportsmanship is not encouraged from the coaches it is required!
Fouling 16 turns in a row and running up the score is not poor sportsmanship, but gloating and ridiculing your opponent while doing so is.
The tournament Organizer will strictly enforce the “Don’t be a Douche” policy. Basically, it consists of not performing any acts of Douchebaggery.

To be eligible for an award, you must have played all 3 rounds of the tournament and stay for the awards ceremony, unless there is a legitimate reason provided by the coach and they notify the organizers before leaving.
The following trophies will be given out after the last round:
o Rann Dumm Royale Champion (1st Place)- 1st overall Standing
o Rann Dumm Royale Runner Up (2nd Place)– 2nd overall Standing
o Rann Dumm Champion - Most Bonus Only points scored, see below*
o Champion of Cheers - Team that scored the most TDs
o Scarab Shield Award - Team that allowed the fewest TDs
o Fist of Might Award - Team that inflicted the most Casualties
o Lil' Royale Cup - Highest rated Stunty Team (Halflings, Goblins, Ogre) in standings
o Rann Dumm Sportsman Award - Best Sportsman as decided by player vote. Tournament Organizer will have final say and break any ties.
o Buried Alive Award - Coach with the lowest number of Tournament points

*Random Champion: Each round will feature a random bonus point feature. You will gain bonus points for each happenstance that occurs during the match. Record this number separate from TD and CAS. The team with the highest score will win this award. Tournament Champ, Runner Up and Lil' Rann Dumm Champion will be ineligible for this Trophy. See full chart for random bonus points on the last page of this document.
Spread The Wealth
A coach may only win one award. If they are in line to win more than one award, they will be asked which one they would prefer and the next coach in line will be given the other award. Tournament organizers reserve the right to adjust the awards based on previously explained reasons or extenuating circumstances.

QUESTIONS? Email us at bdrosters@gmail.com for Answers!

Rules Packet Updated 10-03-2023
Rann Dumm Royale Bonus Points:
Rolled by the bottom table each round, each round will be a different bonus.
1. Stun-a-paloosa – Each stun caused is worth 1 point. Officious Ref, Pitch Invasion, and surfs do not count. Additionally, Apothecaries healing a KO and knocking over a Ball and Chain also do not count.
2. Couldn't quite make it... - Each failed Rush (Go For It) is worth 1 point. A failed rush into the Endzone is worth 2 points.
3. "Accidental" Tripping – Each failed Dodge resulting in a Turnover is worth 1 point.
4. SKULLS! If you choose or are forced to take a skull as a result of a block and all your dice are skulls, you get bonus points.
• 1 Die block or uphill blocks – 1 point.
• 2 Die block – 2 points. If all dice in an uphill block are skulls, it is worth 2 points.
• 3 Die block – 3 points. If all dice in an uphill block are skulls, it is worth 3 points.
5. KA-POW! If all your block dice are POWs (Defender Down), you get 1 point for each die rolled. To Clarify see below:
• 1 Die – 1 point
• 2 Dice – 2 points
• 3 Dice – 3 Points
• Uphill blocks count!
6. You're Done! If you end your turn as a result of a turnover event it is worth 1 point. Ending your turn on your own accord (i.e. Activating all your players, but no die rolls fail does not count, nor does scoring a TD).
7. I Touch Myself – Each self inflicted casualty is worth 1 point. Failed Dodges, Rushes, Animal Savagery, Projectile Vomit, Always Hungry, etc. Failed blocks do not count.
8. You're Outta Here! - Each ejection is worth 1 point. If you Argue the Call and the result is a "1", that is worth an additional point. In the event you have a Biased Ref, you must decline the use of the Biased Ref to get the additional point.
9. Mitten hit – Rolling double 1s on an armor or casualty roll is worth 1 point. Coaches roll for opposing player Armor and Injury rolls.
10. Box Car Bamma – Rolling double 6's on an armor or casualty roll is worth 1 point. Coaches roll for opposing player Armor and Injury rolls.
11. Target Acquired – If you Block or Blitz the ball carrier and the player loses possesion of the ball, it is worth 1 point. The player must be the target of the Block or Blitz, and lose the ball as a result of the hit. Thrown players, bombs, etc. Do not count.
12. Let's try that again – If you use multiple team rerolls in the same turn, you get 1 point for each team reroll used in that turn. Two rerolls - 2 points, three rerolls – 3 points, no points for just one reroll.

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