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Tournament NameMeeple-a-thon 2023 Blood Bowl Tournament
Organizer NAF namestarryknight64 (23475)
OrganizerPhillip P
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-11-18
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-11-18
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno
WebpageKCBBL on Facebook

Tournament Statistics


Trefenwyd (25645)Elf Union

Runner up

Cswizzle (27816)Shambling Undead

Most Touchdowns

freemunny (31255)Wood Elf

Most Casualties

ironlichrich (32430)Orc

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

chmcho (23521)Black Orc

Other Awards

opcubby (27815)Black Orc
The Squishiest
HDubbs (22433)Vampire
Best Defense
Tournament Location
Address1800 Genessee St
CityKansas City
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

Meeple-a-thon 2023 Blood Bowl Tournament
Sponsored by the Kansas City Blood Bowl League

You can also find these rules (now with RICH formatting!) here too:

Where: Hyvee Arena (1800 Genessee St, Kansas City, MO 64102)
When: November 18th, 2023 9:30am - 7pm (see schedule below)
Cost: $10 if you don’t have a NAF Membership
Otherwise Meeple-a-thon badge purchase is required to participate:

NAF Rules for Tournaments 2023
Teams of Legend (only the Chaos Dwarves, High Elves, and Tomb Kings teams)
Blood Bowl Second Season (2020) Core Rules
Deathzone (2020) Rulebook
Spike! Magazine Issues 11-16
May 2023 FAQ/Errata
All races found in the above rules are allowed (except for the Teams of Legend Vampires).
Resurrection-style Tournament (injuries are healed in-between matches)
The following inducements are NOT ALLOWED:
Special Play Cards, Wizards, Journeymen, Mercenaries, and Halfling Hot Pot
Bomber Dribblesnot, Deeproot Strongbranch, Griff Oberwald, Hakflem Skuttlespike, Kreek ‘the Verminator’ Rustgouger, and Morg ‘n’ Thorg
Akhorne the Squirrel is an allowed Star Player

Team Creation
You are given 1,200,000 gold pieces to build your team. You may purchase players, skillups (see below), team rerolls, fan factor, assistant coaches, and cheerleaders as normal with this money.
You may include 1-2 Star Players on your team provided you already have 11 players
If you have the same Star Player as your opponent, then neither of you can field that star player
One exception: King BBQ may be used on both teams!
Apothecaries and Igors cannot be used on Star Players
All star players found in the BB2020 rulebook and subsequent Spike Journals are allowed EXCEPT FOR MEGA-STAR’s

No stat increases
Maximum FOUR (4) of any skill
You may either:
Have up to two Chosen Primary Skills (@20k each) on a player
OR up to one Chosen Secondary skill (@40k each) on a player
You may not add skills to Star Players

How to pre-register
Go to https://bbroster.com
Choose Exhibition
Choose Elevens
Choose your Race
Choose your Team Name (must be family-friendly)
Set Treasury to 1200
Hire your players (name them–must be family-friendly)
Hire any allowed sideline staff
Hire any allowed inducements
Print as a PDF in Landscape to fit on one page
Email roster to kcbbl.kingbbq@gmail.com by November 11th.
OPTIONAL: Send pictures of your team to be entered into the “Best Painted Team” award!

What to Bring
3 Block Dice / 2 D6’s / D8 / D16 (all from GW or NAF Membership)
Pitch / 2 Dugouts / Templates

Failure to do any of the following could result in disqualification from the tournament:
Bring Your Painted Team
At least 3 colors, including bases.
Numbers must be visible
Skills must be visibly marked either with skill bands or otherwise
Skill bands will be provided if needed when you check in
Bring FOUR (4) copies of your team roster if you didn’t pre-register (landscape, full page)
Names of players and your team must be family-friendly
If a name is questionable, then use a different name.
Explanation of the Special Rule(s) for your rostered Star Player(s) should be visible on your team roster
Bring a token for each rostered Star Player to represent when the Star Player has used their Special Rule.

9:30 - 10:00am: Check In
10:00 - 10:30am: Announcements
10:30 - 12:45pm: Round One
12:45 - 1:45pm: Lunch
1:45 - 4:00pm: Round Two
4:00 - 6:15pm: Round Three
6:30 - 7:00pm: Awards

Best Offense: Most Touchdowns
Best Brawler: Most Casualties
Best Defense: Least Touchdowns Scored Against
The Squishiest: Most Casualties Against
Best Painted Team

King BBQ

Little King was born into the BBQ family from his halfling dad, Mr. BBQ and his ogre mom, Brunhilda BBQ in the year 2473, the year of Nuffle. Proud parents though they were, they noticed King's appetite was difficult, nay impossible to quench. It wasn't until little King saw his first game of Blood Bowl that his appetite was truly satiated for the first time.
Since then, Mr. BBQ and Brunhilda did all they could to support their growing boy and his growing interest in Blood Bowl. Despite being a rather large halfling, King stayed active in his local Blood Bowl League oftentimes lining up alongside various treemen and ogres over the years. This part of his life all came crashing down when, in a single game, he inadvertently ate nearly half his team! Although Brunhilda felt proud of her boy, she agreed with Mr. BBQ that he was ready for something much more.

That's when, in the year 2477, Mr. BBQ and Brunhilda funded their son to start his own league. And thus, KCBBL was born. The early years of KCBBL were jovial and quaint, with various players/coaches coming and going as life does. King found his place as both mascot and spokesperson for the KCBBL. Oftentimes speaking in-between bites of his favorite meal: barbecued goblin haunches.

But King knew that no amount of glistening goblin gams could satisfy his hunger quite like playing on the gridiron all those years ago. So, with a heavy heart and an even heavier stomach, King BBQ takes a half-ogre-sized leap onto the Star Players list!

That's right! King BBQ himself has chomped his way past his artery-clogged heart into KCBBL as a Star Player rosterable by All teams!

Characteristics: 4 / 4 / 5+ / 4+ / 8+
Skills and Traits: Always Hungry, Drunkard, Fend, Loner (4+), Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Throw Team-mate, Wrestle
GP to Induce: 150,000

Special Rules
Meal on the Run: Once per game, if King BBQ has one or more players in his tackle zone, King BBQ may use this special ability during his activation after either failing a skill roll or suffering a "Player Down!" result on a block. Randomly select a player within King BBQ's tackle zone. The selected player is immediately placed prone and suffers an armor/injury roll from King BBQ as if he had the Mighty Blow (+1) skill. If the selected player suffers a Casualty result of DEAD, then King BBQ loses the "Always Hungry" trait for the rest of this match as that player has been gobbled up! King BBQ may then re-roll his initial dice pool.

Q: Can King BBQ randomly target his own teammates if they’re in his tackle zone when using his special rule?
A: Yes!
Q: When failing a Dodge roll or a Rush roll and using King BBQ’s special rule, which position is used to determine the players in King BBQ’s tackle zone? The space he was previously in? Or the space that he was attempting to Dodge or Rush to?
A: The space he was Dodging or Rushing to is used for King BBQ’s tackle zone when using this special rule.
Q: When failing a Dodge roll and using King BBQ’s special rule, if an opposing player gets placed prone do we recalculate the needed roll to make a successful dodge?
A: No. You reroll the original dice pool when using King BBQ’s special rule. You do not recalculate the needed roll to make a successful dodge.
Q: If the result of a Block roll is “Player Down!” and King BBQ uses his special rule and ends up randomly placing the same player prone that was the original target of the Block, does he still reroll the original Block?
A: No. If the target of the original Block gets placed prone as a result of this special rule then King BBQ’s activation ends immediately.
Q: If the result of a Block roll is “Player Down!” and King BBQ uses his special rule and ends up randomly placing prone a player that was assisting with the original Block, do we recalculate how many Block dice to roll when rerolling the Block?
A: No. You reroll the original dice pool when using King BBQ’s special rule. You do not recalculate assists.

Tournament Report
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