?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NamebLEEdbowl 2024
Organizer NAF namefiki (22693)
OrganizerFiachra Kelly
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-01-27
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-01-28
StyleResurrection, Swiss
ScoringSee pack
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno
WebpageRules Pack

Tournament Statistics


pybot (34525)Underworld Denizens

Runner up

Danton (22046)Human

Most Touchdowns

murtaghk (31746)Skaven

Most Casualties

saigorei (33251)Chaos Renegade

Stunty Cup

goblin_insane (35870)Goblin

Best Painted

rags (28377)Amazon

Other Awards

zuka_paluka (34565)Necromantic Horror
Best Young Player
pybot (34525)Underworld Denizens
drdisco (37438)Norse
Wooden Spoon
Tournament Location
ZipT12 K8AF

Ruleset Document

BleedBowl will be held as part of the Warpcon convention in UCC Cork which run 26th-28th Jan 2024.

It will consist of 5 games over 2 days of the convention.

Price will be €25 and grant convention and event entry (final pricing shortly)

3 Games will be played Saturday 27th from starting at 9:30
2 Games Sunday 28th starting at 10:00

The tournament will consist of 5 rounds of 135
minutes as follows:
Friday Night 26th

Evening - Bar, Food, Banter
Saturday 27th

9:30 – 10:00 - Registration
10:00 – 12:15 – Round 1
13:00—15:15 - Round 2
15:45 – 18:00 – Round 3
Post games— Bar, Food,,
Convention Pub Quiz
Sunday 28th—
10:00 – 12:15 – Round 4
13:00—15:15 - Round 5
15:30 – 16:00 – Tournament closing
Post Games—Bar, Food,
Convention closing ceremony


Team Building

Roster Gold Budget and Skill pack options are listed below based on race selected. In addition, the
following rules apply.
Star Players
11 standard roster players must be rostered before a star player can be rostered.
A single star player may be rostered on all teams. Tier 5+6 teams may have 2.
A 2-for-1 pick (e.g. Grak and Crumbleberry ) counts as a single choice but takes up 2 roster spots
from your maximum of 16 rostered players.
The following may not be chosen - Morg’N’Thorg, Bomber Dribblesnot, Cindy Piewhistle, Estelle la
Veneaux , Hakflem Skuttlespike , Griff Oberwald, Varag Ghoulchewer, Deeproot Strongbranch
The following cost 2 Primary sill choices on top of their normal gold cost - Wilheim Chaney, Kreek
Rustgouger, Dribl&Drull (2 extra n total, not each)
Skill stacking
Skill stacking of skills is allowed to a maximum of 2 skills added to any single player.

You may only have 1 more positional (Non 0-12/0-16 choices) with stacked skills than you have line-
men (a 0-12/0-16 roster pick) with stacked skills, so if you want to stack skills on 2 positional players
you must also stack on at least 1 lineman. Note, assigning a single skill to a player does not count as
Skill Uniqueness
You may not build multiple copies of the same player position... e.g. you cannot take 2 high elf Blitzers with dodge.
If you want dodge on both at least 1 must stack a second skill to make the combination unique.

All inducements listed in the Blood Bowl 2020 rulebook are permitted except Mercenaries, Special

Play Cards, Infamous Coaching Staff, and Hireling Sports Wizards. Inducements from any other publi-
cations (such as Death Zone or Spike!) cannot be rostered. As per the 2020 rules in exhibition games,

you do not receive the 1 free Dedicated Fans. Unspent gold crowns are lost and during the pre-
match sequence no extra gold crowns are awarded for teams with a lower team value.


Roster Submission

All rosters must be submitted via Tourplay at
Submission deadline Sunday 21th January 2024

Questions, comments and discussion will be answered on the Eire BB Discord server. All Welcome



Tiering and Packages

Underworld Denizens, Dwarf, Shambling Undead, Amazons, Dark Elf

Option A - 1150K, 6 Primary skills
Option B - 1200K, 4 Primary Skills

Skaven, Chaos Dwarf, Wood Elf, Norse, Orcs
Option A - 1150K, 7 Primary Skills
Option B - 1200K, 4 Primary Skills, 1 Secondary

Necromantic, Lizardmen, Slaan, Elf Union, Vampire, Tomb Kings

Option A - 1150K, 9 Primary Skills
Option B - 1200K, 5 Primary, 2 Secondary Skills

Humans, High Elf, Imperial Nobility, OWA,
Option A - 1150K, 11 Primary Skills
Option B - 1200K, 7 Primary, 2 Secondary Skills

Black Orc, Chaos Chosen, Khorne, Chaos Renegades
Option A - 1150K, 13 Primary Skills
Option B - 1200K, 9 Primary, 2 Secondary Skills

Goblin, Halfling, Ogres, Snotlings, Saurus-less Lizards, Skaven-less underworld, Nurgle

Option A - 1150K, 15 Primary Skills
Option B - 1200K, 11 Primary, 2 Secondary Skills


Fierce Changeable

As a well-known fact among all residents of
Ireland, the national weather forecast tends to
favour Dublin, leaving those of us in Cork often
surprised by how seldom the weather aligns
with their predictions. It's no secret that the
weather in Cork possesses a unique personality,
often dancing to its own rhythm.
Introducing the Cork-Specific Weather Table, a
customized feature designed to replace the
conventional Weather table traditionally used
during the game's weather rolls.
2-3 : Sweltering Heat
4-5 : Really Sunny
6-8 : Nice
9-10 : Pouring Rain
11-12 : Blizzard

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