?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameUKBBL TT XX
Organizer NAF nameGColeman76 (1009)
OrganizerGavin Coleman
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-03-02
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-03-03
NAF Fee Includedyes
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


iantheace (22480)Skaven

Runner up

douglowe (18503)Vampire

Most Touchdowns

douglowe (18503)Vampire

Most Casualties

Mortikina (13326)Chaos Dwarf

Stunty Cup

GColeman76 (1009)Ogre

Best Painted

Other Awards

coreboar (20905)Necromantic Horror
Wooden Spoon
Tournament Location
AddressHoliday Inn Derby Nottingham
 Bostocks Lane
ZipNG10 5NJ
NationUnited Kingdom

Ruleset Document

UKBBLTT XX Rules & Tournament Info
2nd and 3rd March 2023 - The Holiday Inn (Derby) Bostocks Lane, Sandiacre, Nottingham


The 20th UKBBL Tabletop Tournament will consist of 5 matches over 2 days, the first round matches will be randomly drawn, rounds 2 to 5 will follow a Swiss - Resurrection style tournament system:-

For All Entrants the cost of this tournament will be £30 which will include NAF membership for new members if required. Payments friends and family via paypal can be sent to gavrad76@yahoo.com Many thanks.

The tournament will use the NAF rules for tournament documents. The current available NAF race list will be acceptable as published and the Slann roster from the recommended roster list but please check if not sure.

We will be using the 2024 NAF Championship Ruleset - Almost

Rosters & Results will be submitted via TourPlay. This is a Progressive Web App and can be accessed via a browser or installed as a PWA on an Android phone. The link to register your team is here, and the deadline for doing so is 8pm on 23rd February 2024: https://tourplay.net/en/blood-bowl/ukbbl-tabletop-xix/

Rosters are purchased with a treasury 1,150,000 gold crowns. All inducements listed in the Blood Bowl 2020 rulebook are permitted except: Mercenaries, Special Play Cards, and Team Wizards. Inducements from any other publications (such as Death Zone) cannot be taken. As per the 2020 rules; in tournament games, you do not receive the 1 free Dedicated Fans. Note that during the pre-match sequence no extra gold crowns are awarded for teams with a lower team value.

In addition to the starting skills on your roster all teams will have additional skills that they can add to their roster. Access to skills are split into 2 options and tiered as follows:

Tier 1 Option A: 6 Primary skills
Tier 1 Option B: 3 Primary Skills & 1 Star Player

Tier 2 Option A: 6 Primary skills, 1 Secondary skill
Tier 2 Option B: 3 Primary Skills, 1 Secondary skill & 1 Star Player

Tier 3 Option A: 6 Primary skills, 2 Secondary skills & 0-1 Star Players
Tier 3 Option B: 3 Primary Skills, 1 Secondary Skill and 2 Star Players

These additional skills are all allocated at the start of the tournament so they remain relevant for all 6 matches. The secondary skill(s) can be swapped to a primary skill if you wish. Skills are allocated as “new skill” rolls specified as either “primary” or “secondary” as per the Improvement Rolls table. You may only select one additional skill per player. There is no restriction to skill duplication i.e. you may give several different players the same skill if you wish. Statistic improvements and random skills cannot be selected.
Blood Bowl team races are split into the following 3 tiers:
Tier 1: Amazon, Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, Lizardman, Norse, Orc, Shambling Undead, Skaven, Underworld Denizens, Wood Elf, Vampire
Tier 2: Black Orc, Chaos Chosen, Chaos Renegade, Elven Union, High Elf, Human, Imperial Nobility, Khorne, Necromantic Horror, Old World Alliance, Slann, Tomb Kings
Tier 3: Goblin, Halfling, Nurgle, Ogre, Snotling

Star Players
All rosters will have access to a reduced selection of star players at this years NAFC. If you wish to bring a star player on your rosters select the appropriate option from the skill options listed above. Remember, you will reduce the number of additional skills that are available to you by selecting a star player.

When rostering a Star player the following rules must be followed:

You must first roster 11 regular players before adding a star player to your team.
0-1 star player can be rostered on teams listed in tier 1 or tier 2
0-2 star players can be rostered on teams listed in tier 3
Star players that are selected as a pair (such as the Swift Twins) count as 1 choice on the roster.
If 2 coaches are drawn against each other with the same Star player on their roster, neither player is permitted to use them.
Star players cannot be allocated additional skills

The following list of star players are NOT PERMITTED for selection by any team in this years NAFC:

Bomber Dribblesnot
Cindy Piewhistle
Deeproot Strongbranch
Estelle La Veneaux
Griff Oberwald
Hakflem Skuttlespike
Kreek ‘the Verminator’ Rustgouger
Morg ’n’ Thorg
Varag Ghoulchewer


Placings in the tournament will be decided by a teams Win/Draw/Loss record, tie breakers will be strength of schedule, followed by combined TD difference and finally total CAS and then a knife fight to the death (just kidding) and finally a roll off!

Your finalised compliant team list should be added to the tournament link on TourPlay no later than 8pm on 23 February 2024.

An apothecary works exactly as it does in the board game.

You must use standard dice.

Teams should be fully painted and based and numbered and all miniatures should be clearly identifiable with the race they are representing and in keeping with the rest of the team and the models should be of a sensible scale for BloodBowl. Space Marine models are not allowed.

If there are any queries about a rule, for example the sequence of play and declarations of actions please refer to one of the referees for advice.

There is capacity for up to 50 coaches at this tournament.

This is a NAF Sanctioned tournament and NAF membership is compulsory to participate but NAF membership costs are included in the price of your ticket.


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