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Tournament NameNew Years Bash Dungeonbowl 2025: "Raid on Goblin Civil Liberties Union HQ"
Organizer NAF namehouseblackfyre (28534)
OrganizerSean Cowley
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2025-01-10
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2025-01-10
Cost$15, or $20 with NAF Signup
NAF Fee Includedyes
NAF Member Discountyes

Tournament Statistics


Runner up

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
Address25 McClellan Drive
StateNew York
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

The drums have been beating, the outcry grows stronger and stronger. "Too long have our goblins been downtrodden, ignored, marginalized," screamed labor organizer Melifaxis into a megaphone before a crowd of raucous little greenskins. But the organizing of the Goblin Civil Liberties Union had a predictable backlash from the powers that be, and word has come down for a raid on their headquarters to put the little gits back in their place where they belong...

Let's start off the New Years Bash Weekend with a three-game Dungeonbowl tourney on Friday Night, and one where the Barber Clan doesn't have to run it so they can enjoy themselves too!


Teams will be created using the Dungeon Bowl 2021 Exhibition Rules on page 85. All eight teams representing the eight Colleges of Magic in the Dungeon Bowl 2021 Core Rulebook will be utilized, along with augmented rosters from any Spike! magazine published at least 30 days prior to the tournament's starting date (Vampire Update included... if something is released close in time, updates will be given)
• Team Budget: Teams will be created using 1.2M gold crowns and must contain 11 players before any inducements are purchased.
• Inducements: All inducements in the Dungeon Bowl 2021 rulebook on pages 77-79 are fair game as longs as prerequisites are met. Inducements from Blood Bowl and Death Zone may not be used, including no stars.
• Tournament Structure: This is a Resurrection/Swiss style tournament. You will play all three games with the same roster.
• Skills: Each team is allotted 36 SPP to spend on either Primary or Secondary Skills based on the chart on page 59. Each Primary Skill costs 6 SPP and each Secondary Skill costs 12 SPP. Random skills and characteristic improvements will be prohibited. You may stack skills if you want to do so.
• ALL skills MUST be noted on your team roster which is submitted to the Tournament Organizer prior to registration via email. Link to a preferred roster creater is below, which has updated dungeonbowl rosters included.
• Colored rubber bands or skills rings will keep the tournament moving along and are strongly encouraged. We will have some on hand if you need them.

• THE GOLDEN RULE: While everyone enjoys winning, this tournament is more for fun than anything. Sportsmanship matters more than winning. Also, remember that fouling is a core part of the game we all love, and is not an act of bad sportsmanship even if done at every opportunity.
• Let’s Get on With It: After about 45 minutes of play, an alarm will sound. The College of Magic will then put balls in every remaining chest if a ball is not found by then, so the next chest opened will have the ball in it. Once the ball has been found, every remaining chest reverts back to a trap and will explode as normal.
• After 1:45, if neither team has won, the game is declared a draw. The College of Magic will give you ample time warnings.
• Prior to each game, coaches should agree what constitutes a “cocked” die and discuss any other issues related to dice rolling mechanisms.
• Turn timers will not be in place, but please play at a reasonable pace. If the game runs long, each team will be given an equal number of turns.
• The dungeons will be set up prior to the tournament. The placement of the portals and chests will be determined by the player as described on page 24.
• Chests will operate slightly differently than described in the rulebook. Instead of opening the chests, players will blindly draw glass beads from a felt bag containing five red beads symbolizing the bomb, and one clear bead symbolizing the ball.
• Portals will be color coordinated with a special colored d6 to make finding the correct portal easier during game play.
• There are no room tiles for this tourney, and thus the tile-specific rules in the core game will not be in play, except for the four rooms discussed below:
• There will be a Fanatic Statute Room near the center of the dungeon, which will function essentially the same as the "werewolf's lair" from the Death Match Expansion rules for Dungeonbowl (p.12), which are reprinted below with changes for this tourney:

If there are any players within the Fanatic Statue's room at the end of any team turn, roll a D6. On a 1, the Fanatic Statue remains in the center of the room for the time being. On a 2+, it will become a goblin fanatic and will move towards the closest standing player within the lair by the shortest possible route (if there are two or more players an equal distance away, then randomly determine which the Fanatic will move towards). if the Fanatic moves into a square in which the ball is placed, the ball will bounce as described on page 11 of the Dungeon Bowl rulebook. If the Fanatic moves over a portal, the Fanatic treats it as a normal square and will not be teleported.

If the Fanatic selects the block dice, it will always choose the result in the following order: Pow, Defender Stumbles, Push Back, Both Down, Attacker Down. If the Fanatic pushes a player as a result of the block dice, it will always push that player directly towards the entrance to the room. If there are two or more entrances an equal distance away, randomize which of those entrances it will push them towards. The fanatic will always use its full 3 movement squares, and will never rush. Once the Fanatic has completed its movement action, remove it from the board and place it back on the center square in the room and it becomes a statue again. If the Fanatic is casualtied because of his own movement, the casualty does not count for the player as a normal, but can earn bonus points as discussed below.

The Fanatic Statue has typical stats for a goblin fanatic: 3 mv, 7 st, 8+ av, Ball and Chain, no hands, stunty.

• There will be a "Bombardier" room near the center of the dungeon that will be function similarly to the "Kitchen" tile on page 27 of the core rulebook. Any player who begins their activation within the Bombardier Room may perform a Pass action with a bomb (provided they have a passing stat), which they cannot move after throwing but may move beforehand within the room (if they leave the room, the bomb fizzles). Target must also be within the room, or within a line of sight to pass outside the room from where the player throws the bomb. Passing, bomb explosions, and the potential for the bomb to be caught and thrown again work as with a regular bomb. Such action does not count for a traditional casualty, but can earn bonus points as discussed below.

• There will be a "Looney" room where players can perform an "Equip Chainsaw" action if they either start in the room, or move into it during their team turn - the action ends their activation for the turn. That player gains the Chainsaw trait for the rest of the match, and cannot drop the chainsaw during the match.

• There will be an "All Hail Melifaxis" room with an idol of the Goblin's chief labor organizer. Players who either start their turn within the room or move into the room on their team turn may perform a "Pray to Rob" action, which ends that player's activation (and may result in a turnover potentially if a knockdown occurs). Roll D6, and the player is either knocked down or receives the following skills or traits for the rest of the match:

1. Knockdown. Rob is a cruel master.
2. Really Stupid
3. Stunty and Right Stuff
4. Dodge
5. Pogo Stick
6. Sneaky Git


Teams will be ranked after each match using a point scale discussed below:
• Win = 60 points
• Tie = 30 points
• Loss = 10 points
• Smackdown bonus (inflict 2+ more CAS than opponent) = 10 points
• Casualty the Fanatic on his Move = 5 points (once per game bonus)
• Casualty an opponent with a Bomb = 5 points (once per game bonus)

The Tournament Champion will be determined by Total Points after three rounds of play, and if needed, by tiebreakers in the following order:
• Head to Head Result (if they have played each other)
• CAS inflicted (only CAS you cause count, including fouls. Failed dodges do not count, nor do Fanatic or Bomb CAS).
• Bonus Points Scored from Fanatic or Bomb CAS
• TDs Scored
• Sum of TD differential and CAS differential
• Coin Toss

• Your painted Dungeon Bowl team. Models must be numbered or easily identifiable by player type. Skill rings or small colored elastic bands to mark players with skills are strongly encouraged to keep things moving along, and we will have some on hand if you need them.
• Three copies of your team roster with added skills in BOLD or highlighted.


• 5:00 to 5:30 pm Registration
• 5:30 to 7:15 Game #1
• 7:15 to 7:30 Break (dinner rolled into Game #2)
• 7:30 to 9:15 Game #2
• 9:15 to 9:30 Break
• 9:30 to 11:15 Game #3
• 11:15-11:30 Awards
Matches will begin ahead of schedule and the schedule adjusted accordingly if games do not take the allotted time.

• Overall Winner
• Second Place
• Most Casualties
• Every Player will also receive an assortment of Goblin Secret Weapon Models to take home.

Favored Roster Generating Software:

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