?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameCo-Op Cup 3
Organizer NAF namestrange19 (29917)
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-03-09
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-03-09
Cost$40 per squad NAF Members $50 non NAF members
NAF Fee Includedyes
NAF Member Discountyes

Tournament Statistics


kyphexler (34337)Nurgle

Runner up

baelnic (17391)Snotling

Most Touchdowns

lonewolfjackson (30536)Necromantic Horror

Most Casualties

townee (27328)Chaos Dwarf

Stunty Cup

db (34030)Goblin

Best Painted

trueblood (24418)Nurgle
chewie_bites (31639)Nurgle

Other Awards

winterhorse (12037)Necromantic Horror
Best Defense
ikitklaw (25816)Nurgle
Most Violent - coach with most fouls
direwulf21 (36984)High Elf
Wooden Spoon
Tournament Location
Address5050 Factory Shops Blvd unit 735
CityCastle Rock
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

Co-Op Cup 3
March 9 th 2024
Inconceivable Toys & Games
5050 Factory Shops Blvd unit 735
Castle Rock, Co 80108

Welcome to Co-Op Cup 3. This is a squads tournament so you will need a partner.

Squad Entrance Fee

- $40 per squad for NAF members ($20 per player)

Registration must be completed (by both members of the squad) and rosters sent in no later than March 5 th

What To Bring:
Your painted team (minimum 3 colors)

• Blood Bowl pitch (we will have extra pitches to play on) no cardboard pitch or dugout
• GW or NAF blocking dice 3,1D8 and a 1D16 (custom tournament d6 will be provided and must be used)
• Send your team roster and your NAF name and number or to Contact me for any questions at

Custom tournament dice will be provided
Trophies will be provided
Special rules:
• No cards will be used
• Share the wealth” rule will be used
• Illegal procedure will not be used
• Argue the call is allowed
-Highlander Rule will be in effect
Squad Builds

Squad pairing within a round: The matchups when two Squads play will also be random during the first round and utilize
swiss pairing after the first round. This means the higher individual ranked player will also play the opponent squads higher
individual ranked player with the lower individual ranked player thus playing the lower individual ranked player.
Each Squad (a term we’ll use instead of “team” in this section) consists of 2 coaches. These squads will have 5 points with
which to buy a team for each coach. The points for each team are as such:

Tier 1
4 points

Amazons, Chaos Dwarves, Dark Elves, Dwarves, Norse, Shambling Undead, Underworld

Denizens, Skaven
Tier 2
3 points,

Elven Union, High Elves, Humans, Lizardmen, Necromantic Horror, Orcs, Wood Elves,

Tier 3
2 points

Black Orc, Chaos Chosen, Imperial Nobility, Khorne, Slann, Old World Alliance, Tomb Kings

Tier 4

1 points

Chaos Renegades, Halflings, Nurgle, Snotlings, Lizard Stunties (no saurus)

Tier 5
1 point
Goblins, Ogres

Examples: A squad could be made up of Amazon (4 points) and a Goblin Team (1 point). OR A squad could be made of a
Black Orc team (2 points) and a Old World Alliance team (2 points). OR a Necromantic team (3 points) and a Chaos

Renegades team (1 points) Also note that squads don’t have to use up all 5 points

In addition, each coach MUST select a Blood Bowl team of a different race than their Squad partner. In other words, you
can’t have more than one Chaos Renegades team in a Squad. All squad points do not have to be utilized but no squad can

use more than 5 points.
Team Build

All teams are allowed ALL their available inducements,(rulebook 2020, Spikes 11- 16) with the exception of

- Wizards
- Mercenaries
- Special Play Cards
- Referees of any type Biased or Unbiased
- Halfling Hot Pot

Each team will be given a set skill package and money for builds based on tier. The tiers are as follows
-Tier 1 1.15M (No Stars) (No more than 3 of the same skill) (5 primary skills 1 secondary
skill) (no skill stacking)
-Tier 2 1.15M  (1 Star - includes pairs - no megastars) (No more than 4 of the same skill)
(6 primary skills 2 secondary skill) (1 players make take two skills only one of which can
be secondary)
-Tier 3 1.20M (1 Star - includes pairs - no megastars) (No more than 4 of the same skill)
(8 primary skills 2 secondary skill) (2 players make take two skills only one of which can
be secondary per player)
-Tier 4 1.25M (2 stars or 1 Megastar) (No more than 4 of the same skill) (8 primary skills
3 secondary skill) (3 players make take two skills only one of which can be secondary
per player)
-Tier 5 1.25M  (2 stars or 1 Megastar) (No more than 4 of the same skill) (9 primary skills
3 secondary skill) (4 players make take two skills only one of which can be secondary
per player)
*Goblin Injustice - GW clearly has it in for goblins.  The Goblin Civil Liberties Union (GCLU) has not-so-
secretly bribed all tournament officials. A package of three bribes may be purchased for 100k.
There are certain players that are so prestigious in their chosen blood bowl career that some have been referred to

as mega stars. These players are

Griff Oberwald, Morg N Thorg, Deeproot, Hackflem, Bomber Dribblesnot, Cindy Pie Whistle,
Highlander rule will be in effect
10:00 a.m. Tournament Location opens and Registration Begins
10:20 a.m. Registration/Check-In Ends (seriously!)
10:25 a.m. Round One begins

12:40p.m. Lunch
1:40 p.m. Round Two begins
3:55 p.m. Round 2 Ends / 10 Minute Break
4:05 p.m. Round Three Begins
6:20 p.m. Round Three ends
6:30 p.m. Awards
Coaches can earn both team and individual trophies, but no one will be awarded more than one of each.
Squad Awards:
Team Champions (Highest Squad ranking)
Second-Place Team (2nd highest Squad ranking)
Underdog Team (Highest ranking Squad that spent 3 or fewer squad selection points)
Individual Awards:
Individual Champion (Highest individual ranking)
2nd Place (2nd-highest individual ranking)
Stunty Cup (Highest score by a goblin, halfling, snotling, ogre team)
Best Defense (Fewest TDs allowed)
Best Offense (Most TDs)
Most Deadly (Most casualties)
Wooden Spoon (Lowest individual ranking)
Most Violent (Most Fouls)
Best Painted

Tournament Report
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