?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameThe Thud Tournement
Organizer NAF nameastrolay (27964)
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-01-13
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-01-14
StyleResurrection - Swiss
Scoringwin 65 tie 30 loss 0
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Runner up

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
Address13552 Fort Rd NW
ZipT5A 1C5

Ruleset Document

Team building:
- Teams get 1.4 million gold to construct their roster, including buying SKILLS AND STAT Increases.
- Star players can be purchased as part of a roster and may be your 12th player. In the case that opposing teams hire the same star,
both teams will be NOT be allowed to use the player. If this does occur, and the star players are both present, then they will be
replaced by a journeyman linemen.
- Teams must play with a minimum of 11 players.
- Teams can purchase Rerolls, apothecaries (if allowed), coaches, cheerleaders or dedicated fans
- Teams may also include bribes as part of the roster as per the standard inducement cost.
- Teams may by speacial coaches, offices refs.
- Chefs can only be purchased by Halfling Thimble Cup
- No other inducements may be purchased (including , cards, extra apothecaries, mercenaries, etc).
Skill Costs
Regular skill: 20 K
Doubles Skill: 40 K
Armor Increase: 10 K
Movement or Passing Increase: 20K
Agility Increase: 40 K
Strength Increase: 50 K
Skill Limitations: No more than 3 of any skill
Maximum Team Value increase per player: 50 K

kick off table
2 - Riot - Holds the game up and adds 1d6 turns to the number elapsed in the half. If this moves it to more than 8 for both teams the half ends.
3 - Get the Ref! Each coach rolls 2d6 and adds the team's Fan Factor to the score. High scorer's fans have decided to exact revenge on the ref. The replacement is intimidated for the remainder of the half and won't award penalties against the team if he spots them making a foul. If the score is tied however, BOTH teams' fans get teh ref and the replacement won't award penalties against either team.

4 - Perfect Defence - Kicking team's coach can reorganize his players, aka they can set them up again.

5 - Cheering Fans - Each coach rolls a D6 and adds their Fan Factor and Cheerleaders to the result. Winner gets a reroll for the half. Re-roll ties.

6- Bad Kick - The ball scatters 2D6 squares on the kick off instead of the only 1D6

7 - Weather. Make a new roll on the Weather Table and apply the new result.

8 - Quick Snap - Offense start the drive a fraction before teh defence are ready. All players on the receiving team are allowed to move one square. This is a free move and may be made into any adjacent empty squarem ignoring tackle zones. It may be used to enter the opposing half of the pitch.

9 - Brilliant Coaching - Each coach rolls a D6 and adds the number of coaches on the team to the score. The side with the highest result gets a bonus re-roll this half. re-roll any ties.

10 - Blitz! - The kicking team gets a bonus team turn and may move before the receiving team. The bonus turn doesn't count against the kicking team's turn limit for the half, so the coach doesn't have to move their turn marker.
11 - Throw a Rock - Each Coach rolls a 2D6 and adds their team's Fan Factor to the score. Highest scorer's fans are the ones that threw a rock. Decide a random player on the other team that was hit (Players in the dugout ARE eligible) Roll for the effects for injury. (No armour roll is required)
12 - PITCH INVASION! - Each Coach rolls 2D6 and adds their side's Fan Factor to the score. Highest score wins, injuring 1D6 randomly selected players on the losing team. Roll for injuries straight away. (No armour roll is required)

if both coaches agree the can add Thrud to the game and he will start on the defense side before kickoff, after he will follow his rules
Thrud any team mv 6 str 6, agi 4+ pass 5+ av 10+ loner 4+, block, tackle, mighty blow, thick skull, wild animal, really stupid, horns animosity ( 5+). specail never retreat.

star players available for this tournament
pierrot rainforest kicker wood elf mv 9 str 3 agi 2+ pa 2+ av 8+ loner 4+ kick,tackle,sprint,sure feet special 1 per half can have for 1 catch nerves of steel 180k
tinker bell pixe wood elves mv 6 str 1 agi 3+ pa 5+ av 7+ loner 3+ swoop, safe landing, right stuff, dodge, stunty, titchy special i belive in magic if removed from game due to injury 1 time can be moved to the reserve box 80k
bellow thunderslam minator chaos pact, chaos, chaos dwarfs, mv 5 st 5 ag 4+ pa - av 9+ loner 3+ horns, mighty blow, thick skull, block, strip ball specail out of my way 1 per half can have break tackle for a bliz 220k
frank N stein flesh golem necro mv 4 str 5 agi 5+ av 10+ loner 4+ mighty blow, stand firm, break tackle, thick skull, regeneration special - it lives: regens on 2+ 210k
lucky luc unicorn amazons mv 10 str 4 agi 2+ av 9+ loner 4+ sprint, sure feet, horns, claw, no hands, stab +2 special if a player has rot, removes that trait for rest of game if stab was used. 410k
Bakeri Jaguar Warrior Blockers amazons mv 7 str 4 agi 3+ pas 5+ av 9+ loner 3+, Defensive, Dodge, hit and run, jump up, strip ball special duel training the str was good enough to be two possitions so 1 time per game may reroll loner 160k
jules de bergerac grail knight imperials (bretts) mv 7 str 5 agi 3+ pa 3+ av 10+ loner 4+ block, stand firm, strip ball, leader, pro, mighty blow. special gift from nuffle 1 per half may use fumblerooskie as if they had the skill 220k
willem tollet thrower imperails (bretts) mv 6 str 3 agi 3+ pas 2+ av8+ loner 4+ pass,sure hands, nerves of steel, accurate, on the ball. special blessed throw 1 per game may throw a hail marry pass as if they had the skill 110k
wish bone skeleton undead, necro, khermi mv 6 str 3 agi 4+ pa 6+ av 8+ loner 3+ pro, block, regeneration, thick skull special nothing in there a 10 on injury only counts as a ko and you may roll a regen to get them back into the reserves box 140k
rhamerket mummy undead, necro mv 3 str 5 agi 5+ pa - av 10+ loner 4+ mighty blow, block, tackle, guard, stand firm, piledriver, regeneration special faking it. 1 per game if they are caught they play dead and instead of getting ejected go to the ko box instead. 320k
rhamtut the 3rd tomb king khermi mv 5 str 6 agi 5+ pa - av 11+ loner 4+ might blow +3, block, break tackle. specail birth of a king. instead of returning a dead player as a skeleton or apporpreat undead for the team, must raise as a mummy with loner 4+ and rambut losses mighty blow. 360k
headsplitter rat ogre skaven mv 6, str 6 agi 3+ av 10+ mighty blow, prehenslie tail, lohner 4+ special: its got some reach 1 time per half may extend tail 1 extra square making his tackle zones 2 squares 220k
Dorjak Sureclaw thrower skaven mv 7 str 3 agi 3+ pas 2+ av 8+ loner 4+ Claw, Pass, Sure Hands, accurate special: add some power! can deside to use this to count as either mighty blow (+1) or strong arm but must roll d6 on 1 stuns himself with exurtion 100k
Quetzal Leap slann/kislev mv 8 str 2 agi 2+ pas 4+ av 8+ catch, diving catch, fend, on the ball, leap, nerves of steelm very long legs loner 4+ special: i got it, i got it. if within 3 squares of the ball counts as having jump up 250k
Skurfrik Stone-Sucker slann/kislev mv 7 str 3 agi 3+ pas 4+ av 9+ loner 4+ Pogo Stick, Very Long Legs, Diving Tackle, Jump Up, Block, iron hard skin special: big old tounge count as on the ball to intercept only 130k
withergrasp doubledrool witch elf dark elves mv 8 str 3 agi 2+ pas 5+ av 9+ loner 4+, Dodge, Frenzy, Jump Up, fumbleruskie, strip ball special steeped in darkness can act as having might blow 1 time per half 150k
"Dapper" Dagger Longshanks asssassin dark elves mv 8 str 3 agi 2+ pas 5+ av 8+ Shadowing, Stab, block, tackle loner 4+ special: dark cloak, 1 time per half may reroll a shadowing roll 125k
H'Thark the Unstoppable centour chaos dwarfs mv 6 str 6 agi 4+ pa 5+ av 11+ block tackle juggernaut loner 4+ sprint sure feet thick skull. special -unstoppable: 1 per half can pro a push or a juggernut block dice 300k
grashnak blackhoof centour chaos dwarfs mv 6 str 6 agi 4+ pa 5+ av 10+ frenzy, horns, loner 4+, might blow, thick skull special -discount if taken with H'thark is half price, but no other centours may be on the team 300k
Zorn "Sabre-tooth" Uzkrag norse mv 7 str 4 agi 4+ av 9+ loner 4+ frenzy, block, mightblow special is that a knife? 1 time per game after armour is rolled may act as if that player had claws, but if doubles is rolled on injury act as if foul action was take 210k
"Demon" Truffel tip norse mv 6 str 2 agi 3+ av 9+ loner 4+ sneaky git, dirty player, dodge, no hands, pick me up, stunty, titchy, dauntless, monsterous mouth special: big keg this players pick me up extends 5 squares intead of 3.
may not catch or intercept, but may pick up or get a bouncing ball. 100k
Heart Ripper blood thurster chaos or khorne mv 6 str 8 agi 3+ pa 4+ av 11+ loner 4+ block, mighty blow, break tackle, diry player, decay special: double magic- this player also inludes a wizard in their cost. the coach may choose to also have the star do a wizard spell at the same time, but at end of drive they are counted as having a secret weapon 520k
Mortius great unclean one chaos or nurgle mv 3 str 7 agi 5+ pa - av 10+ loner 4+ nurgles rot, foul apperence, disturbing precence, pile driver, jump up, multiblock, stand firm, thick skull, regeneration, decay special from the warp. cost inludes a wizard 1 per game if they fail their regen they may roll again. 370k
doom diver catapult goblins, black orcs chaos pact. mv 0 str 4 agi 6+ pa 2+ av 10+ loner 4+ strong arm, throw team mate speacil this player may trow team mate 9 squares maximum instead of 6 100k
bat winged looney goblin, bloack orc, chaos pact doom diver mv 6 str 2 agi 3+ pa 5+ av 8+ loner 4+ pro, right stuff, stunty, dodge, swoop, safe landing specail: if launched from the catupult counts as having secret weapon for that drive cost: inluded with catupult these 2 players count as 1 for roster and star player maximums
W.T.T a.k.a slarga foulstrike (well trained troll) goblins, underworld, black orcs mv 5 str 6 agi 5+ pa 5+ av 10+ loner 2+, mighty blow (+1), Projectile Vomit, Really Stupid, Regeneration, Throw Team Mate, guard, piledriver special: much vomit, onces per game my vomit on two adjacent players, roll once for vomit splashback 215k
galrond goldleaf high elf linemen mv 6 str 4 agi 2+ pas 4+ av 9+ loner 4+, block, tackle, shadowing, guard special, 1 per game may treat mv as 8 for shadowing 150k
Zzharg Madeye dwarf blunderbusser mv 6 str 3 agi 3+ pas 4+ av 9+ loner 4+ dump off, safe throw, Sure Hands, Thick Skull special: he's got a gun? may act as hail marry but then will act as if secret weapon is on player 120k
Acid-Scarred Max dwarf troll slayer mv 5 str 3 agi 4+ pas – av 9+ loner 4+ Block, Dauntless, Frenzy, Thick Skull, might blow (+1), foul apperence special:that's one ugly dwarf 1 time per game a 2 acts as a 1 for foul apperence. 135k
Bork Bulge-Belly black orc black orcs mv 4 str 4 agi 4+ pas 5+ av 10+ loner 4+ Brawler, Grab, Side step, kick special: I going to be big 1 time per half may use projectile vomit 135k
"Constrictor" Atlinson runner vampire mv 8 str 3 agi 2+ pas 4+ av 8+ loner 4+ Bloodlust (2+), Hypnotic Gaze, Regeneration, Dodge, On The Ball, Pass, Safe Pass special: saited for now 1 time per game may automaticlly pass the bloodlust roll 185k
Count Viktor von Dread thrall vampire mv 7 str 3 agi 3+ pas 4+ av 10+ loner 4+ loner 3+, Block, thick skull, leader special: Almost a vampire thick skull 8,9 is counted as stun 10 is ko 95k
Dieter Hammerslash pump waggon mv 4 str 4 agi 5+ pas - av 10+ Dirty Player (+1), Juggernaut, Mighty Blow (+1), Really Stupid, Secret Weapon, Stand Firm, jump up, defensive loner 3+ special:we good boss, wakes up from ko on a 3+ 125k
Dirty Dan snots snottling mv 6 str 2 agi 3+ pas 4+ av 7+ Dodge, Right Stuff, Side Step Stunty, Swarming, Titchy, sneaky git, dirty player, stab, disturbing presence, loner 4+ special: if kicked out on a 5+ can wiggle out of the jail and come back for the next set up 1 time per game but may roll each set up till they escape or game ends 95k
Duke Luthor von Hawkfire chaos warrior chaos /nurgle mv 6 st 4 agi 3+ pas 4+ av 9+ loner 4+ pass, nerves of steel, accurate special: he got an arm, 1 time per game may act as if thay had strong arm 140k
Garak Grigolson chamilion lizardmen mv 8 str 2 agi 3+ pas 3+ av 8+ loner 4+ Dodge, On the Ball, Shadowing, Stunty, Kick, Diving Tackle, Arm Bar special: when jumping 1 time per game may be considered to have very long legs 130k
Chech & Chong kroxigore lizardmen mv 6 str 6 agi 5+ pas – av 10+ Bone Head, Loner (3+), Mighty Blow (+1), Prehensile Tail, Thick Skull, Two Heads, Block, Pro special: They have two heads reduces the loner trait as the other head is always giving advice 240k
Gaxov the Eye thrower elven union mv 6 str 3 agi 2+ pas 2+ av 8+ loner 4+ pass, safe pass special: weather eye 1 time per game may ignore the effects of the weather for 1 dice roll, excluding rushing. 95k
Gragath Sanson linemen elven union mv 6 str 3 agi 2+ pas 4+ av 8+ loner 3+ Block, Defensive, Guard special: smelling salts his personal apoth packs special salts letting him reroll a ko wake up roll should he fail to come back 1 time per half 120k
Grak 'Ng' Grak Gorthag ogre human, ogres, old world mv 5, str 6, agi 4+, pass 4+ av 10+ loner 4+ mighty blow, thick skull, block, throw team mate special: not your standard ogre, may reroll 1 time a result of a 1 on throw team mate 170k
Shallow roots Treeman halfling mv 3 str 7 agi 5+ pas 4+ av 11+ Block, Loner (4+), Mighty Blow (2+), Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Throw Team-mate, Timmm-ber!, Reliable 280k
Big Jobo Hairyfoot hefty halfling mv 5 str 3 agi 4+ pa 3+ av 9+ Dirty Player, Loner (4+), Tackle, Wrestle, Stand Firm, Fend,Stunty 150k

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