?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameCry Fowl Cup 2024: Horatio's Blessing
Organizer NAF namePhrygerator (20907)
OrganizerJoshua Gatner
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-02-24
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-02-25
StyleSwiss, Resurrection
Scoringby points
Cost$35/$45 after Feb 10/24
NAF Fee Includedyes
NAF Member Discountno
WebpageFacebook Event

Tournament Statistics


frzntoz (12737)Human
Winner with a 4W and 1T record with 10 touchdowns and 9 casualties

Runner up

Apothecary (21402)Human
Finally earns back the title of "Best Gatner" with 4W and 1L

Most Touchdowns

Ty_lepko (23207)Wood Elf
18 touchdowns scored in 5 games, an average of 3.6 TD/game!

Most Casualties

Big_Shawn (27626)Dwarf
19 casualties over the 5 games tied him with one other coach, but took the title due to the number of times St. Horatio was casualtied.

Stunty Cup

Klipper (29233)Snotling

Best Painted

hearty84 (29703)Imperial Nobility

Other Awards

trepis (27628)Chaos Dwarf
"Best Sporting Conduct" as voted on by the community
Bastich (19152)Dark Elf
"Iron Clad" award for having the best defence - only allowing 5 TD against
AdamNordquist (31146)Black Orc
"Cracked Egg" award for scoring the fewest tournament points with a record of 5 straight losses! (also called the Wooden Spoon!)
Tournament Location
AddressShowcase Comics
 1271 3 Avenue South
ZipT1J 0K2

Ruleset Document

Tournament Schedule
The tournament will be a 2-day, 5 game Swiss style, resurrection tournament. First games will be determined by random matchup. The remaining games will be determined based on tournament points.
For the first round only, we will do our best to pair players off against members that are outside of their home club. The tournament will run 5 total matches. 3 on day 1 and 2 on day 2.

February 24th, 2024
9:15 am – Registration begins
9:45 am – First Game
12:00 pm – Lunch Break
12:45 pm – Second Game
3:00 pm – Third Game
5:15 pm – Skills Draft
5:30 pm – End of Day

February 25th, 2024
10:00 am – Fourth Game
12:15 pm – Lunch
1:00 pm – Final match
3:30 PM – Awards and Conclusion

What to Bring
• Painted team with suitable models.
• Skill rings, coloured rubber bands, or another appropriate way to identify skills/positions
• Block dice
• D6s, d8, d16
• 3 copies of your team roster including skill purchases and inducements

Special Tournament Rules:
• Games will have a maximum length of 2 hours 15 minutes. If you are unable to finish within the given time frame, the referee may stop the game prematurely. A referee’s decision is final in all cases.
• ST. HORATIO – Horatio has been thoroughly abused in successive years and now only appears as a beneficent angel! The spirit of the rooster has looked down with mercy on the hard lives of the players and is willing to help them thrive.

ST. HORATIO MA3/ST1/AG4+/PA-/AV6+ Ball&Chain, Dauntless, Dodge, Stunty, Titchy, No Hands, Fowl Wisdom (Once per team turn, when a player that is in an adjacent square is activated, that player may gain either the Sprint, Leap, Pro, or Dirty Player (+1) skill until the end of their activation)

Whenever a player of either team suffers an injury, St. Horatio will appear in the newly vacated square. Being an angel, he will not assist blocks for either team, but is counted as an opponent in all cases where agility penalty might be applied. ie pickups, throws, hypnotic gaze, etc. If/when further injuries are suffered, St. Horatio will vacate his current square and appear in the newly injured player’s square. If St. Horatio suffers a casualty, he is removed from the board but can return if further injuries are suffered.

If St. Horatio has replaced your player most recently, you may activate him as per the Ball&Chain rule before your turn begins. Because this activation takes place outside your team turn, rerolls cannot be used and turnovers are not caused.

Rules Not In Effect
• There are no special pitch rules or special balls. The kick-off table, weather table, and Prayers to Nuffle table remain standard.
• Teams will resurrect at the end of each game. No SPPs, injuries or any roster changes carry over between games.
• Illegal Procedure and the 4-minute time limit will not be enforced.
• Teams with the ability to raise killed players will be allowed to, but they will not carry over to the next game.

Team Building
• All NAF sanctioned teams are eligible.
• Teams get 1.2 million gold to construct their roster. This can be spent on players, rerolls, inducements, cheerleaders, assistant coaches, and/or an apothecary.
• Teams must purchase a minimum of 11 rostered players.
• Teams may only purchase the following inducements at the standard cost:
o (0-3) Bribes
o (0-2) Bloodweiser Kegs
o (0-1) Halfing Master Chef (available to Halfing teams only)
o (0-1) Riotous Rookies (available to Snotling teams only)
o (0-2) Star Players

Skill Packages
Depending on which tier your team is in, you can add additional skills to your players based on a set number of points. Each unspent point can be redeemed for a 10K increase in team building budget.

Each primary skill will cost 1 point. No skill can be chosen more than twice.
If you want to select a secondary skill, there is an extra +1 skill tax.
For each skill you stack on a player beyond the first, there is a +2 skill tax.
If you induce a star player, there is a +2 skill tax. Your tax doubles to four for each “Mega-Star” star: Griff Oberwald, Hakflem Skuttlespike, Deeproot Strongbranch, Morg ‘N’ Thorg, Bomber Dribblesnot, and Kreek Rustgouger.

• Tier 1 (5 Points)
Amazon, Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, High Elf, Lizardmen, Norse, Orc, Shambling Undead, Skaven, Underworld.
• Tier 2 (7 Points)
Chaos Pact, Human, Khemri, Khorne, Necromantic Horror, Elf Union, Old World Alliance, Slann, Wood Elf.
• Tier 3 (9 Points).
Black Orc, Chaos Chosen, Imperial Nobility, Nurgle, Vampire, Snotling.
• Tier 4 (11 Points)
Goblin, Halfling, Ogre

For example, A Wardancer could be given Pro and Mighty Blow for 5 points. One point is spent on Pro, with another 4 for Mighty Blow (1 +1 for a secondary +2 for a stack).

Skills Draft
At the end of the first day, there will be two rounds of a skill draft. Starting with the lowest tournament points and working towards the highest, each coach may select a skill from the list below and have it assigned to any player without the Loner skill. If they selected a skill that is not a primary skill available to a player on their team, they forfeit their second-round selection. Once a skill is selected, it is removed from the skills available and may not be selected by another coach.

Skills Available (60 total):
Agility: Catch, Diving Catch, Diving Tackle, Dodge, Defensive, Jump Up, Leap, Safe Pair of Hands, Sidestep, Sneaky Git, Sprint, Sure Feet
General: Block, Dauntless, Dirty Player, Fend, Frenzy, Kick, Pro, Shadowing, Strip Ball, Sure Hands, Tackle, Wrestle
Mutations: Big Hand, Claws, Disturbing Presence, Extra Arms, Foul Appearance, Horns, Iron Hard Skin, Monstrous Mouth, Prehensile Tail, Tentacles, Two Heads, Very Long Legs
Passing: Accurate, Cannoneer, Cloud Burster, Dump-Off, Fumblerooksie, Hail Mary Pass, Leader, Nerves of Steel, On the Ball, Pass, Running Pass, Safe Pass
Strength: Arm Bar, Brawler, Break Tackle, Grab, Guard, Juggernaut, Mighty Blow, Multiple Block, Pile Driver, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull

Tournament Scoring
Win = 65
Loss = 0
Tie = 30

In the case of a tie, tie breakers are in the following order:
- Number of St. Horatios Casualtied
- TD differential (TD scored - TD against)
- CAS difference (Cas inflicted - Cas received)
- Head-to-Head record (if applicable)

Glittering Prizes
The following awards will be available. Only one performance award can be earned per player.

Performance Awards:
• Cry Fowl Cup Champion – Most Overall Points
• End Boss – Second Most Overall Points
• High Octane – Most Touchdowns Scored
• Most Brutal – Most Casualties Inflicted
• Iron Clad – Fewest Touchdowns Allowed
• Cracked Egg – Fewest Overall Points

Community Choice Awards
• Best Model – Best Painting/Display
• Sportsmanship – Outstanding Positive Conduct

Swag and Prizes
Every dollar collected will be given back to the players in the form of trophies, swag, door prizes and gift cards. The more people that register, the bigger the prize budget!


Tournament Report
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