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Blood Bowl is a rough sport, people get hurt! rightstar
Tournament NameThe Gritty Goblin (Blood Bowl) Games II
Organizer NAF namelancelott (32062)
OrganizerKyle Ott
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-02-24
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-02-24
ScoringWin - 3, Draw - 1, Loss - 0
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno
WebpageGritty Goblin Games

Tournament Statistics


mgetty (15134)Skaven

Runner up

deurbroucq (33209)Elf Union

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

neilpferd (5232)Underworld Denizens
Survivor Award
gnarlly (26251)Goblin
Goblin Cup
Tournament Location
Address5017 Euclid Dr
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

The Gritty Goblin (Blood Bowl) Games II
(The Gobbo Strikes Back)

February 24, 2024
Gritty Goblin Games
6420 Freetown Rd, Columbia, MD 21044

Sure, we all love Blood Bowl, who doesn’t love a fantasy themed sports game focused on violence? However, if we are truly honest with ourselves what we love are the secret weapons and the goblins that wield them! The impossible physics! The unreliable results! The fear caused by such a small player! It is wonderfully destructive and beautiful.

Unfortunately, there are few tournaments dedicated to celebrating this very special part of Blood Bowl. BUT FEAR NOT, we have come to rectify this gross injustice! In this unique and NAF approved Blood Bowl Seven’s tournament all coaches will be encouraged to bring those beautiful imps of destruction to the pitch with special inducements that will see wizards turning opposing players into goblins! These transformed goblin players will be randomly determined to be one of six of the unique goblins from the official goblin team and encouraged to run rampage against the opposing team. Sounds like a BLAST, amiright?!?!

Registration: 10:00 - 10:30
Game 1: 10:30-12:00
Game 2: 12:00-1:30
Lunch Break: 1:30- 2:30
Game 3: 2:30-4:00
Game 4: 4:00-5:30
Game 5: 5:30-7:00
Awards Presentation: 7:15
If coaches are not finished with their game by the specified ending time, they must finish their current turn then submit their score sheets to the TO.
$10 Payment
Payments due by February 10th.
Rosters due by February 17th.
Payments to Paypal @lancel0tt (make sure to select friends and family) .
Rosters can be submitted ott.kyle.a@gmail.com

Your Blood Bowl Team
6 copies of your roster
7’s Pitch (if you have one, we will have some extras but always appreciate others pitches)
Pen or pencil
Block Dice, D8, Throw-in Templates
A model (or models) to represent what your players will be transformed into
5 games of 7’s
2 D6
Hopefully an appreciation of the joys of goblins and secret weapons
All Blood Bowl 2020 races & rosters available from the Second Season Rulebook, Teams of Legend pdf, as well as the NAF-approved roster for Slann. It is heavily encouraged, but not required, that coaches bring a team that utilizes goblins (e.g. Black Orcs, Orcs, Chaos Renegades, Underworld Denizens, etc.)
No star players are allowed. The stars are the Goblins!!!
600,000 gp to spend on your team
You must hire 7 players to a maximum of 11 players, and only 4 non-linemen players allowed
Re-rolls cost double (they’re amateurs)
Inducements must be bought at team creation, at the pricing provided in the Death Zone manual (see Death Zone p.93 for a full list of allowed inducements).
Desperate measures may only be rostered as an inducement if your team is a Goblin team. Goblin teams get one desperate measure for free, remember Goblins are always better when they are desperate!

The Leader skill requires two skill points to be purchased for one player (i.e. only Tier 2 and 3 can purchase with Tier 3 having one additional skill point to spend)

No wizards, infamous coaching staff, mercenary players or other inducements not listed in the Sevens Rules may be induced
Exception is a ‘goblin wizard’ that is included free for any participating team team and is described in ‘The Gritty Goblin Special!’ rules below.
The standard Weather table as found in the Blood Bowl 2020 rulebook will be used.
Each team is allowed to give players additional skills within the restrictions below.
Teams will have a number of additional skills based on the Team Tier ratings.
● Tier 1: Amazon, Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, High Elf, Lizardmen, Norse, Shambling Undead, Skaven, Underworld Denizens, Wood Elves
● Tier 2: Black Orc, Chaos Chosen, Chaos Renegades, Elven Union, Human, Imperial Nobility, Khorne, Necromantic Horror, Nurgle, Old World Alliance, Orc, Tomb Kings, Vampire, Slann.
● Tier 3: Goblin, Halfing, Ogre, Snotling
No player can be given more than 1 additional skill as discussed below:
● Tier 1: 1 skill, must be a primary
● Tier 2: 2 skills, up to 1 of which may be a secondary.
● Tier 3: 3 skills, up to 2 of which may be a secondary.

The Gritty Goblin Special Inducements!
As this tournament is being played at The Gritty Goblin Games, there are plenty of goblins in the stands and they have all brought their secret weapons, itching for an opportunity to use them on the pitch! This is represented by the special “roving goblin wizards” that are also ubiquitous at this event and eager to join in the fun! While not versed in the ‘traditional magics and the corresponding fireballs or lightning bolts, these wizards are nevertheless devotees of Gork (...or maybe it was Mork?) and more than capable of calling on their god’s prodigious powers. Every team will have one roving goblin wizard. Once per half as the very last action of a player’s turn the player controlling the goblin wizard can choose to turn a player on the pitch into a goblin (their own team or the opposing coach’s team). The targeted coach assigns numbers to each of their players on the pitch and randomly determines one to be turned into a goblin. The goblin wizard then transforms one of the players to a random goblin from the crowd, rolling a d6 and consult the following table to see what kind of goblin fan they’ve been gifted:
Goblin Wizard Special Inducement:
Dice Roll
Special Weapon
Color Band
Fanatic (ball and chain)
Looney (chainsaw)
Booma (Bombardier)
Pogoer (Pogo Sick)
‘Ooligan (Dirty Player, disturbing Presence)
Goblin Lineman

The stats for these players can be found on page 114 of the Blood Bowl 2020 rule book and are found in the appendix at the end of these rules.
If the player who is turned into a goblin is prone or stunned the replaced player is placed standing. If the player is turned into a goblin with the ‘no hands’ ability and has the ball, the ball immediately is dropped and will bounce from the ball carrier’s space. If that player suffers a casualty or is knocked out, they are placed in reserves and available for the next drive in their original form (they climb out of the stands and back into the dugout, kicking and punching goblins as they go). If the player does not suffer a casualty or is knocked out, they are returned to their original form at the start of the next drive (again, the original player forcing their way back onto the field, and kicking the gobbo imposter off!).
The Gritty Goblin Special Scoring!
Now, while every goblin fan loves a good injury causing secret weapon, we all know their second love is fouling! And, the fans at this tournament are looking for every boot to the face and kick in the junk they can find, along with all the damage done by their goblin brethren. Therefore, a separate tally of successful fouling and injuries caused by any and all goblins will be kept in order to award the Goblin Cup Champion. These Goblin Points may be earned in the following ways and STACK where appropriate. While any team may play in this competition and take advantage of the ‘Goblin from the Crowd’ inducement, teams that include goblins (Orc, Black Orc, Chaos Renegades, Goblin or Underworld Denizens) will have an advantage as these teams will have multiple goblins that could potentially contribute to this special scoring:
+1 Point for every TD scored via a Goblin
+1 Point for every successful foul (armor break) committed via a Goblin, when he is not caught by the refs
+1 Point for every successful bribe (the crowd loves when they get away with a foul)
+1 Point for every casualty (beyond KO) caused via a Goblin (including crowd surfs).
Note: this could be your own goblins. For instance, failed GFI by your own goblin results in a cas? 1 point. Your fanatic kills one of your own players? 1 point. Your fanatic kills one of their own teammates and themselves? 2 points! etc.
The Coach with the most Goblin Points at the end of the tournament will receive the Goblin Cup (Tie breakers will be settled using total TD for, then TD differential.
Example 1
Goblin fouls an ogre, breaking armor and causing a casualty. This grants 2 (two) Goblin Points: 1 (one) point for a successful foul of a model that removes them from the pitch and 1 (one) point for causing a casualty by your goblin.
Example 2
Goblin fouls a player, removes that model via KO but I rolled doubles and failed the “argue the call” results in 0 (zero) points (you got caught).
Example 3
Goblin as the ball carrier blitzes another player in the endzone, pushing them into the crowd which causes a casualty and then proceeds to move into the endzone scoring a touchdown. This grants 2 (two) Goblin Points: 1 (one) point for a successful casualty from the crowd and 1 (one) point for scoring a touchdown.
Outrageous Example
The first round of matches will be randomized. Each following round will be determined through Swiss pairings. Points are awarded as follows:
Win - 3 points
Draw - 1 point
Loss - 0 points
Tiebreakers are as follows: TD for, Goblin Points, TD differential, a fanatic race from one endzone to the other (on separate pitches)

1st Place
2nd Place
Goblin Cup Champion
Survivor Award - Coach who suffers the most SPP generating casualties (i.e. not self inflicted)

APPENDIX: Goblin Stats
Position MA ST AG PA AV Skills
Fanatic 3 7 3+ - 8+ Ball & Chain*, No Hands*, Secret Weapon*, Stunty*
Looney 6 2 3+ - 8+ Chainsaw*, Secret Weapon*, Stunty*
Bomma 6 2 3+ 4+ 8+ Bombardier, Dodge, Secret Weapon*, Stunty*
Pogoer 7 2 3+ 5+ 8+ Dodge, Pogo Stick, Stunty*
Ooligan 6 2 3+ 6+ 8+ Dirty Player (+1), Disturbing Presence*, Dodge, Right Stuff*, Stunty*
Goblin Lineman 6 2 3+ 4+ 8+ Dodge, Right Stuff*, Stunty*

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