?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameThe Bower House Winter Warmer II The Second Arc
Organizer NAF namesn34kyb4c0n (29846)
OrganizerJason Cunningham
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-01-20
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-01-20
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountyes

Tournament Statistics


Runner up

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressBower House Inn
ZipCA19 1TD
NationUnited Kingdom

Ruleset Document


1 day event held in the Lake district
Please go too link for full details or any Qs

Lunch Provided so please contact myself for any dietry requirments

Anime themed tourney for the geek and nerds

The pub is dog and child friendly

the Pub and others in the valley have accomadation if wish to make it a weekend away in the lakes and all child and dog friendly

Hope too see you on the gridiron, infront off the fire, sharing a drink and swearing at dice
see you there
Big J aka Sn34kyB4c0n

Ticket Price £20 max 30 people
Goodies provided,dice models depending which skill package you choose and surprises and Lunch will be pub grub provided by the Bower House, menu will be provided week before the event and 1 free pint or soft drink

You will need
• Team
• Pitch
• Templates
• Rulebook
• Patience is key
Bower House Inn Eskdale CA191TD
Lunch Provided, once ticket has been paid for menu will be sent for you too choose
930-1000 Registration
1000-1215 Game 1
1215-1300 dinner
1300-1515 Game 2
1515-1530 Break
1530-1800 Game 3
1815-1830 awards

This is a Swiss style resurrection tournament
Each team will consist off a team costing 1.2mil GP and 1 G.A.S.H trained player
All races are allowed from 2020 rule book, Spike 16 Vamps allowed and in tier 2

Team Tiers
• Tier 1: DARK ELF,Amazons,Dwarf,Orcs,Lizardmen,Norse,Skaven,Undead,Underworld,Chorf
• Tier 2: Humans,Imp.Nobility,High Elf,Pro Elf,Necromantic,Khorne,Vamps,
• Tier 3: Nurgle,Chaos,O.W.A.,Slann/Kislev,Wood Elves, Khemri,Chaos Renegade,Black Orc
• Tier 4: Goblins,Ogres,Snots,Halflings (all other stunties please inquire for UW or Lizard)

Team Building
Coaches have 1,200,000 gold pieces when building your team, you may buy
• Must have Min 11 roster players
• 0-8 Rerolls
• Asst.Coaches
• Cheerleaders
• 0-1 Apocathery,Igor or plague Doctor
• Inducements from 2020 rulebook,Death Zone(no Mercs…chris), and all upto date Spike Magazines allowed also new November FAQ2023
• 0-1 YOU, below there is a guide depending on your chosen team too build yourself after your G.A.S.H training, all explained below
• No Special Cards

Tier Skills
1. 5 x Primary, 1 x Secondary
2. 6 x Primary, 1 x Secondary
3. 7 x Primary, 1 x Secondary
4. 8 x Primary, 2 x Secondary
• Stacking on 2 Players only
• No skill maybe taken more than twice, only Tier 4 teams may duplicate Secondary Skills,Tier 4 teams may take the same skill more than twice
• Any team may exchange 2 Primary skills for a an additional Secondary Skill or a secondary for a primary

After you took the time too read the intro,travel the distance, complete your G.A.S.H training lets see what YOU can do.
Choose an unskilled player on your team
You may choose any positional too be YOU. If it has a loner trait drop the loner trait too 3+
You May add now 3 Primary Skills
You may replace 2 primary’s skills for a secondary
You may replace all 3 Primary skills for a Stat Increase

Now Select a Temple of G.A.S.H YOU trained in

Temple of Hidden Leaf
You have honed your mind and learned the whistles off the bamboo, you’ve learnt too control the flow off chakra, who knew the Lord had contacts this far and wide, Pick your sensei
• Kakashi – Gain Dodge,sidestep,Hypnotic gaze(please note you must scream Scharingan when you this ability….or it may not work)
• Guy Sensei – 5th Gate (can only be taken by str2 or lower) Gain STR3+,Ball and Chain and Mighty Blow
• Demon cloak Naruto – Gain claw and Dauntless, if str 2 or lower also Gain the special ability BLIND RAGE

Temple of the Blood Dragon
You choose too go where the witch elves train thinking you could score but it was you who got scored on, there constant beatings from there kicks finally shows why there all blood thirsty, once you succumb too the frenzied rage you must select a patron saint off the blood dragon too master
• Gain the frenzy skill and Mighty Blow then select which Patron Saint you mastered
• Patron Saint Judeta – Gain the dodge skill
• Patron Saint Betty – Gain Jump up skill

Temple of the Shadows
Here you learn too move without noise, too extend yourself beyond reality, then there’s the masters. You know their there…..you hear there teachings but when do you get too see them? After your extensive training in what can only be described as a void you see two openings, the left one smells off damp vegetation ad sounds like a running river, the right smells off sweat and blood and all you hear is blades clashing
• Gain +1 Ma and the shadowing skill
• Left Door – gain on the ball skill
• Right Door – gain the Stab ability

Temple of Bonsai
Big guys are only allowed to train in this temple and not much is known about there methods, there temple is surrounded by a mix of strange towering bamboo and bonsai trees, what’s strange is that you see silhouettes off little people being thrown from the trees shadows or jumping from branch too branch, but the 4 Legendary masters produce some off the worst demons too hold the line on a gridiron. (Please note, if you choose a STR4 postional as YOU and gave them a STAT for STR and are now STR5 you may have access too Bonsai proving your worth)
• Miyagi Master of the Bonsai: (Tree models only)Gain +1STR, Gain Multiple Block,Lose take root skill
• Akuma Master of the Dark Hado: If favoured of Chaos gain 3 chosen mutations, if not gain disturbing presence foul appearance and 1 chosen mutation or
• Chuck Norris enough said: Gain the Pro Skill and select 2 more Primary Skills or 1 Secondary or
• Broly Master off Berserk Energy: Gain Frenzy skill and at the beginning off each game roll a D3 and add that many Primary skills following the same rules as above when adding the 3 original skills. If a 6 is rolled on the D3 the 3 additional skills may all be secondary skills, If a 1 is rolled he gains 1 Secondary skill and his Loner goes too 5+ for first half 6+ for the second half

Temple of Piccolo
If you know you know what your training will be about, it will make gohans experience look like a 1st class ticket on the orient express
• Gain the dodge and sidestep skill and fend
• When this player gets injured if he is KO’d he gets +1 too his KO roll, if he receives any other injury the first time he does he may use a senzu bean on a 2+ and be transferred too the reserves, if he receives a death he may use the dragon balls, on a roll of a 1 try again next half, 2-5 he revives in the reserve box but is only available the next half, on a 6 he revives where he died, yes that’s on the pitch u were that ready. Dragonballs may only be used once per tourney (as it took you all year too gather them and its OG shenron, nice try)

Temple of BANKAI
With the rise off evil spirits and enemies of old, the Lord himself asked his friends from the next plane for assistance, and a man in a hat responded. With his staff he runs the local gardens shop and its biggest crucible
• Gain Mighty Blow,sure feet and sprint
• BAN-KAI!!!!!!!!
You can release your BANKAI when even you wish, and when you do must must shout BANKAI!
The first time you release your BANKAI gain the chainsaw trait
The second time you release your BANKAI also gain the secret weapon trait,you may not argue the call or use a Bribe as the second release drained you off all strength too continue playing

Now your ready too prove your self to the G.A.S.H Master himself and prove you are the chosen one, now you would be able too save Mr Bean

How too win
This will be a straight up wins means wins tourney
Win 3 points
Draw 2 point
Loss 1 points
End tourney draws will go TD diff, Cas Diff, Temple Tracker if needed

Temple Tracker
There will be also certain stats too track.
Every time YOU make impact (basically how much spp YOU would earn over 3 games no MVPs)
3 TD, 2 CAS,2 interception,1 pass,….1 foul,5 arguing the call,2 reviving for KO,5 being revived by other means

Most cas
Most Tds
Best Painted
Legend of the Temple

Tournament Report
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