?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameThe Se7ens Snowbowl
Organizer NAF namembernard623 (34623)
OrganizerMaria Bernard
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-01-27
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-01-27
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


FACESTOMP (24606)Slann

Runner up

shoshie (30472)Orc

Most Touchdowns

terranova (33079)Dark Elf

Most Casualties

chicken33 (33816)Ogre

Stunty Cup

ra9662 (31386)Goblin

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressDragon's Lair
 21145 Tomball Pkwy
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

In the dead of winter, when the world is gray and dreary, only one thing can stir the titans of the gridiron from their slumber: the rumblings of a tournament. Still half-asleep and hungover from ringing in the new year, the only thing to get the blood pumping is The Se7vens Snowbowl!

Full Rules and FAQ: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pj5jKl65V9NDRtW8VQoUMYvJxlRt6FOIP-n0GpeaUiE/edit?usp=sharing

Registration: https://tourplay.net/en/blood-bowl/the-se7ens-snowbowl


Entry Fee: $25 (PayPal mbernard623@gmail.com and use the Friends and Family or it will be returned or Venmo to @Maria-Bernard-2)
Bring with you: Everything you need to play (team, dice, pitch, templates, etc.) and a copy of your roster to give to opponents; contact TO mbernard623@gmail.com
NAF membership: Yes Required
Sign up on Tourplay at: https://tourplay.net/en/blood-bowl/the-se7ens-snowbowl
Make sure your NAF Username and NAF ID are entered in your account on Tourplay.
We will be using the official Second Season 7s rules from the 2021 Death Zone, as well as that manual's pricing for inducements (no desperate measures).
Team build is 600,000gp to purchase players and inducements.
No star players are allowed
Weather table: Winter Weather Table (Deathzone p.78 or see below)

Skill Packs:
Tier 1: 1 Points
Tier 2: 2 Points
Tier 3: 3 Points

Primary Skills cost 1 point. Secondary Skills cost 2 points. No more than 3 of the same skill can be allocated across the team. No more than 2 skills can be given to an individual player.

Tier 1 Teams: Underworld, Elf Union, Skaven, High Elf, Amazon, Norse, Lizardmen, Chaos Renegade, Dark Elf, Vampire
Tier 2 Teams: Orc, Wood Elf, Chaos Chosen, Human, Chaos Dwarf, Imperial Nobility, Old World Alliance, Shambling Undead, Dwarf, Tomb Kings, Khorne, Black Orc
Tier 3 Teams: Snotling, Slann, Necromantic Horror, Goblin, Halfling, Ogre, Nurgle

Special Rules:
FrostBite Snowverlord the Snowman Assassin
Before the tournament, each player will receive a “FrostBite” mini and everyone will get a chance to field him on the pitch. At the beginning of the third round, he will join each team’s roster and can be played throughout the rest of the tournament as each coach sees fit.
He will have the following stats:
MA 7, ST 3, AG 2+, PA -, AV 8+, Shadowing, Stab, Sidestep, Block, No Hands

10:00 - 10:15 Registration
10:30 - 11:45 Round 1
12:00 - 12:30 Lunch
12:45 - 2:00 Round 2
2:15 - 3:30 Round 3
3:45 - 5:00 Round 4
5:15 - Awards

Tournament Points to be awarded
Win 7 Points
Tie 3 Points
Loss 1 Points

Tie Breakers: TD Differential, Overall CAS, Sonneborn–Berger score

Participation: Event Dice and Event Miniature
1st Place
2nd Place
Most Touchdowns
Most Casualties
Stunty Cup *Requires at least 3 stunty teams to participate (Includes Halflings, Ogres, Goblins, Snotlings, Underworld with no Skaven, Lizards with no Saurus, Black Orcs with no Black Orcs)

Trickledown Award Economics in effect: only one award per player. If a player qualifies for more than one the 2nd award will be awarded to the next highest player by tiebreakers.


2 Cold Winds: The fans are shivering in the stands as a viciously cold wind blows steadily down the pitch. Apply a -1 modifier every time a player tests against their Passing Ability. Players also find it harder to get motivated and get back on the pitch. Additionally, during Step 2 of the End of Drive sequence, apply a -1 modifier when rolling to see if any player in the knocked-out box recovers.

3 Freezing: A sudden cold snap turns the ground as hard as granite (and not the ‘astro’ variety that players are used to). When a player Falls Over or is Knocked Down, the coach of the opposing team must apply a +1 modifier when making an armor roll against them.

4-10 Perfect Conditions: It’s rather chilly and it’s threatening to rain (or snow), but considering the time of year, the conditions are almost perfect for Blood Bowl.

11 Heavy Snow: Freezing conditions and heavy falls of snow make the footing treacherous. Apply a -1 modifier every time a player attempts to Rush an extra square. Additionally, the poor visibility means that only Quick and Short passes can be attempted.

12 Blizzard: Freezing conditions and heavy falls of snow make the footing treacherous. Apply a -1 modifier every time a player attempts to Rush an extra square. Additionally, the poor visibility means that only Quick and Short passes can be attempted.

Tournament Report
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