?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameRöstigraben Bowl
Organizer NAF namebenito (32368)
OrganizerBenoit Casteret
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-03-17
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-03-17
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


piogele (27730)Underworld Denizens

Runner up

Fnyrksz (27725)Underworld Denizens

Most Touchdowns

piogele (27730)Underworld Denizens

Most Casualties

piogele (27730)Underworld Denizens

Stunty Cup

benito (32368)Goblin

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressPlanche supérieure 24

Ruleset Document

8.30 - 9.00 Arrival
9.00 - 11.30 game 1
11.30 - 12.30 lunch
12.30 - 15.00 game 2
15.15 - 17.45 game 3
18.00 results awards

If after one hour and a half, players haven't finished the first half, a timer will be set.

Beverages can be buy on place (water, ice tea, bier)

Cost : 10 chf, free for the member of the tabletop warrior association.

Maximum participants : 20

Rules : BB2020 with the last FAQ (November 2023) all starplayers and new vampires allowed.

Scoring :
Win : 300 pts
Draw : 100 pts
Loss : 0 pts
TD : 3 pts
CAS : 2 pts ( block action, foul, secret weapon, push in the public)
Pass : 1 pts ( succesful throw team mate include)

Creating your team :

You must hired 11 players minimum star players not included.

-Tier 1 : Chaos dwarves, dark elves, dwarfs, humans, lizardmen, orcs, undead, wood elves
Gold 1.100 k
A : 6 primary skills(ps)
B : 4 ps, 1 secondary skill (ss)
C : 3 ps, 1 starplayer

- Tier 2 : Amazon, elves union, high elves, necromantic horrors, Norse, skaven, underworld
Gold 1.125 k
A : 7 ps
B : 5 ps, 1 ss
C : 4 ps, 1 starplayer

- Tier 3 : black orcs, chaos chosen, imperial nobility, Khemri, Khorne, Nurgle, vampires
Gold 1.150k
A : 7 ps, 1 ss
B : 5 ps, 2 ss
C : 5 ps , 1 starplayer

- Tier 4 : chaos renegade, old world alliance
Gold 1.175k
A : 8 ps, 1 ss
B : 6 ps, 2 ss
C : 6 ps, 1 starplayer

- Tier 5 : halflings, gobelins, ogres, snotlings
Gold 1.200 k
A : 8 ps, 2 ss
B : 6 ps, 3 ss
C : 6 ps, 1 star player
D : 4 ps, 2 starplayers

Stacking not permitted
No additional skills for starplayer allowed
If 2 opposing teams have the same starplayer, the star will watch the game with the crowd.

Additional cost for mega stars
Morg and Griff : 3 primary skills
Deeproot, Hakflem , Kreak, Bomber, Skitter : 2 primary skills
Wilhem : 1 primary skill

Inducements :
0-8 Rerolls (variable)
0-6 Assitants (10k)
0-12 cheerleaders (10k)
1-6 fans (10k), first one is free
0-1 apothecary 50k or plague doctor or Igor 100k
0-2 bloodweiser keg (50k)
0-3 bribes 100k, 50k for bribery and corruption
0-1 halfling chef 300k, 100k for halflings
0-1 riotous rookies 100k
0-1 biased referees 120k, 80k for bribery and corruption

(Approved - Twyllenimor 04.12.2023)

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