?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameWest Middenland Open 2024
Organizer NAF namePercyTheTroll (24309)
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-11-30
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-11-30
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Runner up

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressAcocks Green Baptist Church
 39 Yardley Rd
ZipB27 6HG
NationUnited Kingdom

Ruleset Document

09:30 – 10:00 Registration
10:00 – 12:15 Game 1
12:15 – 12:45 Lunch
12:45 – 15:00 Game 2
15:15 – 17:30 Game 3
17:30 – 18:00 Awards

The Rules

The West Middenland Open will abide by the latest guidelines for all NAF tournaments, last published in January 2023. The event will follow Games Workshop’s Designer’s Commentary from May 2023 and current Teams of Legend documents. Any publications released by Games Workshop before October 31st, 2024 (such as a new Spike! magazine or rules in miniature packs) are also eligible for use.

Team Building

Rosters are purchased with a treasury of 1,200,000 gold crowns.
All teams currently approved for tournaments will be allowed to play. This includes the teams in the Blood Bowl 2020 Rule book, the Teams of Legend and the NAF-approved Slann roster.
The only inducements allowed are:
0–1 Halfing Master Chef
0–3 Bribes
0–1 Biased Ref
0–2 Bloodweiser Kegs
0–2 Star Players
0-1 Riotous Rookies

Star players may only be added after 11 regular players have been purchased
All Star Players with Games Workshop published rules for Blood Bowl 2020 will be accepted except:
Morg n Thorg
Griff Oberwald
Bomber Dribblesnot
Hackflem Skuttlespike
Cindy Piewhistle
Kreek Rustgouger

Rosters must be submitted via TourPlay. For every part day the roster is late past midnight on Friday the 24th November, 1 skill will be randomly deleted from your team.

Tier 1 teams are:
Chaos Dwarf
Dark Elf
Elven Union
High Elf
Necromantic Horror
Shambling Undead
Wood Elf

Tier 2 teams are:
Black Orc
Chaos Chosen
Chaos Renegades
Imperial Nobility
Old World Alliance
Tomb Kings

Tier 3 teams are:

Tier 1 teams may add 6 primary skills
Tier 2 teams may add 5 primary skills and 1 secondary skill
Tier 3 teams may add 5 primary skills and 2 secondary skills

Only 1 skill may be taken per player.
Star Players cannot take extra skills.

You Will Need
A painted team (minimum 3 colours)
Board and dugout
At least ONE printed roster

Tournament Scoring
Each match in the tournament will be scored as follows:
15 points for a win
8 points for a draw
0 points for a loss
1 point per touchdown (up to a maximum of 3)
1 point per CAS† caused (up to a maximum of 3)
1 point for a clean sheet
† Any and every action that causes a casualty counts – including fouls, surfs and bombs as well as good old-
fashioned hitting people hard.


The following prizes will be awarded:
First Place – Winner of the coveted Wolf’s-head trophy
Second Place
Third Place
Most Brutal
Best Defence
Best Offense
Stunty cup
Best Painted

It is only possible to win one prize per team (except Best Painted). If the overall winner also scores most touch- downs, the latter will cascade down to the next best.

Match Rules
If either coach would usually roll on the Prayers to Nuffle table, they must instead roll on the Percy the Troll table.

Percy the Troll Table
D8 Result
1) Percy’s Pointy Stick: Percy lends your team his very important pointy stick. Choose one player on your team, without the Loner (X+) trait, that is available to play during this drive. Until the end of this drive, that player gains the Stab skill.

2) ZOG OFF AN’ LEAVE ME ALONE!: Percy teaches his secret technique for getting some quiet time (the secret is shouting). Choose one player on your team, without the Loner (X+) trait, that is available to play during this drive. Until the end of this drive, that player gains the Fend skill.

3) Percy’s Perfect Tactics: Percy huddles with one of your players, explaining a little of his tactical genius. Choose one player on your team, without the Loner (X+) trait, that is available to play during this drive. Until the end of this drive, that player gains the Pro skill.

4) Percy’s Troll Moonshine: Percy has been handing out shots of his homebrew to the opposition. Randomly select 3 players on the opposition team, without the Loner (X+) trait, that are on the pitch. Until the end of this drive they gain the Drunkard trait.

5) Twist it, don’t pull it off: Percy explains how to deal with referees that get ideas above their station. Until the next kick off you may add +1 to all Argue the Call rolls.

6)Many! Lots! Hut hut hut!: Percy calls a new play and your team springs into action. D3+3 players on your team may be moved to a new legal setup.

7) You’d better run!: Percy has taken a dislike to one of your players and they’ve wisely decided to scarper. Choose one player on your team, without the Loner (X+) trait, that is available to play during this drive. Until the end of this drive, that player gains MA+1 up to a maximum of 9

8) Percy’s Powerful Potion: Percy hands you a tiny vial of his highly exclusive Eau do Troll for one of your players.Choose one player on your team, without the Loner (X+) trait, that is available to play during this drive. Until the end of this drive, that player gains the Mighty Blow (+1) skill and the Really Stupid trait.

Tournament Report
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